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You were nervous. You felt the sweat around your forehead bead and roll down the side. You’d imagined this moment a million times in your head. In fact, every AB/DL has thought of it from time to time.  How would we feel if you had a reality changing device in our hands? Would you be able to hold back the temptations of changing the world into a bunch of babbling diaper fillers? The ice ran hot through your veins as you took note of the cool metallic feel. It took your mind off the burning feeling in your cock for a moment. But it roared back only second later.

You’d start subtly. If it was too much, then of course you could change the world back to the way it was.  No one had to know. It was your secret after all. You felt the red button near the side and clicked it.

“Everyone is more attracted to each other in diapers than plain underwear.” You said, feeling the click of the button as you let go. A sulfur smell engulfed your nose for a moment. Your vision seemed green for a moment, only to snap back to normal instantly.

The hair on the back of your neck stood straight up. You knew what you’d just done. Billions of people around the world practically had the same fetish as you now. It was a biological fact. Everyone’s brain in a moment had become hardwired to be emphatically in love with another human in thick crinkly diapers. 

You swiveled in your chair and opened a browser. You went to the first site you could think of,
www.victoriassecret.com. Your pupils dilated once you saw it. 

All the women on the site were taped into adult diapers of all types and colors. Some fashioned their new summer brand “Thin and Sexy” line, while others had their classic “All Puff” style of the thickest diapers on the market. Instead of normal sexualized poses, they were standing in the most babyish of situations. One was finger painting with paint all over their hands, hair, and pink sparkly diaper.  A second had her diapered ass stuck firmly into the camera, a finger placed on her lips with a pouty face. It was as if she was saying, “Will you change me? Daddy?” And of course, one of a large breasted blonde clad only in a soft purple diaper staring vacantly into the camera. Her diaper was drooping practically to her knees.

You couldn’t help but touch yourself. Your whole fantasy was playing out right before your eyes. The world had changed from sexualizing women, to sexualizing women in diapers. You’d never felt your clock pulsate with such waves of pleasure before. You loved this, and obviously there were no repercussions. With your horny brain, you grabbed the device.

“Everyone wears diapers.” You said, letting go, only to click the button again, “I also have a sexy mommy who takes care of me.” You let go, feeling your cock growing as hard as it possibly could. You rubbed as you felt puffy plastic suddenly encase your penis. You went from rubbing you cock up and down, to rubbing your crinkly diaper.

“Aw, is someone going to make a sticky for me?” Your mommy said from behind you. You stopped rubbing instinctively and blushed. You felt hands on your chair as she suddenly spun you around. 

She was beautiful, just as you had imagined. She had the perfect face. It was better than you could have ever fantasized. She was wearing only a black bra, fishnet stockings, and a black skull diaper. 

“Oh, don’t stop on my account, little baby.” She said, moving closer to you. She smelled sweetly of strawberry and vanilla. “Unless…” She said, suddenly pushing her hand on your hard-diapered cock. She started rubbing it slowly. “…Baby needs a little help having a widdle accident in his diapie?” She said, her words were like ecstasy to you. You felt high from all of this. Could this really be your life? Could you really live like this every day if you wanted?

You knew it was your horny brain acting up again. But you couldn’t stop yourself. You’d change everything back of course if you wanted to. So, what was the harm in going a little further? 

“No one in this world is potty trained, and cumming feels even better in this world.” You let go of the button without a second thought. The diaper around your waist suddenly felt so much heavier. Like someone had dumped a gallon of warm water into it and threw oatmeal in the back. Your Mommy’s diaper was now noticeably drooping and discolored. 

She was still rubbing your cock, but now it was encased in a wet, squishy, warm diaper. You couldn’t help yourself anymore. The feeling around your dick felt heightened now. Like every atom was burning with sexual desire. “Cum for Mommy, Baby. Cum for you Mommy.” She said sweetly to you, kissing your ear. 

It was earth shattering. You launched right into nirvana by cumming harder into your diaper than you could have ever imagined. The only thing you could see was your Mommy’s face. Nothing else mattered, as your mind entered a blissful state like never felt before. It spilled out of you for what felt like for hours. Your Mommy held you there, expertly slowing her rub to ride your orgasm as long as possible. “Good boy, good baby boy…” She purred in your ear. She gathered you up and placed you on the bed.

“Let’s get baby into a fresh diaper.” She said with a gentle smile. You felt some post nut clarity come to you as you laid there in your wrecked diaper. You thought you’d want to return to normal after that cum. It’s fun to play, but regular life called, right?

Mommy started untapping your diaper. Your brain was still coming down, as you felt yourself relax. You let the device fall from your hand and roll underneath the bed. 

Where it would stay for a very. Very. Long time…



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