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This was a free caption commission :) Hope you like it! If you wannna commission your own caption or story LMK and we can work something out!!

Miranda stared at the screen of phone. The mix of emotions that were coursing through her was almost too intense. The avalanche of fear, the pure excitement, the building thoughts of uncertainty, and of course, the unfathomably level of horny she was.

She knew the power that this app held. Her research team had been developing it in secret for years. A reality changing app that allowed the user to change anything they wanted. All they had to do was speak the changes into the camera, and reality would bend to their will. The changes would only last a few minutes though, unless of course you took a picture with it. Then the changes would become irreversibly permanent. 

“It’s okay. If I don’t like it, then I won’t take the picture.” She reasoned to herself to calm her nerves. Miranda drew in a deep breath and steadied her mind. She had just spent the past 7 years of her life working on this. Of course she deserved the chance to act out her fantasies for one night. She cleared her throat, looked into the camera and said:

“I have never been potty trained.” 

The world went quiet for Miranda. It was like she put on a pair of noise cancelling headphones. All the white background noise stopped for a second.

Then Miranda felt it. A part of her brain started to feel lighter. Like the weight of knowledge started pouring from the back of her head and out into space. 

“Hehe…” Miranda giggled, as she felt all the knowledge of her potty training suddenly slipping away. The memories of that time started to fade. As if they never happened at all. In fact, they never did happen. That’s the reality of it. Miranda was never potty trained. She started out wearing diapers, and never progressed out of them.

No matter how hard she tried to think about, every memory she’d ever had of using the bathroom had dissolved. That whole process of using the toilet seemed completely foreign and confusing to Miranda now. None of it made even a lick of sense. She tried picturing the scenario in her head. She needed to pee, so she’d get up and use the…

“Diaper. I would just pee pee in my diaper like I always do.” Miranda thought, suddenly feeling terribly confused about any other time she didn’t just let loose into her diaper. She looked down and gasped at the white printed diaper she had taped snuggly around her waist.

“*GASP* It worked!!” Miranda screamed, before jumping up onto her feet. She beamed the largest smile she’d ever had in her entire life. “Oh my god I literally can’t even think of how to use the potty.” Miranda marveled, trying her best to dig up any shred of knowledge on the subject. It amazed her at how empty that part of her brain was now. She couldn’t think of a single step to using the bathroom. It simply wasn’t a skill she understood. It was like asking her how to build a house from scratch. She didn’t even know where to start.

She felt a fit of giggles come over her as her diaper suddenly started feeling warmer. There was not stopping it. It just poured out of her without the slightest bit of warning. This was exactly what Miranda wanted as a closeted AB/DL. The helpless feeling of her diaper getting soggier, and her brain devoid of any knowledge on how to stop it. She’d never felt such a deep need to stay taped into her diapers.

“I’m not going back.” Miranda said. The words just came out of her. Her heart had never felt so sure about this. She’d wanted to be incontinent all her life. Besides, if she really wanted to go back, she could always use the phone.

She grabbed her phone quickly before she thought any different. Her fingers pulled the app back up. The camera turned on. She looked up, and saw a black pacifier sitting on the nightstand next to her. 

“Well if I’m going to do this, I might as well look the part.” She thought, before clutching the black soother. She popped it in and started routinely sucking the dummy. Her eyes flicked back down to the camera. She took a deep breath and hit the camera’s timer.

“10…9…8…7….” The numbers on the screen flashed. Miranda balanced her phone by propping it on her nightstand’s lamp. The phone had the perfect view of the diaper girl.

With mere seconds left, Miranda grabbed her tank top and pulled it up. She wanted to make sure the diaper was in clear view for the camera.

“I want this.” She thought, before she heard the “Click”

“Hm?” Miranda thought, as she looked around the room. She was suddenly confused at to why she was just sitting on the ground and holding her tank top up like that. “What changed?” She thought, trying to figure out what the app just made permanent.

“I’m still a girl… I have tattoos… I’m wearing my diaper…” She thought, doing her best to try and notice anything different. For the life her, she couldn’t notice a single detail.

“Oh I know!” She thought, “I made my diapies more colorful! I’ve never seen these ones before!” She said, looking down at the colorful printed diaper. She smiled and felt content with that answer. That was definitely it

Looking down at her diaper made it plainly obvious how wet she was. She wiggled her hips to feel the warm soggy feeling around her diapered crotch. “I needa change.” She thought simply, it was as if she told herself she needed to fix her hair. A silly simple task that happened numerous times throughout the day. She got to her feet and placed a probing hand onto her diapered butt. She pushed and felt a warm mush.

“Messy too. Alright!” She thought happily, before walking toward the Mt Everest sized mountain of diapers she had stacked in her room…

“They’re here…” Miranda thought to herself while she watched her friend park in her driveway. It had been a while since the whole gang saw one another. Miranda herself hadn’t seen either of them since the onset of COVID. It was starting to get rather lonely around her home, so Miranda had devised a special plan for this get together.

Miranda clicked the app and brought the microphone to her lips. She felt a bolt of excitement run through her body before she uttered the words: “My friends are actually coming over for a playdate.”

The room went silent. Suddenly, a large carpeted play mat appeared beneath Miranda’s feet. Tons of stuffed animals and baby toys materialled on the floor, and the TV flipped onto Sesame street. 

“Hiiiiii!!!!!” Sky squealed as she flung open the front door. Normally she was incredibly professional and reserved. She prided herself in wearing non-revealing, modest clothing. That wasn’t the case today. She was clad in rainbow socks, a short cut tank top, long black hair with white highlights, and a pink pull-up. She instantly started jumping up and down in excitement once she saw Miranda. “We are gonna have the bestest best time evaaa!!!” She yelled.

“Yepp!! Wes gonna pway games, and play wit’ our dollies, an-and watch a TON of TV!!” Laci said enthusiastically. She mirrored Miranda with a pink tank top and large white disposable diaper. 

“Lets’ take-a picture befo’ we playyy! We wook so ca-ute!” Laci said, grabbing Miranda’s phone off the side of the table. Miranda’s eyes grew wide with fear the second she saw Laci flick the screen open.

To anyone else they would have thought the camera app was already open on Miranda’s phone. And that’s just what Laci thought when she pointed the phone at the other two girls.

“Laci wait-“ Miranda said, but she wasn’t quick enough. 

“Aren’t we just a couple of babies?!” Laci said into the microphone.

It hit Miranda like a ton of bricks. It felt like someone had gummed up the cogs of her mind. Her thoughts started to feel incredibly distant and difficult to hold onto. Every word Miranda tried thinking of seemed to dissolve into nothingness, until none of them made any sense anyways. She had no intelligence, let alone words, to form coherent thoughts in her brain anymore.

“Ah nu-nun boopiee..” Miranda babbled, feeling herself sink into a crouch. She was too far regressed to understand her body was subconsciously crouching to push out a heavy load into her diaper. 

“Bweeesseee!” Laci gurgled, before snapping the picture. It was the last thing she did before she dropped the phone, and fell back onto her diapered bum. 

The frantic thoughts that Miranda had before faded away after that. She couldn’t have figured out what was so troubling if she even tried. There never was a grown-up Miranda, Laci, or Sky. All they ever had been were three, mentally non-existent babies. It was completely normal for the three of them to drool, babble, and fill diapers all day long together. It’s what they had been doing their entire lives.

They even had the picture of the three of them to prove it. 



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