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Hey guys, diaper update time! I love making these long winded intros, but honestly, there’s too much to talk about this month. So let’s skip all of that and get right into my diapers.

You know, just when I think I’ve reached the bottom of my urinary incontinence. I seemingly find another bottom that I didn’t even know was possible XD. In the last couple diaper updates I’ve talked about how I was close to 100% incontinent when it comes to wetting myself. Looking back, that wasn’t entirely accurate.

In the past couple months I’ve gotten super good at wetting myself without noticing. I thought that would be the end of it, but surprisingly there’s “the next level” in terms of being urinary diaper dependent, and I guess I couldn’t have foreseen it because I’ve never been this incontinent before (at least, that I remember lol). I didn’t think it was possible to become this oblivious to how wet my diapers are. That’s really the biggest development I’ve noticed in my never-ending training the past one ½ months. Like, I’m starting to leak about 4-6 times a week. It’s nearly every single day. Between August-October, I would notice my diaper is getting fuller, and feel a very weak twinge in my physical bladder muscles. I’d feel my diaper, and if I was getting close to leaking, I’d change right there.

But here’s the thing, I have no idea when I wet myself anymore. I’m also not noticing when my diaper is getting close to max. I’m SO used to being in a wet diaper, that it’s just how my body feels down there. It’s like how you’re accustomed to wearing dry boxers or panties. I am used to being wet, and it’s oddly disorienting. I don’t think about it. And it’s making me a leaky girl.

I’m not really doing much to prevent it to be honest. I kinda like being leaky. (Like I said in previous updates, I wear my pee pants all day long, idc if they get wet. I’ve also put plastic padding under my most frequently used surfaces like my desk chair, couch, bed, etc. It sucked having to buy it all at first, but I was tired of scrubbing out stains). It’s hot to me, and it’s the most helpless little feeling I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. Literally, there’s nothing that gets me into little headspace more than feeling pee suddenly roll down my leg. I also feed that feeling too if I’m being honest.

Going along with that, I’ve been really getting into little mode lately. I’m spending on average 30 minutes to half an hour each day playing at my little age (I like going deep, I try to regress to 6 months to 1 year, normally I’m non-verbal). I’ve always done it sporadically, but it’s become a daily part of my life in the past month. I’ve been stressed with some personal drama in my life lately. Going into little zone has become my release from this world. I literally tell myself, “Maggie, you leave your adult self outside the little bubble. You’re not an adult, you’re a baby, and you have no idea what adult Maggie is dealing with in life.” It’s amazing. I turn on cartoons, put on a fresh diaper, pull out some of my little toys, listen to hypnosis, and I’m right in the zone. I HIGHLY recommend it for all of you. It’s not just relaxing, but also fun! We’re all low key still babies on the inside. Don’t be afraid to indulge that.

Continuing with my diaper ramblings. I’m still making progress with messing. It’s going to take a long time though. I’m pretty far from incontinence, however, I’m getting more comfortable each time. Messing at nearly any angle has become as normal as sitting on the toilet (The only one I struggle with is when I’m laying on my tummy). I never hold any of my bowel muscles anymore, so sometimes I do get a little surprised when I feel something moving quickly. On rare occasions it’s like 7 seconds between feeling, and then messing, completely unassisted. That’s if I’m really relaxed and in a good headspace though. It’s going to take a lot of work to get where I want to be with my bowels. Hang in there with me, guys!

Another thing I wanted to talk about this month, a bedwetting myth. I read so many things online about becoming a bedwetter that was like: “Oh, what if you wet at a friend’s house” or “What if you fall asleep by accident and wet yourself” that literally has never happened to me. If you’re going to a friends house, do they sleep in the bed with you? Probably not. And if you think you’re going to be sleepy, your mind tells you to make sure you’re diapered then. It’s not that hard. 99.99% of the time you’re performing your normal nightly routine at your own house anyways. There are so many advantages to being a bed wetter, that frankly even if I go back to daytime underwear, I’m not going back to having dry nights. I don’t have to wake up, I’m wet and warm under the blankets instead. I don’t have to think about how much I’m drinking before I sleep. My diaper will take care of it for me. It’s a really special feeling to wake up wet too. I feel like me. I’m connecting with that fun babyish side of me. And even thought I know I’m going to be wet, I still check everyday, and it doesn’t get old when I find out I’m squishy. Idk, I know it’s weird hill to die on here, but become the bedwetter you want to be guys. Life is too fucking short not to.

One last thing I wanted to mention before I wrap up here. There are a lot of little moments you have with yourself when you’re 24/7 that are kinda funny/quirky. Earlier this month I was talking to one of my family members about a gathering we had a couple years back. It was just far enough when I wasn’t 24/7 yet, but also close enough where I thought I was at the time. After I hung up the phone I was like, “What did I wear to conceal my diapers that day?” Only to realize I wasn’t in diapers yet at the time. Or when someone is staring at you for a long time and you’re like, “Can they see my diaper?” and then they just say, “I love that top! Where did you get it?” And it’s like, “Oh yeah, I’m wearing other clothes than just diapers right now.” Shit like that.

My diapers and fetish have become a serious part of me lately, and I never realized how much I’d enjoy it. I don’t feel trapped like I used to. I’m living a life I always thought was too taboo to live in the real world. It’s not. It’s perfectly normal, and I feel a million times better about my day to day self.

Stay padded everyone, it's not weird, trust me. Take it from someone who lives it.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!!!




I love your updates. I just meet someone that is into Diaper as well so for fun I've been reading her your captions. I'm hoping to convince her to try 24/7 but that will be after we have dated a bit. It's nice to read your posts and guage what we might go though if I do convince her successful. Btw she's my little and I'm her CG.


Nice. Living your best life!! How did you conceal/ change diapers over thanksgiving? Any tips?..