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The darkness blanketed the girls’ vision for mere seconds. To them though, it felt like an entire lifetime as they fell through the void. There were no screams this time. The girls knew what was about to come next.

In a flash, the world appeared in front of them again. The three girls collapsed onto the ground due to the sudden weight of gravity.


Every haunted house AB/DL story ever


“Ahh!” Bella yelled out, as she fell onto her knees. She expected the floor of the blue misty room, but instead, her knees felt the hardwood

“Poopy!” Nora yelled as she felt her knees easily buckle and fall to the floor. She clumsily threw her hands out to catch her balance. She failed to be quick enough though and ended up falling face-first onto the ground.

“OWWCCHIIEEEE!!!” Nora screamed. Her face stung with pain from the sudden impact. She couldn’t stop the sudden wave of tears that came if she tried. “I… *Sniff* wreally… huwrt… MYSELF!!” Nora yelled as tears started pouring out of her.

“Oh quit your whining. You’re fine. Just get up, Nora. Don’t be a baby about this.” Zoe said, extending a hand to the blubbering girl. She weakly accepted it and let Zoe hoist her up. Nora’s face was beet red from both her crying and the impact.

A moment of silence fell upon the girls. At that moment they started to perceive the surroundings around them. The three of them realized they were standing in the entryway of a decrepit looking house. The walls were dark gray, the paint chipped or cracked at all points. The only source of light was dim candle sticks flickering in the dark. An ominous-looking staircase spiraled up into what appeared like a never-ending ceiling.

“A haunted house? Are we in a haunted diaper story or something?” Bella questioned while she took in the spooky surroundings.

“Of course Derrick would like spooky diaper stories." Zoe said, Bella nodded and Nora cozied up to Zoe in fear. Zoe could feel that she was slightly shaking in fear.

“Guys wets…… wets get outta’ hewer.” Nora said with a noticeable lisp. Zoe and Bella looked at each other in confusion for a moment.

“Nora, are you okay? You’re talking like a little kid. God, the fact she’s been playing along with all these stories must be seriously scrambling her brains.” Bella said Nora didn’t seem to react to that statement. She was too busy frantically scanning her surroundings for anything spooky to jump out.

“She’s becoming an airhead. Darn it, this is really really not good.” Zoe said stressed. She looked back up toward Bella. “What do we do?”

Bella chewed on the words for a moment. She dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out her cellphone.

“We stick together. We don’t play along with the story. And if all else fails, we call 911. That’s what anyone in a haunted house has to do to get out of trouble.” Bella said, before putting the phone back in her pocket. Zoe nodded and then motioned toward the shaking Nora next to her.

“What’s we dos about her?” Zoe said.

“I don’t know. She’s played along in the past two stories. You saw how she practically baby brained herself that last story. Derrick told us that the more we played along, the more fucked we were. She must be taking some mental hits at this point.” Bella said, Zoe awkwardly broke eye contact and looked away.

“Yeah, we… kinda lost ourselves last story…” Zoe said, recalling how she was right alongside Nora the last story. Deep down she knew her mind was starting to chip away too. Bella placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it. Just keep your head straight on this one, and we’ll be fine. I haven’t played along yet, and I feel totally fine.” Bella said. Zoe looked up and flashed a reassuring smile.

“Yeah, let’s just stick together, and-“ Zoe said, she cut herself off as she felt Nora’s shaky presence suddenly leave her.

“Pwetty Paci!” Nora yelled out, as she started quickly running down the hallway. A golden sparkling pacifier danced in the darkness. Nora’s brain was powerless to resist even the slightest urge to chase after it.

“Nora NO!” Bella yelled out. Bella looked at Zoe and said, “Stick with me, and we’ll be okay. We can’t let her loose herself anymore in this story. It could seriously mess her up for god knows how long.” Bella said, Zoe understood and nodded. The two girls turned toward the running Nora and started chasing after her.

“Nora!! Stay with us!” Zoe shout out as she ran down the hallway. The floorboards creaked and moaned with each step the girls took. The damp mildew smell of the house filled their nostrils as they ran.

Nora showed no signs of slowing down. All her mind could do was think of catching that golden pacifier. She followed it down each sharp corner and turn.

“Ehehe! Paci! Heheh!” Nora giggled, relishing in the fun game her and the pacifier we engaged in.

The other two were gaining on her as they rounded another corner. She was only 6 feet out of reach from them.

“I almost…. Have her…!” Bella yelled, she stretched her arm out try and grab at the girl’s clothes. Her fingers grew closer and closer with each stride.

Bella started running at her top speed. Her feet were landing hard on the weak floorboards.

A loud snap rang out from the floorboard beneath her. In a flash, the floor beneath Bella fell apart and crumbled into the basement.

“AHHH!!!” Bella screamed as she fell into darkness.

Zoe was a few feet behind Bella. She reacted fast enough in time stop her momentum. She skidded to a halt right in front of the hole.

“Bella! Are you okay?!” Zoe yelled out into the darkness below. The depth of the bottom floor wasn’t very deep. She was no more than 7 feet below the ground floor. Zoe could just make Bella’s figure in the dark.

“…Yeah… I’m okay.” Bella said with a tone of defeat in her voice. “The ground here is…. Carpeted?” She said curiously, “It didn’t hurt when I fell onto it.” Bella said.

Knowing Bella was okay, Zoe looked up to scan for Nora down the hall, but she was gone.

“Heck, we lost Nora.” Zoe said angrily, “Do you want me to keep searching for her?”

Bella didn’t say anything at first. She was quiet for a few seconds before she spoke in a hesitant tone.

“Yes. She needs your help more than I do right now.” Bella said from below, she finished with, “I’ll figure this out. Let’s meet back at the front door in 15 minutes regardless of if we have Nora or not.” Bella said. Zoe understood.

“..Okay. Please be safe, Bella.” Zoe said.

“You too…” Bella said, she paused for a moment and then said, “You’re the only sane one left besides me.” Bella said worryingly.

“We’ll be okay. 15 minutes. The front door.” Zoe said, before looking back up into the hallway. The hole wasn’t very large. It was no less than 3 feet in diameter. Just barely large enough for one person to fall through.

Zoe decided the best action was to back up and try jumping over the hole. She took a few steps back, drew in a deep breath, and started running for it.

A couple of seconds later, Bella heard the loud “THUD” from above. Zoe’s footsteps creaked from the ceiling until they slowly faded away into nothing. Bella was alone, in the dark, strangely carpeted basement of this haunted house.

Bella stood in the darkness for a few moments. The weight of the situation was slowly falling onto her shoulders.

“This is bad. This is bad.” She thought to herself. She started taking slow, calculated steps. Her hands reached out to feel anything in the darkness.

For a few minutes, she couldn’t find anything. A wall, furniture, or even the stairs out of there. She couldn’t tell which direction she was going in the darkness. All she had to go off of was the incredibly dim light emanating from the hole she had made in the ceiling.

Her hands grabbed at the air. She kept moving around until finally, she felt herself grip her hands around something at chest level.

It felt like a bar. A thin, cold plastic bar. Bella felt around below this bar and was surprised at what felt like a mesh pattern propagating down toward the floor.

“Is this a… fence?” Bella wondered while she continued to feel.

It was then that Bella started noticing something even more strange. The longer her hands were on the fence, the less strength she seemed to have in her fingers. It was as if the messages from her brain to her hands were getting lost. Before she lost all mobility in her fingers, Bella stepped away from the fence.

“Ugh what the heck? What’s happening to my hands?!” Bella said out loud. Removing her hands from the fence immediately helped. She felt the strength in her fingers return.

“Is someone trying to get out of their playpen?” A motherly voice suddenly sang out from across the room. In an instant, bright bulbs around the basement suddenly popped on. The room filled with light and the room came clearly into view.

“Oh shit.” Bella muttered. She was trapped in an oversized playpen. The walls of the pen covered nearly the entire perimeter of the finished basement. Various baby toys and coloring books were scattered across the baby blue floor. The walls were white and plastered with babyish posters. The whole room looked like a playroom designed for adults.

In front of the room was a ghostly apparition in the shape of a woman. Her face was strangely welcoming, yet her eyes were wild.

“Now, the baby isn’t going to try and escape her playpen again, is she? That would be a VERY naughty thing to do!” The motherly ghost said. She floated through the playpen bars, and right up toward Bella.

“Are you hungry? Hm? Is that why you tried escaping?” The mother said. She started unbuttoning the top part of her shit. “We can fix that, can’t we?” She said, before pulling out one of her large boobs. Her perfectly sized nipple dripped a single bead of milk.

Normally, Bella would have been repulsed by the fact a ghost woman had just exposed herself, and heavily suggested she should suck from her nipple to breastfeed.

But oddly, Bella felt entranced by the woman. A growing part of her wanted to give in. A devious, horny fueled part of her brain wanted to go town on Mommy’s tit and slurp away until she had nothing left.

“It would be….” She thought, before taking a step closer.

“That’s it, come to Mommy. Let’s get your tummy nice and full, Baby.” Mommy said. Bella’s adult brain took over once she heard that last part.

“Ugh, no! I’m not a baby!” Bella said, before pushing the ghost away with her hands. The ghost didn’t move, but it did cause her apparition to swirl and dissipate. Bella started making a run for it toward the door.

Using her momentum, she thought it would be best to hurdle over the playpen, and straight out the basement door. The only problem was, her legs felt more and more fatigued with each step she took.

“Come on… Bella! You hafta get outta here!” She said, doing her best to reach the other end of the room. She powered through the fatigue and made it to the end of the playpen.

Having slowed down so much though, she didn’t have the velocity needed to jump the fence. Thinking quickly, she grabbed the bar and started hoisting herself up and over the top.

“Hnggg… Hrmmm.!” Bella panted, as she used all the strength she had to get up and over the pen. She felt the numb scrabbled feeling in her hands return much faster than last time. She used all the arm strength she had to prop herself up, then swing a leg over the top.

She was now straddling the fence. Her crotch was directly on top of the playpen bar.

“Okay, I just have to shift my weight…” Bella thought, but before she did that, she noticed an odd feeling growing between her thighs.

It was almost like a balloon was expanding around her waist. Her panties started morphing into thicker, puffier padding.

“No, no, no, no, not a diaper….” She thought, but she knew it was too late. Whatever was in these playpen bars, they weren’t going to let Bella leave without a price.

Bella knew she had limited time before this playpen started doing even worse damage. She shifted all her weight to one side. Gravity took over from there, Bella fell butt first onto the ground.

“Ooof!” Bella yelled out, feeling herself land onto the soft blue carpeting. She had made it.

She expected herself to immediately get to her feet and run. Instead, though, a strange warmth started flowing out of her. The sudden impact from the ground seemed to knock a few muscles loose in her bladder. Bella was helpless to stop a full-on wetting accident from flowing into her new thirsty diaper.

“I…” Bella stuttered. She was in complete shock. To add insult to injury, the ghostly woman suddenly reappeared in front of her. Both of her boobs were out this time and floating toward Bella’s face.

“See what happens why you try acting big? Come on, let’s get you fed and into a fresh diaper!” Mommy said she floated a nipple right into Bella’s mouth.

Bella wanted to resist. She wanted to run away, but she felt incredibly submissive now that she was in a wet diaper. It was as if her mind said, ‘If you’re going to wet diapers, you might as well act the part.’

Bella put up little resistance, it all happened so fast, she started sucking on the warm breast. Sweet milk started gushing into Bella’s mouth. With each drop that rolled down her tongue, her mind started feeling lighter and sillier. Her thoughts started becoming more simple as if she could only think in easy sentences/words.

“I becomin’ stooopiddd ahehehe.” Bella giggled in her brain, as the milk drained more and more of her intelligence.

The back of Bella’s adult brain had one final push of resistance. She used all of her brain’s mental capacity to resist the regression.

“Errr ugh!” Bella said, before popping her mouth out of the nipple. An overwhelming feeling of regret pulsed through her. Through sheir willpower though, she waved the ghost away and pushed herself up onto her feet.

“Go ahway ywou stowpid gowhst!” Bella yelled, her mouth felt numb and hard to articulate with. She knew that wasn’t a good thing, but her main priority was getting the hell out of there.

She used what strength she had left in her legs to reach the stairs. Carefully, with more calculation that an average adult needed, Bella tiptoed up the stairs. It took her a few tires, but she clumsily grabbed the doorknob and twisted it open. She used her body to push the door open. It quickly opened. Bella found herself back in the same hallway she started on.

All the while, Bella was entirely oblivious to the still warm mass that had fallen into the back of her diaper the entire way up.


“Nora?” Zoe said as she opened another random door. “Drat, same as the last one” Zoe said while looking into the umpteenth room with white dusty sheets covering furniture.

“Maybe she’ll be in the next one…” Zoe thought to herself as she closed the door to the empty room. She looked down the hallway at the rows and rows of doorways she would inevitably have to check if she kept up the same search strategy.

Zoe let out a heavy sigh. She felt a wave of helplessness wash over her. This was a large house with too many possible permutations. Finding Nora at this point would be like trying to pick a needle out of a haystack.

She looked down at her watch. It had been nearly 15 minutes since Bella and her split ways. Her eyes looked back toward the long hallway. She felt dread fall upon her shoulders.

“I hope you’re okay, Nora.” She whispered to herself, before turning around to go back the way she came.

She tried not to think about the impending mental disabilities her friend was likely going to sustain for the rest of her life. Or even the more immediate, freighting fact that she was in the middle of a haunted diaper house. Zoe kept her head high and tried navigating through the dimly lit hallways.

“So I took a left down…. This way. Yes! And then I took thisleft again… which if I keep walking down here…. Mhm…. Yes… then another left here and I’ll be!...” Zoe said to herself. She had a high amount of confidence in her voice until she realized she was face to face with the same hallway she had just come out of moments ago.

“Oh… drat.” She whispered, realizing at that moment she was completely and utterly lost.

Zoe didn’t panic though. She knew there had to be some way out of this twisted house. If she just kept moving, she’d reach an exit at some point. She’d find her way out, get to the front of the house, and then meet back up with Bella. She’d have the smarty pants plan of what to do next!

Zoe wandered around the dim hallways. She tried keeping track of which lefts and rights she took at each turn. But the whole system of hallways started blending. They all had the same length and wall decor. It made it incredibly difficult to have any sense of bearings.

After what felt like hours of roaming the hallways. Zoe’s eyes found a peculiar sight down the hall. It was a faint blue glow coming from a door ajar. She could pick up the faintest sound of a television, but she wasn’t entirely sure what was making the noise.

“Nora?” Zoe thought, her mind instantly shifting from escape back to rescue. She started running down the hallway toward the door.

With each step, the sounds from the room grew louder. Zoe was right, there was a TV playing from inside the room. It sounded like a sweet melody of lullabies. But that wasn’t the only sound coming from the room. As she drew even closer, Zoe recognized the voice instantly.

“NORA!” Zoe screamed before she threw her entire body weight at the door. Sure enough, there Nora was. Naked except for a thick diaper taped around her waist. She was bouncing up and down on her diapered bum to the songs on the TV.

The room was more well lit than the rest of the house. However, the TV was the main source of light. Baby toys were scattered randomly across the entire floor. In the back, there a crib and matching changing table. It looked just like a playroom fit for someone like Nora…

“Nora, come on. We need to get out of here! This stuff is messing with your brain!” Zoe yelled to Nora. She wasn’t paying attention though, she was too engrossed in the pretty colors and songs.

“La la la da da bra da da!” She hummed and drooled along to the happy sounds filling her ears. Zoe let out a frustrated sigh and walked closer toward Nora.

“Nora. Come on!” She said, grabbing the girl's arms. “We… Need… To… Ooff!” Zoe said, before dropping Nora back onto the ground. She had only managed to lift her diapered butt a few inches off the ground. Nora shot a fierce look toward Zoe in response.

“Me washin Dardoons! Weave!” Nora said angrily, it was clear she didn’t like being disrupted during her TV time.

“No, Nora! We need to leave now! You’re not supposed to be in diapers and doing… doing this! This is crazy! Come on!!” Zoe said, motioning frantically toward the door.

Nora still wasn’t having it. She stubbornly shook her head and blew her tongue at Zoe.

“Me nowt weaving!” Nora said.

“Ughh!!” Zoe said out of frustration. She let herself fall into the bench right against the wall. She placed her head in her hands. “This is so messed up. This isn’t supposed to be how Nora acts…” Zoe thought to herself, before looking back up at her mentally regressed friend.

Nora was still bouncing and singing along to the cartoons. Lines of drool dripped down from her open mouth and splattered onto her exposed belly. It was as if Zoe was completely invisible to her.

Zoe stared at her friend for a while. Her mind was oddly quiet. She didn’t want to think about the horrible situation the three of them were all in now. If Nora was going to be stubborn like this, then she didn’t have much of a choice but to wait until the show was over. She reluctantly sat and simply waited on the bench.

“Stupid baby stories. Messing up me and my friends.” Zoe thought, as her eyes scanned the room. She looked around until her eyes caught a glimpse of the cartoons dancing around on the screen.

“It’s not even that interesting of a show. It’s just made for dumb little kids.” Zoe thought while she watched random characters sing and dance.

“Heh, it’s not that bad I guess…” She lazily thought after watching for a few minutes.

“Heheh….” Nora giggled. It shook Zoe out of her daze.

“Hm? Wha’ you sayin?” Zoe said, looking back toward her diapered friend on the floor. Nora just pointed with a drool covered hand.

“You need diapies!” She said, before falling into a fit of laughter. Zoe recoiled at the absurd comment.

“I don’ need diapies! Wha..?” Zoe said, before looking down at herself. She was sitting in a large puddle of her pee. Drips were even spilling over the sides of the bench and onto the floor. She had completely drenched herself without even the slightest warning.

“I.. I… I need…” Zoe stuttered before Mommy ghost suddenly appeared next to her and cut off her words.

“You need a diaper on, little one. That's right! Who let you run around the house without one? I don’t know! But you're making little puddles without one.” Mommy said.

Zoe didn’t speak a word. That is, if she even could around the pacifier Mommy suddenly popped into her mouth. Zoe accepted it automatically. Her lips started bobbing up and down while she sucked greedily on it.

Mommy ghost expertly picked Zoe up in her strong arms and laid her down next to Nora.

“Diapies too?!” Nora said, pointing toward her friend’s crotch. Mommy nodded with a delightful smile.

“Yes dear, your friend is going back into diapers, just like you!!” The ghost said. She prodded Nora’s belly to give her a little tickle. Nora squealed delightfully in response.

“Diapies! Diapies! Diapies!” Nora sang and clapped. In a flash, the ghost morphed Zoe’s outfit into the same one Nora had on. Naked, except for an incredibly thick adult diaper.

“Me… bawby?” Zoe muttered around her pacifier. The whole world seemed so confusing now. Wasn’t she just looking for Nora or something? Wasn’t she supposed to do something really important? And was she actually just a diaper wetting baby?

All these strange thoughts and feelings seemed to melt away the moment Mommy popped her in front of the TV. All the stress and intelligence she had in her brain slid out of her head, and into her waiting diaper. A big drooly smile started growing on Zoe’s face, as the TV glow got brighter and more colorful.

“Heheee….” Zoe mindlessly babbled, as the mess plopped out of her. She didn’t even know, let alone care, that her diaper was already getting put to good use.

Zoe quickly settled into her role alongside Nora. The two of them clapped and sang along to all the mindless gibberish spewing out of the TV. It was fiercely mind-numbing. Their brains received round after round of mental pummeling that reduced them to jelly mush.

And that’s where Bella found them. Blabbering incoherent gibberish to a white static TV screen.

“Guwys!” Bella yelled out. She genuinely couldn’t believe that she had finally found the two of them. “Guwys! Cowme onnn. We needs ta get ouwtta here!” Bella yelled, her childish accent had only deteriorated since leaving the basement. Her mind wasn’t doing too well either…

“Cowme on!! We needsta weave so we can… can gos too….” Bella said, doing her best to hold onto her train of thought.

“Need to what? Darling?” Mommy ghost said, appearing behind Bella. Bella whipped around and gasped at the ghost. “Need to go potty? Hm? Is that what you need? You know that’s what your diaper is for, silly!” Mommy said.

It all happened so fast. Finding her friends, then Mommy appearing. It was a lot to process for a dwindling brain like Bella’s. She did everything she could to push those words out of her head. It was as if whatever Mommy said was trying to etch itself into her brain.

“Erggg no!” Bella said. She started walking backward away from Mommy. “Think Bella, think reaallly, realllly hard.” She thought, her mind working overtime to figure out a way out of this situation. She looked down at the toys around the floor for an answer. Maybe she could grab something and fight her way out of this?

Her eyes lit up the instant she saw it. There on the ground, right next to the zoned-out Nora, was a toy telephone.

“Da phone!” Bella said, reaching around for the phone in her front pocket. She fished it out and brought it up toward her field of view.

“Oh, Baby. You’re not supposed to play with that toy! Give it to Mommy before I have to spank you!” She yelled, her face growing red with anger. Her demeanor had suddenly shifted from warm and loving, to aggressive at the sight of the phone.

Bella didn’t care. She flicked the phone open and used all her mental strength to click the dial icon.

“9” Bella said. The second she hit the button, her legs went wobbly. Not from lack of strength, but purely from the fact, her mind suddenly forgot how to even use them.

“Put that down, NOW! Keep it up, and you’ll get even more consequences!” Mommy said as she began floating toward Bella.

Bella’s mind was starting to enter a haze. Everything she was doing was slowing down, and the outside world was getting harder and harder to follow.

“1” Her fingers clicked. Her whole body collapsed onto the floor. Her legs had become useless sticks at this point.

“AHH!!” Mommy screamed. Bella’s foggy-brained thickened. She had to use every single brain cell left to stay focused.

"Don' be baba. You nun babaa... biwg... biwg kiwdd..." Bella thought to reassure herself.

The urge to drop the phone and play with the dolls next to her was immense. Her brain was practically begging her to give up, and let herself sink into babyish bliss. Apart of her wanted it. Whether it was genuine or not, a growing part of her wanted to be the dumb baby her Mommy was trying to change her into.

Bella used the last of her mind. She knew this was it. Bella focused her blurry vision onto the cellphone in front of her. She had mere seconds before Mommy came in and snatched the phone.

“1” “Call”

Bella hit the buttons simultaneously. And when she did. She heard a loud “SNAP” in her mind.

Bella’s brain went quiet. Her face went limp and expressionless. Everything came to a screeching halt. She stared vacantly at the wall in front of her.

“911 what's your emergency?” Spoke from the phone. Bella didn’t understand a single word of it.

Slowly. The slightest trace of a grin started growing on Bella’s face.

“Heh…” Bella let out a small laugh, as her grin quickly grew into an ear to ear smile.

There were no thoughts. There were no coherent words to make sense of her surroundings. Bella’s brain had dissolved completely. Her brain could not perform even the most basic functions. All Bella did was experience the warm mushy feelings growing in the front and back of her diaper.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” Spoke the phone.

At that moment, something spectacular happened. Against near-impossible odds, Bella said something. Something that was light years ahead of her vocabulary. She uttered a word so complex. So difficult for someone mentally her age to say, that it shocked even Mommy.

“Proopiiiieeeee! Hehehehe!” Bella gurgled, before falling onto her back. She started babbling and rolling around in the fun mushy mess.

“Oh, little girl? Can you hang up the phone? I think you- ah it’s okay-“

The voice cut out, and the dial tone rang. Not that three girls could understand any of it anyways.

The ground swirled beneath the baby brained girls. Like a whirlpool dragging them to the center. The dim lights went out, Mommy faded away, and the girls felt themselves falling again.


Zander Chesney

What a wonderful and creative story. Amazing work.