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Thick steam drifted from the cauldrons scattered across the room. The musty smell of moist stone walls permeated strongly through the nostrils of each student. The lighting was dim, but you could just make out what Snape had written on the chalkboard.

“Does anyone here know what would happen if I added powdered root of Asphodel to the infusion of Wormwood, I’ve drawn on the board?” Snape said with his characteristically annoyed tone. It was as if it was a chore to even be in the presence of these students. 

Hermione, knowing the answer instantly, shot her hand up. She subtly waved her hand to get his attention, even though she was the only student amongst the classroom that knew the answer. Snape rolled his eyes at Hermione’s eager response. With an audible sigh, he pointed at her.

“Come, Granger. Show us on the board what would happen.” Snape said sharply, he extended a piece of chalk forward for Hermione to use. Hermione quickly got up, causing her chair to scrape loudly across the floor. She started explaining the reaction the second she walked up to the board. Her hands grabbed the chalk from Snape and started drawing. 

“It’s quite simple really. When the Wormwood interacts with the Asphodel infusion, it begins to bubble. Indicating that- “Hermione cut herself off. She heard a strange fit of giggling from the back. It was loud enough where it easily broke her train of thought. Hermione swiveled her head back toward the students and shot them an irritated look.

“Excuse me. I’m trying to show you the reaction up here!” Hermione said exasperated. She threw her hands up in the air for extra effect. 

“Ha! Yeah, okay. You can’t even keep your pants dry!” A woman’s voice yelled from the back. Hermione’s eyes instantly grew wide with fear.

“What?!” She murmured, before looking down at her lower half. All that looked back at her was a large adult diaper. Hermione couldn’t feel any of her muscles gushing warm pee into the diaper; but the front side was unmistakably growing yellow and starting to sag. She was having a full-blown accident right in front of the class. Adrenaline shot through Hermione’s veins. 

“AHH!” Hermione shrieked, crossing her legs instantly and shooting her hands over the diaper to try and hide it. Laughter echoed loudly off the walls.

“I DON’T WET MY DIAPERS!!” Hermione yelled, suddenly sitting up in her bed. The world came back into focus almost instantly. Sweat rolled down her forehead. Her chest expanded up and down rapidly while she grabbed deep breaths of air. She wasn’t in class; it had only been a dream. The empty common room reassured her of that.

“Oh my… God… That… Was…” Hermione whispered, trying her best to catch her breath. She closed her eyes and centered herself. She felt herself fall back down into her bed. She drew more breaths in and out for a few more minutes before finally calming down to a reasonable emotional state.

Normally, you’d feel relief after waking up from a nightmare dream like that. Wetting a diaper in front of your classmates is everyone’s greatest fear. Hermione though, was far from that emotion.

She was still shaken up. But there was a clear feeling between her hips that wouldn’t go away.

Hermione was emphatically horny.  

“Urgh!” Hermione yelled out in disgust; it took a large amount of willpower to not masturbate right there to the dream. “This damn spell is still in my head!” Hermione said, “I still have this bloody diaper fetish! Ugh this is excruciating!” She thought, pounding her hands onto the mattress. She huffed and crossed her arms. 

“I have to get rid of this. I’m not living my life with a diaper fetish.” She thought, before looking down at her crotch. The urge to indulge herself was strong. “…No matter how good this might feel. I need to find Luna. I have to fix this!” Hermione thought. She flung her blankets off and started getting ready. The horniness between her legs lingered clearly in her mind throughout the entire process.


Hermione heard the scraping of silverware and plates before she even rounded the corner into the Great Hall. If you’re going to find anyone in Hogwarts, it’s the place to start. Hermione stopped once she got the doorway. Her eyes scanned the room for a girl with long soft white hair. 

“Where is this girl. Come on… Come on…” Hermione mumbled to herself. “I’ve tried avoiding that girl for years, and the one time I need her…” Hermione thought to herself. She scanned the room for a solid 5 minutes but couldn’t find a single trance of the girl. 

“She must be in the Herbology lab. She loves spending time in there.” Hermione thought, before spinning around. 

“Uhf!” Hermione yelped as her body collided with Luna’s. 

“Woah!” Luna said, recoiling from Hermione’s quick turn-around. The collision dislodged the books Luna was holding close to her chest. They fell to floor alongside fluttering loose papers. The books met the ground with a loud snap that rang across the Great Hall vestibule. 

“I’m sorry, Luna! I didn’t see you there!” Hermione said apologetically. She got on her knees and started helping her collect the loose papers and books. Luna gave her classic warm smile back in response.

“It’s quite alright. I’ve been told that I’m a quiet walker. Thank you for the help.” Luna said softly. The two finished grabbing the materials and got back on their feet. Hermione squared her stance and went right into her predicament.

“Luna, we need to talk about your Mother’s book.” Hermione said with a mix of worry and anger. Luna, sensing this strange tone, cocked her head to the side.

“What’s wrong? Did you find a spell we need to erase? I thought I got most of them…” Luna mused; she placed a questioning finger on her lips. Hermione shook her head.

“No, it’s not- well, maybe- it’s…” Hermione fumbled over her words. She didn’t want to casually mention her diaper fetish in public. Her eyes caught a storage closet a few feet away. “Here, follow me.” Hermione said, taking Luna’s arm and guiding her toward the closet. The two made it there quickly. Hermione’s free hand gripped the handle and opened the door. 

It was a small closet. It was no more than three feet long, and four feet across. Just large enough for two people to stand in between some mops and brooms. Once crammed into the closet, Luna shut the door behind them.

“Listen, one of those spells did something, erm… really weird to me.” Hermione said, she wasn’t quite sure how to phrase it to Luna. She felt her face flush with embarrassment. 

“The one where it gives you frog legs? Yeah, that was a little weird at first for me too. But I thought the spell right below it changes you back?” Luna said. Hermione gave a strange look before shaking her head.

“No.. Not that one. It’s one that um, it kind of changed how I think.” Hermione said, still embarrassed to confess her new feelings. Luna could sense the unease in Hermione’s body language. 

“It’s okay, Hermione. There’s a lot of spells like that in there. Which one are you talking about?” Luna said, doing her best to seem reassuring. Hermione inhaled briefly before responding.

“It… The spell made me…” Hermione said, pausing for a moment before finally pushing through her embarrassment.

“… It made me like diapers.” Hermione said so quietly it was practically a whisper. Luna’s face instantly softened with a smile. 

“Infan cerebrum?” Luna said with a playful tone. Luna’s strange response confused Hermione. 

“You know what I’m talking about then? Is there anything in the book that fixes it?!” Hermione said desperately. Luna shrugged in response.

“Eh, not that I could find.” She said lightly. Her whole demeanor seemed oddly nonchalant to Hermione.

“Wait so, you’ve cast it yourself?” Hermione said, suddenly hanging on Luna’s every word. 

“Oh yes, I have. You’re not the only one who’s dug through my Mother’s old spells.” Luna said happily. Hermione looked at her in complete shock.

“Luna. You. You have the same feelings as me?” Hermione said, this new information stunned her. Luna simply nodded.

“Yes. At first I tried looking for something to change me back.” Luna said, she shifted her books to one arm. Her free hand grabbed the hem of her skirt. “I couldn’t find anything.” She said, lifting the skirt to her bellybutton. “I stopped caring shortly after, it’s a lot more fun that way.” She said.

Hermione’s eyebrows shot upward, and her mouth flung open in shock. 

“Luna, PULL-UPS?!” Hermione said. Luna giggled and nodded. She moved to the side for Hermione to get a better view from behind. The light purple pull-ups hugged her waistline perfectly. The pattern on them was unlike anything Hermione had seen before. They were a beautiful array of magical creatures. It looked just like the one’s muggle make, but the person who made it obviously knew much more about the wizarding world.

Hermione wanted to feel more shocked about this. She wanted to feel weirded out by Luna’s underwear choice. Instead though, all she felt was jealousy. She tried fighting it as best she could, but her fetish felt strong in the moment. Hermione wanted to be in those exact same pull-ups. A wave of pleasure pulsated through her. She subconsciously bit the bottom of her lip. 

“I haven’t been able to show them to anyone. They’re actually quite comfortable as regular underwear.” Luna said, letting her skirt fall back into place. She faced toward the door to indicate she was ready to leave.

“Wait!” Hermione said, grabbing her arm. She pushed through her horny brain and tried one last time to get answers. “Are you sure there’s nothing in there? Please, Luna. I don’t want this.” She said, her eyes looking desperate and vulnerable in that moment.

Luna grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “If I could give you any advice.” Luna said, before turning the knob, “I’d learn to enjoy it. Like I said, it can be a lot of fun to have this fetish.” She said, before opening the door and walking out of the closet. 

Hermione stood there defeated. “It was so stupid to cast spells from that book. What was I thinking?!” she whispered to herself. She tried thinking of her next steps. Luna was a lost cause, but there had to be other options. She tried focusing her mind on the task at hand. But a lingering thought was making it difficult to concentrate. 

Try as she might, Hermione couldn’t shake that image of Luna’s pull-ups from her head, and how badly she wanted to be in them too.


“Ah-ha! I knew she’d keep it here!” Ginny said, the Spell book’s leather felt almost warm to the touch. Ginny let her fingers run along the edges. 

“Hermione is so stuck in her ways. If I let her call all the shots, I wouldn’t get to use any of these spells until months from now. She’d have to check every single one before I even got to look at this thing.” Ginny thought to herself. 

From the start, this had been Ginny’s plan. She knew Hermione would be her uptight self and keep the book away from Ginny until she felt it was 100% safe. Every female had access to another’s common room, so it was easy to walk up to Hermione’s bed and start looking around. The nightstand next to her bed seemed like the logical place to keep a book. One quick Alohomora later, and Ginny was staring right at the Spell book. 

“Alright, let’s see what this books got!” Ginny said, before flipping open to the last bookmarked page. Hermione’s notes fluttered out of the page and onto her bed. Ginny didn’t pay much attention to them at first. Her eyes were too eager to scan the list of spells and descriptions.

“Hmm… no not that one…. Not that one either… Oh! This looks good.” Ginny said, focusing in on a spell in the middle of the page. She quickly read the description; “Use when Stressed” was all it read. 

“Can’t be harmful if it relives stress. Let’s try it out!” Ginny said. Her hands laced around the wand in pocket. She gently pulled it out. Ginny steadied herself; book in one hand, and wand in the other.

Sis Meta

A loud “Pop” shot through the common room. A split second later, an object appeared right on Hermione’s nightstand. An object she’d never expect to form from any wizarding spell.

“A pacifier?” Ginny wondered out loud. She placed the Spell book and wand on Hermione’s bed. She slowly grabbed the pacifier and brought it closer to her face. It wasn’t anything special. Just a light green pacifier with a ring around the front side. It was much larger than a standard soother. It was clearly meant for an adult’s mouth.

The size seemed strange to Ginny, but overall, she thought it was cute. “Seems like all this Spell book does is make cute baby toys. What’s the harm in that, Hermione?” Ginny thought to herself. She twirled the Pacifier around for a few more seconds, before placing it back down on the nightstand.

“Adult sized pacifiers, check. Let’s see what else this book has.” Ginny thought. She looked back at the open book on the bed. She also noticed in that moment the notes that had fallen out before and onto the bed. “Hm, I wonder what she wrote down here.” Ginny murmured. She picked up notes and briefly scanned them. They all had the name of the spell, and a much more accurate description of what they did compared to the book. Her gaze caught the last entry.

“She didn’t write a description for this one. Maybe she forgot?” Ginny thought, she could easily see Hermione working on these spells late into the night. Ginny reasoned she must have fallen asleep in bed before casting the spell. 

“Let’s help her out here.” Ginny said. She steadied her stance again and read the spell out loud. 

Infan cerebrum

The spell went through Ginny’s head much faster than Hermione’s. It wasn’t nearly as painful either. Ginny felt a brief pressure in her head. As quickly as it formed, it left her instantly. 

“Woah…” Ginny said, blinking multiple times to bring her vision back into focus. She stumbled for a moment. Her hand grabbed the nightstand for balance. Whether she did it intestinally or not, her hand clumsily clasped the pacifier instead.

Ginny got her balance a moment later. After finding her footing, her hand brought the pacifier to her face. 

She grew the most delighted smile. 

She popped the pacifier in her mouth a split second later. It felt like pure joy and ecstasy the moment her tongue wrapped around the bulb. She instantly started greedily slurping on the pacifier.

“Mmm, owh yeah. Dish ish gownna be fuwn.” She mumbled around the pacifier, feeling the effects of the spell still working its way through her brain. 



Another great chapter! I can tell this is going to be a phenomenal story!


Cliffhanger that's not fun I'm enjoying the story though. I'm a big fan of the slow decent into ones new life.