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*This was a caption commission from one of my scavenger hunts :)! I'll be doing more in the future, so stay tuned!*


“Emm! Come on, Daddy! Gimmie! Gimmie da muwsic!” Grace said while pawing at the stereo system. Daddy looked enthusiastically down at his ‘Girlfriend.’ 

“Are you sure, Baby? You’ve been listening to a lot of music lately. You do realize what it’s doing to you, right?” He said. Daddy decided to pat the back of her thick adult diaper for added effect. Grace rolled her eyes and groaned.

“Dey told me I no need to works at dat place no mo’. I can be baby now!” Grace said passionately. She truly wanted to dump her intelligence, and live full time in this baby land. Ever since the first hypnosis session, deep changes had been happening in Grace’s brain. She woke from that trance with the need to do silly things like suck her thumb all the time. But slowly as she kept listening day after day when she got home from work, the effects worked deeper into her conscious thought. Soon she honestly thought her underwear should be diapers and pull-ups 24/7. She wore them to work and got caught multiple times. When her boss confronted her, she threw a massive temper tantrum about how she was still a big kid and only wore them for “Just in case times!” She was asked to go home after that altercation…

“I don’t know, Baby. This is going to make you really dumb. Maybe forever. I don’t know if you’re going to want that when you’re older.” Daddy said with a hint of seriousness in his voice. Grace immediately responded with a surprisingly clear set of words.

“I know what this will happen to me, Daddy. I’m still smart back here.” Grace said reassuringly. She knew fully what that music would do to her if he hit play. Daddy looked uneasy at the stereo. The silence was palatable between the two. Grace looked up into Daddy’s eyes and broke the silence with a final plea.

"Please daddy, make me go backwards. I don't want to think anymore. Thinking is just too hard, it hurts my head, make my brain feel nice and fuzzy again. Put me where I belong, keep me in diapees and make me your baby" Grace said confidently. Daddy was taken aback by Grace’s response. He considered her words for a moment, but ultimately pressed play.

“EEEE!! FANK WOO DADDY!” Grace squealed happily. She hugged Daddy’s leg lightning quick. 

“Haha, have fun little baby. I’ll be back when you’re my little dumb dumb for good.” He said before leaving the hypnosis filled room. Grace didn’t want to play a game this time. She wanted to let Rugrats take her home to babyhood. 

She crawled over to grab the remote. It was a simple process. Normally the TV channel was already on the little kid station. It took her a few tries, but her hands clumsily grabbed the remote off the coffee table. Grace held the device up to her face to get a better look at the buttons.

“Oh poopy, shoulda done dis when I hads biwg giwl heads..” She thought, the remote looked like complete gibberish. The buttons had little drawings below them, but they were nothing more than random scribbles to Grace now. She had no idea why someone would draw all over a toy like that. How rude of them!

“Dis not dere toy! Dis mine!” Grace screamed. She hit the remote with her free hand a few times to show her anger. The sudden outburst caused her to shift all her weight forward. Balance wasn’t exactly Grace’s strong suit anymore. Without much warning, Grace rolled forward onto the carpet.

She uncontroably let out a stream of giggles the moment she hit the ground. It was actually a lot of fun to roll around on the floor. She laid their in that moment, just staring up at the ceiling. Waterfalls of drool dripped out of her mouth. She vaguely registered that her mouth was wet, but it didn’t really matter much to her. 

“Hehe…Aheheh… li-ganogo… heh.. yegabedo… ehehe! Mike howoom, lisafru.. fru—fru..” Grace babbled to herself in between fits of giggles. Talking was so weird now, but it was also so much fun at the same time. It wasn’t that Grace’s mouth had trouble forming the words, it was more her brain couldn’t form any coherent words anymore. Her vocabulary had dissolved completely. 

Grace blinked a few times. Something just happened. She wasn’t really sure what it was that just happened, but something was definitely different. She used all her strength to push herself up onto her butt. When she finally did, she took a good look around the room.

Happy stuffed animals and imaginary friends danced around her. That wasn’t it. That happened all the time. Grace tried using the coffee table to help her up. The uncoordinated girl tried a couple times but could only stand pigeon toed at best. Gravity got the better of her and she landed with a squish onto her butt.

Grace gasped. She suddenly realized her favorite thing had happened! Her diaper was wet and mushy! This was the best part of being a baby. “Yeee!!! Wee! Ahehe!” She gurgled, while her hips gyrated the full wet mess around her diaper. She’d had used that diaper the moment the music came on. She had no idea she’d done anything in it. She never would for the rest of her life. Potty training was completely locked out of her mind permanently.

It’s what Grace wanted, really. To be a drooly dumb baby for Daddy. She wanted him to take care of her forever. No job. No responsibilities. Just complete diaper and Daddy dependence. And the way her empty brain was now, finding pleasure simply by playing in a dirty diaper, it was probably going to be that way for the rest of her life. 



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