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Ginny flipped to the next page in her potions book. Her page turning was almost too loud in the quiet library. It was so quiet that Ginny easily picked up on footsteps growing louder from behind. Moments later she felt a presence standing behind her. A light tap on her shoulder caused Ginny to spin around in her seat.

“Yes… Oh.” Ginny said, she quickly shot a joyful expression at Hermione. “You figured it out?” Ginny whispered. Hermione nodded her head, she motioned toward a nook across the room. Ginny smiled and nodded.

The two girls quickly walked over to a secluded corner of bookshelves. Ginny tried her best to keep excitement from bubbling over. She drew in consecutive deep breaths to remain calm. The two girls checked the area around the corner for any eavesdroppers. Once they determined the coast was clear, they sat down in the nook.

“I’m about to explode in anticipation.” Ginny said, her voice was just above a whisper. Hermione tried to stop equally excited emotions from taking over. She did the best she could to keep her voice steady.

“Alright, I’m fairly certain I thought of everything. If you have any questions or ideas, I’m all ears. But otherwise, I think we’ve got a foolproof plan here.” Hermione said in a low volume. The two leaned in closer so not a single step was missed.

“Hit me! I’m ready.” Ginny said.

“Before we even get to the plan. Just in general throughout this plan, we’re diapered the entire time.” Hermione said matter-of-factly. Ginny exhaled sharply through her nose, then shot Hermione a look that said ‘well duh?’

“Obviously, when was the last time you even wore regular panties?” Ginny said, as she pointed down at Hermione’s crotch. Her skirt laid across her groin. One could just make the outlines of a diaper if you looked close enough.

“I honestly couldn’t tell you.” Hermione said, smirking at Ginny. The two quietly giggled together before collecting themselves. Hermione cleared her throat and began delicately laying out the plan.

“Okay, step one. We gather all our belongings into my trunk. It’s enchanted to fit anything and everything, so we don’t need to worry about space. I’ll cast the illusionary spell, that way the suitcase looks like a box of baby clothes.” Hermione said quietly. She looked composed, yet Ginny could tell Hermione was just as eager as her to get this plan in motion.

“Smart, after that?” Ginny said.

“Then you cast the first spell. Gloria Mundi, the one where everyone sees us babies. You said it can be set for a certain amount of time. I’m thinking we set it for 14 days. That way when we get back to Hogwarts on the 15th day, people will see us our normal selves.” Hermione said. Ginny, already liking where this plan was going, nodded along.

“Mhm, go on.” Ginny said.

“Then, suitcase in hand, we apparate onto the front steps of your parent’s house. You knock on the door, while I cast the regression spell. You said we can set it for as long as we want. I was thinking we remain under the spell for-“ Hermione said, Ginny cut her off.

“The entire time?” Ginny said hopefully. Hermione’s face and body language reciprocated the excitement.

“Yep.”  Hermione said with a wink.

“Yes!” Ginny whispered sharply; she pumped an enthusiastic fist into the air. “That’s perfect Hermione. This is going to be a-maz-ing. My parents will open the door, see us as a couple of abandoned babies, they take us in, then we play along in our baby-state for the entire break? It’s brilliant, Hermione!” Ginny said, truly in awe at how perfect of an idea this was.

“Mhm, and your parents will have no idea it’s us the whole time.” Hermione said.

“I do not know how I’ll be able to make it through the next couple days of classes. I literally can. not. WAIT.” Ginny said, her volume increased from the excitement. Hermione politely shushed her.

“Quiet down there, Ms. Pee pants. We don’t want the whole school to know we’re a couple of adult babies.” Hermione said quietly. Ginny nodded reluctantly.

“I know, I know. Okay, but anyways. What are we going to do on the last day of break? Grab our things and apparate back to King’s Cross?” Ginny said curiously. Hermione confirmed her line of reasoning with a quick nod.

“Yes, and as a failsafe, I’ve enchanted one of our toys so on the 15th day it’ll glow. That way we know to leave. I also made one of our toys a portkey incase we get ourselves into a bad situation. It’ll take us to my parent’s house. They’re traveling this holiday, so it would just be us. We’d have plenty of time and secrecy to clean ourselves up.” Hermione said, she continued, “The portkey is our key ring. Get it? Portkey… key..? I thought it’d be easy for us to remember even when we’re regressed.” Hermione said with a direct tone. Ginny understood and agreed.

“Portkey, key ring. Portkey, key. Got it. We won’t need it, but it’s always good to have a failsafe.” Ginny said.

“Exactly. Basically: We cast the spells, get to your parent’s house, play baby all break, jump back to King’s Cross, and head back to Hogwarts with everyone else.” Hermione said.

“Can you make it break already?” Ginny said, shimmying in excitement. The quick movement caused her diaper to crinkle. Hermione chuckled to herself.

“Heh, I wish. If you have any questions or think of anything before then, let me know. Otherwise, let’s stick to the plan.” Hermione said.

“Agreed. Hey, do you need a diaper change right now? I’ve got some questions about potions I wanted to ask you.” Ginny said. She knew even before Hermione came into the library that she needed a change. Her diaper was starting to feel bulky and swollen around her legs.

“Let me check…” Hermione said, she discreetly placed two fingers into her diaper. She felt moderately wet. She could stretch her diaper out another hour if she wanted, but she was never one to turn down the feeling of a fresh dry diaper. “Yeah, I could change. Let’s go.” Hermione said, before the two stood up and walked to the bathrooms together. Their conversation topic changed quickly from potions, to hypothesizing all the fun games they could play this break…


Hermione and Ginny finished getting undressed in the train’s bathroom. The sound of the train chugging along vibrated through the bathroom walls. Quick jerks and nudges almost caused the girls to loose their balance, but they were quickly able to regain their footing by placing their hands on the stall walls.

They had everything packed and ready for their break. The first step of their plan was moments away from happening. Hermione looked at Ginny.

“Sucks we can’t just apparate out of Hogwarts.” Hermione said, clearly annoyed by this step.

“I know. Who cares though, we’re minutes away from baby land.” Ginny said, trying to brighten the mood.

“Are you ready for this?” Hermione said to Ginny. The two were naked except for adult diapers around their waists. They both had a hodgepodge of emotions churning through them. They were ecstatic, nervous, cheerful, and horny all at the same time. Ginny gripped the handle of her wand a little tighter before she responded.

“I’m ready. I’ve been ready the past few days. This break is going to be the best time of our lives. I’ll cast the second you tell me to.” Ginny said, she held her wand at the ready.

“Okay.” Hermione said, taking in a deep breath to steady herself. She was nervous, but confident in the plan at the same time. Even with the butterflies she knew the portkey failsafe would get them out of any sticky situations.

“On three.” Hermione said, Ginny nodded. The two looked into one another’s eyes. You could tell they were ready. It was time to go home.

“3…2….1!” Hermione exclaimed.

“Gloria Mundi fourteen annos”

A purple orb grew from the center of Ginny’s wand. Quickly it grew to the size of the room, then faded through the walls. Hermione and Ginny felt the tingle run through the back of their spines.

“And just like that, everyone sees us as a baby for the next fourteen days.” Ginny said enthusiastically.

“Hold on!” Hermione yelled; Ginny grabbed onto her arm. A split second later, a loud crackling sound shot through the bathroom. The two began apparating through space, their beings twisting and turning around one another. The sensation lasted only a few seconds, before the same crackling sound rang out again. The world spun back into view.

Hermione and Ginny stood right in front of the Weasley’s front door.

“Cast!” Hermione said, nudging Ginny in the ribs.

“I know! Okay…” Ginny said, she cleared her throat and lifted her wand again.

“Caput Muta fourteen annos”

“Haha… Me love this part…” Hermione whispered to Ginny. The light from Ginny’s wand nearly blinded the two. Instantaneously they started feeling the effects in their minds. The high-level frequency thoughts dulled to quiet, simple platform of warm feelings and experiences. Worries and cares started melting into a blissful weightlessness in their heads. Their minds, becoming unburdened by knowledge, grew into a swimming fog of lost, fragmented thoughts.

“Ginny! Doowr!” Hermione said, her brain using all it’s mental capacity to remind her to knock.

“Goowd Tinking!” Ginny said. The wobbly girl used her dwindling mental might to coordinate her hand. She couldn’t remember how to fully fist her hand, so she lazily banged her knuckles on the door. It barely did enough to get the attention of Arthur and Molly.

“Who is that in the middle of a Sunday…” Arthur murmured to himself. He dropped his edition of The Daily Prophet down onto the kitchen table. His chair scraped across the wood floors as she stood up.

“It’s nearly noon. I don’t understand why someone would-“Arthur muttered as he pulled the door open. The sight of two infants, rocking aimlessly on their backs, caught him completely off guard.

“Molly!! Get down here!” Arthur yelled into the house. He was completely bewildered at the sight of the two babies.

“Hehe.. he tinks we babyyysss!” Hermione said to Ginny. Her mouth felt numb and hard to articulate with. Her mind was having a hard time with following along with any train of thought. The moment those words left her mouth, she instantly forgot why she said them. Ginny lazily looked toward her friend and simply uttered what was on her mind.

“I… aghopeepee…” Ginny said, feeling that her diaper was getting wet. It was a pleasurable sensation of warmth spilling through her diaper. She could only slightly perceive the expanding sensation in her diaper. Knowing when and how to pee were increasingly complex concepts to her.

“What is it, Arthur. Oh my!” Molly said. She recoiled in shock at the two infants on her doorstep. She quickly got to her knees and examined the babies.

“Oh, look at you two cuties, come here… let’s get you off the ground now…” Molly said, she picked the two girls up, and placed them in her arms side by side.

“Weee!!!” Hermione said, but it sounded like, “wugubaba” to Arthur and Molly.

“Looks like someone doesn’t know how to go through the wizard orphanage process.” Arthur said, looking down at the case next to Hermione and Ginny. He bent down on a knee and flicked the locks open. His hands opened the case so he could peak into the contents. “At least they left us with clothes and diapers for them.” Arthur said to Molly.

“Who on earth would leave these perfect cuties on our doorstep? Hm? Who’s a cutie?” Molly said to Hermione. She tickled her belly, which caused squeals of delight from Hermione. Hermione didn’t notice a feeling of weight grow in the middle of her diaper.

“Welp, whoever they are. I’ll contact the Ministry and see if there are any missing children reports. Maybe we can try to connect them with their parents.” Arthur said. He closed the case and got back on his feet. He laced his fingers around the handle and pulled it into the house. “For now, I guess we’re stuck with them!” He said jubilantly. Both Arthur and Molly felt oddly excited about the prospect of watching these little ones. All their kids had grown out of the toddler/baby phase. It’d been years since they’d taken care of infants.

“That’s quite alright with me! Let’s get these two little witches into the living room so they can get comfortable.” Molly said happily. She walked the two girls around the house, and into the living room. She bent down and plopped the Hermione and Ginny onto the floor.

“You two go ahead and play while Arthur and I do grown-up things, play nice!” Molly said, she smiled and turned back toward the kitchen.

Ginny and Hermione locked eyes the moment Molly left the room. The two felt mountains of ecstasy erupt in their bodies. They couldn’t help themselves from rolling around in excitement.

“Dey tink we… we jus’ dum babies!” Hermione exclaimed. She let waves of relaxation wash over her as she realized her plan had worked perfectly. Her mind sent fireworks of babyish happiness. She lost herself for a few seconds in the warm blissful emotions.

“We get ta’ pway lwike dis fo’ sooooooo l-lwong!” Ginny said lazily. Her words sounded wet as drool started dripping down the sides of her mouth. She didn’t care, she simply kept talking through it as lines rolled down her chin. “T-tink Herminy how lwong… fou—fourrr… we’re here’ fo’ eva. Fo’ EVA!” Ginny exclaimed, feeling herself clap in spontaneous joy. Hermione nodded profusely as she felt a bubble of snot burst from her nose. Numbers didn’t make sense to Hermione right now, but she too felt like they were going to be in baby land for a very long time.

Arthur and Molly fell for Hermione and Ginny’s plan hook line and sinker. After calling the ministry with the exact description of the little witches, they obviously found no reports of the missing kids. The only two options for them now were to send them to a witch orphanage or keep them. They decided to take care of them for the holidays before making a decision. It all luckily played out in the girl’s favor.

The girls were hesitant at first to fully commit themselves to this new lifestyle. Before this plan, they’d only spend a couple hours playing baby at most. There was always the worry of being caught in the back of their minds. It kept them from jumping all the way into the mindless deep end. They had to keep just enough adult in them to react to a situation if need be.

It took the girls a few days to convince themselves that their plan had worked. Once they felt secure to let go though, the last of their brains slipped out of their minds, and into their drool on the floor. There was no holding back from the spell’s power at this point. The two wanted to be the dumbest, babyish babies they possibly could be.

Each day the two of them committed themselves further and further into this mindset. It wasn’t just the spell working on them, the two wanted to be this way. They purposely acted as little as possible, even in instances when the spell didn’t inhibit them.

Hermione and Ginny could understand one another, but about halfway through the break they started to talk baby babble to one another anyways. Hermione purposely started talking gibberish to Ginny one day just to see how she’d react. Ginny loved it, and from then on, they constantly gushed incoherent nonsense to one another. It was almost too much fun to act that way. It was like their brain rewarded them for making as little sense as possible.

Diaper use was round the clock. There wasn’t a single instance where Hermione or Ginny tried to hold it. They couldn’t if they tried. Their brains had completely dumped any and all knowledge about how to control their bodily functions. Their minds just didn’t have the capacity to register what a full bladder was, or what their bowels even did. To them, their diapers caught any all messes they were expected to make in the first place. They committed so hard to their incontinence, that it was going to take a couple weeks for their potty training to return to normal once they got back from break.

The best was right in the middle of their break. Hermione and Ginny babbled and played along with toys in their nursery one lazy afternoon. Hermione had felt the sexual desires burning in her diaper more and more as the days went by. She wanted to tell Ginny about emotions that had been growing inside her ever since they found that Spellbook.

“G-giny..” Hermione said, as she turned toward her friend. Ginny was staring blankly up into the ceiling.

“Wha?” Ginny said, too spaced out to comprehend someone was talking to her. She was thinking about all the pretty colors of the ceiling. Ginny felt Hermione’s presence appear next to her.

“Me wove diapies, and me wove you” Hermione said, suddenly, Ginny felt Hermione’s lips across hers.

The girls were regressed, but they still were in their adult bodies. Which meant they still felt every ounce of sexual power emanate through their bodies.

Ginny reciprocated the kiss. She felt her arms lazily wrap around Hermione’s head. Ginny felt the repressed sexual emotions she’d carried about Hermione burst out of her. Her mind had zero barriers at this point. She felt her mouth tell Hermione exactly how she felt.

“me wan dis… fo’ fo’ lwong… mhm… tiwme…mmhhm Herminy..” Ginny muttered as their lips remained locked. Hermione kissed Ginny harder, as she began positioning her hips on top of Ginny’s.

Slowly, their hips started to gyrate. The warm wet padding around their waists squished with each push. They rubbed on one another as an avalanche of sexual pleasure crashed into their beings. The pleasure wiped out any control of their minds. Complete babyish blankness cascaded through their skulls. They didn’t have the ability to make thoughts. Even the simplest concepts of letters words were too much for them. Their minds were shattered into a million glass pieces.

They were hooked at that point. It wasn’t just the sexual embrace, cuming like that together pushed them even further over the babyish edge. Each time they rubbed their diapers, it was like starting back near the mental age of zero all over again. Nothing but gurgles and whimsical diaper use once they finished a session.

It was a blissful week. Hermione and Ginny couldn’t have had a better experience. Every emotion and play time culminated to the end of the break. Both of them were having the time of their lives playing baby. This felt right. It felt almost like this was how they should live everyday of their life.

“I lowve dis.” Hermione said on one of the last nights, as the two laid in their cribs.

“Me two.” Ginny said, trying her best to focus through the fog of regression. She did her best to focus on Hermione’s words.

“Why nowt be baby wike dis all time?” Hermione said seriously. The rational part of her mind wasn’t there to fight these blissful feelings. Hermione loved acting and being treated like a baby. What’s the point of living any other way?

“I feewl da same ways, Herminy.” Ginny said. Playing baby brought more happiness and joy into Ginny’s life than any person, experience, or memory. Why fight it then? If she wanted to play baby in her whole life, then that was completely okay.

“Skool doe.” Hermione said. The thought had popped into her head on reflex. Ginny sat up in her crib and looked over at Hermione. Hermione got up and locked eyes with the girl. She was slurping away happily on one of her thumbs.

“I know, buwt wets do dis evwery day den? An-an-and summa’ bweak cawn be sooo fuwn baabieee tiwme too!” Ginny said ecstatically. Hermione’s mentally feeble brain felt itself light up with joy at the idea of being a baby like this for a long time.

“Yeawh! A-and dewn we babiee fo’ a w-…” Hermione trailed off, she felt herself grow lost in the conversation. Whatever the two had been talking about before completely left her. The growing feeling of a warm, wet soppy diaper started producing oceans of warm fuzzy feelings in her brain. Hermione instinctively gave into those emotions. Letting herself blissfully whisk away into sleep.

Ginny forgot they were talking shortly after that too. She became fixated on the spinning stars glowing and twinkling above her. They were so pretty to look at. They commanded every ounce of attention she had. She didn’t even register the expanding mass in the back of her diaper. To Ginny, those grunts were lost in the noise of her general incoherent babble. It was like white noise to her.


“Ginny” Hermione said in a slurred childish lisp. Ginny felt herself getting shaken awake. She opened her eyes groggily.

“Erhmrm gmum….um…” Ginny gurgled. The weight of sleep and regression rendered her mind utterly useless. Hermione shook her even harder.

“GINNY!” Hermione yelled. Ginny’s eyes shot open as she felt herself falling. She hit the ground a split second later.

“OW! Was dat fo’?!” Ginny said, the pain from hitting her head on the ground jolted her back to reality. She started rubbing the spot that had hit the ground.

Hermione pointed down at a glowing green fish toy on the floor.

“Iz gwowing.” Hermione said, for the first time in two weeks her tone wasn’t dumb and giggly. It was nervous and tense.

“So?” Ginny said, seemingly unimpressed. “Towys do dat.” She said, feeling anger growing in her chest. Why did Hermione wake her up for this?

“We suppose’ to be in skoowl now. Rwememba? I made dat if we babies fo’ too long.” Hermione said, her mind feeling it’s clearest since she got here. Ginny’s demeanor shifted from anger to uncertainty.

“Oh.” Ginny said, suddenly realizing the weight of the situation. “Why we not in skoowl?” She said.

“Ginny.” Hermione said, her face looked grim. “We not suppose’ to be dumb no more. We are suppose’ to be smawrt big kids right now. Why da spewll makin’ us dumb? It’s suppose’ to be done in fouurr… ergh, you know how many days! What’s goin’ on?!” Hermione said frantically. Ginny was doing her best to dig her mind out of the mental hole she’d put herself in this past break. It was so hard for Ginny to focus. She’d had switched brain to off for a very long time.

“Was it da spewll?” Hermione said, trying to piece together the situation with her infant mind. It was proving to be the hardest mental challenge she’d ever faced.

“I don’… I don’ know… One time me said wong’ ting… and… I stay baby long time….” Ginny said, she found her mind was waking up just enough to recall the faintest adult memories. She kept trying to focus, but there are mental consequences to being a baby this long. It was hard for Ginny to find the mental stamina. She already wanted to give up and do something else.

“Did you…. Say spewll cowrrect?” Hermione said, realizing in that moment what was going on. Her eyes grew wide with fear. “Ginny, da spewll longer den fourrrteen days!” Hermione said, Ginny responded with the same level of shock as a primal fear coursed through her.

“How we gonna mawke tings betta. We not biwg kids!!” Ginny said, but directly after finishing her sentence, her mind surprisingly delivered a memory during this critical moment, “Herminy! Da powt key!” Ginny said.

*GASP* Hermione gasped in surprise; Ginny was right!

“YES! We….” Hermione said, but her voice grew quiet. The air excitement deflated like a balloon.

“Whats we make da powrt key?” Hermione said, she couldn’t remember what the key was! Her mind was working at its absolute max to piece together their situation. She did not have the mental capacity right now to remember.

“BEE!” Ginny squealed. “Wememba, we say key, bee, key, bee!” Ginny said in a singsong manner. Hermione looked perplexed.

“Key, Bee?” Hermione said unaware of Ginny meant. Ginny felt relief wash over her, she felt the hum of regression start buzzing through her brain again knowing they’d be alright.

“We made da key da bee toy. Wememba? It rhymes. Find da bee towy and we no poopy!” Ginny said. Hermione finally understood what she meant. She sighed in relief, feeling that the situation was back under control.

“Youw sow smawrt! Find da bee!” Hermione said triumphantly. The two started an all-out search for the Bee toy. Of course, even if they did find a bee toy, it wouldn’t do anything.

The girls spent nearly two hours searching around for a bee toy. They kicked over toy boxes, searched under their cribs. They even hatched a special search mission for Ginny to sneak downstairs and find the Bee toy down there. When their searches turned up empty, Hermione felt like her control over the situation was slipping away again.

She felt a rising bubble of sadness rise to the center of her chest. She couldn’t stop the emotion from taking over her tear ducts if she tried.

“We neva’ gonna find it!” Hermione screamed, feeling tears uncontroably spill down her cheeks. Her sulking quickly escalated to full whaling moans. “Gi-nny. We’re. never. gonna. find. it. and. we’re. gonna. be. babbies. Foreeevverr!” Hermione whined in between her short breaths. Ginny felt a crashing wave of tears hit her eyes too.

“Cowme on Herminy, if you cwy… I’m gona… gona…” Ginny said, feeling herself lose control to a rain of tears. The two girls burst into a blubbering crying fit.

“Oh my goodness! What is going on in here!” Molly sang out in a motherly tone, as she swung the nursery door open. “We are losing it over here, aren’t we! Oh, I know how to take care of a fit like this!” Molly said, as she pulled out her wand. “Arthur said the Ministry found if they’re younger than 2, the charm won’t impact them when they’re older.” Molly said as she aimed her wand at the two girls. “This always does the trick!”


“Humwuh?” Hermione uttered, as a white orb grew from the tip of Molly’s wand. Hermione eyes felt dull. Her mind grew quiet, as things started to fall. Every memory. Every experience she ever had. They all erased from her mind.

“Grwaah…” Ginny slurred, a drooling tongue flopping out of her mouth. Her mind erased back to zero.

Complete, total, reset.

“There you two go! That’ll keep you quiet for at least a couple few hours. I’ll be back with breakfast in a moment, dearies!” Molly said lovingly. She closed the door and exited the room.

Hermione and Ginny didn’t say anything. They didn’t know how to. The two of them pushed babbles and gurgles through their mouths, as random fleeting experiences drifted through their brains. The blank void of nothingness hummed through their brains.

They didn’t have to worry about making it back to school anymore. That was back when they were grownups. There was no way for either of them to recall that life again. There was no spell in the world that could those memories back. They had a new life to live now. One where the world saw and treated them exactly the way they are, for the rest of their lives.

Dumb, mindlessly, babies.

MC 2020



Isn't annos Latin for years? 😂


2 questions 1. Won't people be looking for the two of them. 2. What happens in 14 years when they are no longer looking like Babies.