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Renee’s eyes wandered. They looked dull and unfocused. She wasn’t on this planet; her brain was in a different universe all together. She swam in the warm wet blankness of her mind. The only vague thoughts that wisped through her mind were uncontrollable experiences around her. Her mind felt warm and happy. Renee was completely content with living this way for the rest of her life.

Renee basked in the sun beam that shined into the daycare. She was sitting on her knees, staring blankly into the wall. Sounds of kids running and playing echoed distantly. Renee didn’t know what those noises were. In her mind it was white noise in the background of infantile bliss.

The bottom of her being felt warm. It always felt warm, but something about this moment made it feel even warmer. Like someone had spilled steamy water into her diaper. It felt good to relish in that feeling. Renee’s diaper soaked up the dribbling pee. Her diaper was nearing max capacity. That was too big of a concept for her to understand though. Someone of grand intellectual being had to take care of that for her.

In her deep infantile fog, a fleeting thought raced through Renee’s mind. It didn’t last long. It was like a mental flash. The thought had already left her mind, but it caused her fuzzy vision to refocus on an object in the distance. Once her eyes caught a glimpse of the gray object on the floor, that thought of urgency returned to her.

Renee clumsily moved her arms onto the ground. She began crawling toward the object. She wasn’t very efficient at crawling yet, her brain had the bare minimal intelligence on how to move her muscles. It took hours to move a few feet. It didn’t help that each time her eyes wandered away from the device; her mind would feel lost again. She’d get confused as to where she was going and sink back into the pretty colors and warm thoughts. It would take 15-20 minutes for her eyes to randomly catch the object on the ground again and spur her mind back into action.

It took two hours for Renee to travel 7 feet. Slow and steady wins the race though! She finally made it to the gray object that had caused such strange urgency in her mind. Renee took a break for a moment and looked around. Two other girls, about the same size as her, were near this object as well. They were both on their backs, babbling and drooling at the ceiling.

Renee looked back down at the device. For the first time in her new life, she felt her mind clear. She knew exactly what she wanted to do. Her brain understood exactly how to get there. She felt happiness wash over her, and a bolt of excitement flow straight into her diaper.

Her hands took a couple tries before her fingers laced around the cool metal device. Renee’s brain lit up with happy pleasure. She was on the right track. Her brain rewarded her dumb infantile brain with wonderful thoughts of joy for doing the right thing. Renee, feeling so proud of herself, finally enacted her plan.

Renee popped the device into her drooly mouth and started sucking on it. Success! Her brain, using all it’s mental power for the day, sank deeper than ever before. Her back suddenly felt like jelly. Renee gurgled excitingly as she chewed and sucked on the reality changing device.

She’d done it. Her plan was completed! Such an accomplishment necessitated a reward. Her mind happily thanked her by sinking back into babyish nothing. Her thoughts became a scrambled mess again. She joined Miranda and Ashely on their backs, as she too babbled and drooled into oblivion.


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