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“Truth!” Haley said to Nancy. This was the second truth in a row for the 21-year-old college senior. She rolled her eyes at the prospect that she’d have to answer one of Haley’s notoriously embarrassing questions yet again. 

“Shoot.” She said, folding her arms and shooting an annoyed look at Laci. She just shrugged.

“Hey don’t look at me, you’re the one who wanted to play this stupid game.” Laci said, motioning back toward Nancy. She nodded her head in defeat. 

“How many hand jobs have you given in a bathroom?” Haley asked with a wink at the end. The wink practically said, ‘I bet not many.’ Nancy scoffed at the lewd question. She shook her head and paused for a moment before responding.

“You would just love to know that, wouldn’t you?” Nancy snapped back. She looked back at Laci for back-up. 

Laci seemed to look distant for some reason. It was as if she was trying to stare at something far in the distance. The three girls sat in silence for a few seconds as Nancy looked at her friend with some concern. Laci’s gaze softened and became more of a vacant look for a few seconds, before suddenly, she shook her head and looked back toward her friends.

“I’m sorry, what were you guys talking about? Sorry, kind of spaced out there for a second…” Laci said with an uneasy grin. Nancy nodded understandably.

“She just asked me the most stupid question, she asked me if I had.. ever had.. had um…” Nancy trailed off before swiveling her head back toward Haley. “Wait, what did you ask me again?” She said, tilting her head to the side at the end.

Haley closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and held up a confident finger, she stayed like that for a second, before she herself realized she’d forgotten her entire line of questioning. Her eye’s shot open in concern. She brought her hand up to her chin to contemplate. 

“What was it again? It was something really big… something about the bathroom? It was about… how it was a really big thing to do in the bathroom…” She wondered for a few seconds. And that’s when it hit her like a ton of bricks.

“OH!” Haley exclaimed loudly; her confident smile returned to her. It quickly turned back to a devilish grin. ‘How many times have you made it to the potty in the past week?” She said with a look that said, ‘Yeah, I bet it isn’t much.’ Nancy gasped at the hard-hitting question.

“Come on! That kind of question is off limits!” Nancy said, subconsciously pounding her fist on the ground in anger. It took really no effort at all to let that emotion roll over her. She instantly continued, “You KNOW I’m having trouble. Why would you say that?” She said, her anger melting quickly into sadness. She had to fight to hold back crocodile tears at the mean question. Laci finally chimed in.

“Oh, come on, Nancy. Just answer her! Who cares if you’re still in pull-ups!” Laci said, pointing at her friend’s crotch. Nancy shifted her thigh’s uneasily. Her yellow skirt she had totally been wearing this entire time clearly showed her pink training panties. Nancy’s heart leapt for a moment as she quickly shot a hand down toward her crotch to make sure she wasn’t wet. Thankfully, she was dry. Nancy felt like she had to respond to Laci’s response quickly.

“Yeah, well. At least I’m not in diapers…” Nancy mumbled just loud enough for Laci to hear. She knew it was kind of mean, but she felt so small from Haley’s line of questioning. She had to flex and act big somehow. 

Laci stared daggers at Nancy. Without even thinking about it, she slapped her right across the arm. “YOU MEANIE!” She screamed as a flurry of hands started raining down on Nancy. Nancy quickly went into full defense by throwing hands up to protect her face. The two went into a full-on fight. Laci’s diaper was on full display as they went at it. In fact, it was always on full display. Little girls like her were always supposed to have their diapers easily viewable in case a grown up needed to change it.

“OW! STOP IT! STOP HITTING ME!” Nancy pleaded to Laci. Her attacks seemed to slow for a moment, but anger was still fueling some hard slaps. 

“Don’t. Be. A Poopie. Head. About. My. DIAPIE!” Laci yelled with one final slap. It rang loudly as it landed. Nancy wailed out in pain.

“OWIE! Dat really really huwrt…” Nancy said, she felt some warm tears spilling out of her eyes. Laci felt genuinely bad, but to be honest, she felt like Nancy deserved. Laci opened her mouth to respond.

“Ya, das what you get wh-“ She stopped suddenly. Her eyes went wide as the need to poop hit her like a train. She had seconds before the mess was about to hit the back of her pampers. “I.. Duh.. uh…” She stammered before her words turned into grunts.

“Hrn… Un… urm…” She said, as her face went red. She slowly got on all fours to push the mess out easier. The two girls looked on at her friend sympathetically. It wasn’t her fault she still needed diapers, hell, Haley was still in them herself. Whatever quarrels the three had before melted as Laci looked away in embarrassment.

A few seconds later the soft mush settled with a plop into the seat of her thick diaper. Her face grew beet red. Nancy quickly scuttled over to her on all fours and threw a reassuring arm over her shoulder. 

“Hey, das otay, Waci. Accsadens happen” Nancy said, reciting the mantra her mother had been saying to her practically everyday for the past two weeks. Laci seemed to brighten up a little bit at that comment.

“Yeah, herew, wook.” Haley said, crawling over to the large changing table next to her crib. She fumbled around with the handle of a cabinet for 30 seconds before pulling it open. She yanked out the thickest adult diaper money could buy.

“Me weawr dese at night-night stiww.” She said with a shrug. She let it lazily fall to the floor with a plop. It sent a gust of baby powder rushing into the girls’ noses. They nodded, and everyone looked back at Laci. There was silence for a few seconds. Laci’s sniffles seemed to be tapering off. 

“Hey.” Nancy said with a tap of her friend’s shoulder. She clumsily got up onto her feet. It took a few seconds like it normally did, and she of course had to use the table to her side as support, but that was common for her. She let go of the table and waved her arms around to get balance. It took a few waves, but she finally steadied herself. “Fweinds hewp fwends. We togetha in da potty twainin’” She said, looking lovingly. Laci shot a beaming smile back up at her friend.

Nancy started pushing. Her bladder let loose quickly into her previously dry pull-up. It took literally no effort at all to wet at this point. She was still focused on her main goal though, messing her pull-up. It was really the only way she could best comfort Laci right now.

She grunted harder; she could feel it in her forehead. She closed her eyes to focus even harder. With each push, her head seemed to get lighter. Each grunt felt like another weight left her brain. Her thoughts started to become more jumbled. Like it was hard to hold onto a single thought or idea.

“Hrn… Hmmm…” She uttered, she bawled her fists and dug in for one final push. “HM!... Duuwhh.. wuwuaaaa…” Nancy said, her eyes opening. This time though, they were far duller and more distant than before. A dumb smile grew on her face as her tongue flopped out. Drool instantly dripped from the tip and onto the floor. 

“oowp!” Nancy squeaked falling back onto the seat of her diaper. The thick mess she just pushed into there squished in response. “Ahehe…” She thought, before feeling like somewhere below her something felt warm and maybe a little wet? It made her head feel really funny and silly though, she just giggled before shoving a thumb into her mouth in response. 

Her friends weren’t paying attention, Haley was already on her way to the glowing TV in the corner. Her heavily used diaper swayed with each swing of the leg. Laci, well, she was preoccupied trying to practically slurp down her entire foot. 

Nancy slowly laid down on her back. She stared up at the ceiling, letting all the bright colors and animals dance and take over her dumb, mushy, baby-fied brain.


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