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Aubrey just didn’t want to wear big girl underwear anymore. She wanted diapers. Aubrey craved the feeling of triple diapers pushing her legs apart to force a significant waddle. Day in and day out. Her body felt incomplete without the feeling of thirsty padding beneath her crotch. 

She wanted her potty training erased. Why be a big kid and do successful stuff like go to the bathroom when she could zone out and fill her diaper? It made zero sense to her why she should have even the slightest control of her bladder and bowels. Diapers should be her underwear, and if that’s the case, then her body should act the part. 

Leaks and accidents had to be as common as breathing for her. Aubrey wanted her pants in a perpetual soggy, mushy mess. The only warning she’d wanted was a vaguely sensation of dense mass expanding in the back of her diaper. Or her diaper cooling without the slightest memory of it ever warming. She wanted full blown 24/7 accidents in her diaper. 

Simply put, Aubrey just didn’t want to be big at all anymore. Really all she could keep her mind focused on day in and day out was swapping her adult habits out for ones much more babyish. She didn’t want to be potty trained. She didn’t want to know her ABCs. She didn’t even want to know how to form coherent words.

Unfortunately, society doesn’t have a system in place for us to go backwards. But. That didn’t mean all hope was lost for Aubrey. She knew that if she wanted this life, she had to go big. She had to do something bold. 

So, she simply started acting like a child. It wasn’t incremental. It wasn’t gradual. On a random morning she simply got up, dressed entirely like a baby, and went to work. 

People were obviously shocked and appalled by her actions. Her boss told her to go home immediately. Aubrey reacted like any rational two-year-old would, and started screaming and rolling on the ground. She felt the grandest joy of her life when hot tears started pouring out of her eyes.

The paramedics had to sedate her, just so she’d stop flailing around and finally get on the stretcher. Once at the hospital the doctors ran a multitude of psychiatric evaluations. They tried reasoning with Aubrey. Telling her that she was in fact a 27-year-old working class woman, but that simply wasn’t who she was anymore. Aubrey responded only by scrunching her face, turning beat read, and shoving a massive load into her hospital pampers.

The doctors declared Aubrey in a state of “Psychosis.” They thought about keeping her in a mental hospital but decided instead on a less conventional method. 

Aubrey mindlessly chewed on her pacifier while she watched the pretty cartoons dance and sing. A mountain of used diapers laid behind her (She went through dozens a day at this point). The moment she crawled into her new foster parent’s house; she switched her brain permanently to “Off.” She didn’t try thinking about things anymore. Even when faced with the simplest questions, she let gibberish babble spill from her mouth. She didn’t want to think. She didn’t want to be big. That was the whole point of all of this.

In the end it was surprisingly easy to become a baby again. And as Aubrey lifted her legs to release another torrent of pee and mess into her diaper, she finally felt what she’d been chasing all her life. Blissful, Dumb, and Content.  



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