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*Probably the most unique idea for a story I've ever come up with...*



Chapter 1

Like most diaper erotica stories, the main character’s name will be the first word, of the first paragraph. Typically this is to tell the reader what gender they can expect to get diapered, regressed, degraded, or  even transformed into the author’s wildest imaginations in the following chapters. This isn’t how this story beings, and even though a male is the first person to be introduced, this character is far from the one who will be going on any diapered adventures. Rather, he’s the one causing all of the incoming diapered regression. 

The date was July 3rd, 2019.


Derrick looked at his creation with such admiration. 

4 years at Bentley studying physics, and 3 more at Harvard, he always had one goal in mind. We all have deep fetishes inside of us that make us do and say things our rational mind would deem inappropriate. Derrick, who looked like the typical overweight neckbeard that still lived in his mother’s basement, took that to an extreme unlike any other. 

You see, Derrick is like you or me. When he was young, he found himself some of his younger sister’s pull-ups, and curiously tried them on. Little did he know that one decision during his formative years would impact the hardwiring of his sexual desires for the rest of his life. It was engrained in him as was breathing. Every twinge of sexual pulses in his dick would send cascading thoughts of diapers through his brain. And unfortunately for him having an overactive, constantly rejected sex drive, he thought about diapers a lot. All he wanted were diapers, he needed them to take over his entire life. So, he did the one thing in life he thought could get him into a world filled with dumb, babbling diaper women.

A reality that he could control as his own. Taking physics during his high school years, he could tell almost instantly that it was possible. He’d ask every teacher he ever had if multi-dimensions were possible. They’d always give the same wishy washy “Well, maybe, but we’re still so far away in the field of physics from know if that’s true or not. We have theories that blah, blah, blah…”

He never doubted himself. He knew that he could create the device. He’d done the math out himself hundred of times. Countless nights going over the formulas over and over again. Just to see if he could get it right. 

The device, if in the right hands, could have easily become the greatest invention to ever come out of mankind. A small, metal box that took human beings, and dropped them into whatever reality the user desired? Think of the medical advances, the vast cultural impacts. It’d be like Ready Player One, but in real life! 

Derrick, though, had a vision for this device since a very young age. He wasn’t going to do anything noble with his creation. Oh no, he’d spent far too much time on it to waste it on something like that. Instead, he’d spent the last few months putting the finishing touches on his realities.  They were easy to do, he simply recreated stories from his favorite artists…

You probably know some of them: Personalias, Long Rifle, Tainted Sins, Princess Potty Pants, Cowkites, TheUnthinker, Allerted, Pieceofsoap, etc. Even obscure one-off stories from random authors who only produced a chapter or two of something really great, only for it to fade away into oblivion. We know all these stories, and every single one of them was loaded into Derrick’s device. The “Diaper-verse” as he so cleverly called it. All of these diaper realities were in his creation. All that had to happen now, was for him to suck someone(s) into it, and they’d be trapped in that reality, until he saw it fit to flip them into a new one. 

And that, is exactly where this story really starts.


“You finally finished your diaper whosy whatsy? Hahah!” Nora said to her brother Derrick through laughter. Her two other friends giggled with her. All three of them had found out about Derrick’s little diaper fetish about a year ago. From that instant, they were anything but understanding. It had been nothing but constant humiliation, and insults from Nora and her friends. As much as he wished it pissed him off, it really only turned him on even more to finish his device. 

“It really is done, and you three are going in there first!” Derrick said, holding the device up in a threatening manner. Zoey just snorted and rolled her eyes. 

“Derrick, sweaty, you do know this isn’t how you attract women, right? No girl is going to want to date a diaper loving loser like yourself, let alone one that plays with stupid “Magical toys” in his spare time. Do you realize how fucking dumb you sound?” Zoey said, her two friends bursting back into laughter. 

“Ahah, yeah, why don’t you go run along and go diddle yourself to someone women on the internet like you always do! Us three grown-ups have to choose our classes together so we all have the same schedule for our last year at Uni.” Bella said to an increasingly angry, and turned on Derrick. He clenched his left fist, and flicked on the machine.

“Urrgh! You two are going to be realllll sorry about this. I was thinking about going a little easy on you three, but if this is how you’re going to treat your new master, then I guess I’m going to have to throw you all right into the thick of it!!! Prepare for the Diaper-verse!” Derrick yelled with anger and sexual frustration in his voice. 

The three girls looked at each other, slowly looked at Derrick, then back to themselves. 

“BAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!” The three girls fell onto the floor in complete hysterics. They sounded like wild hyenas cackling to the funniest thing they’d ever heard in their entire life.

“AHAHAHA!! HOLY SHIT! HE ACTUALLY FUCKING SAID THAT!!!” Nora yelled, feeling some tears form on the side of her eyes from the shear amount of laughter. 

“HAHAHAH, WAIT, wait… and what did he call it again? The Diaper-verse? Isn’t that some movie on Netflix?” Bella howled through bouts of laughter. Her sides felt like they were about to explode. The three girls slowly got up from the floor, trying their best to calm themselves down from the funniest spectacle they’ve ever witnessed. Every few seconds though, they’d start laughing right back into it again. 

“Ahaha… ahhh… Woo. That was a good one, Derrick. Wow, I will admit, hahah, I guess you’ve got someone what of some balls to actually say that to the three of us.” Nora said, wiping some tears away from her eyes. Derrick just stared at them. The device held firmly in his hand. He looked down at it for a few moments, then shot his gaze back up toward the women. 

“We’ll see how you feel after a nice thick diaper around your waist.” He muttered to himself, as he lifted the device. He could feel his hand shaking a little bit, both from the anxiety and excitement that was pumping through him. 

With a small tap of the button, the green light of the device flicked on, and the machine was activated…


“Oh, Derrick. Why don’t you just throw that thing away, and get a real job? Seriously, who in their right mind would think something like this would actually work?” Zoey said, walking up toward Derrick. “You need to grow the fuck up and really-“ She suddenly stopped mid-sentence as she looked down at her hand. She was originally trying to grab the device from Derrick so she could throw it away, but something strange was going on with her hand.

It was becoming pixelated. It was as if someone in 1985 was trying to animate her hand. She quickly shot her head over toward her friends, and gasped. Their entire bodies were becoming just like her hand. 

“W- H- A-“ Bella yelled out to her friends, before her vision started to become incredibly blurry.

“DE-R-R-I-C-K … N-O-“ Nora yelled out, before she suddenly felt like she was falling. Then a moment later, the world went black.  



She’s proper fucked now. If Long_Rifle were around he’d probably make sure she got a good lookie loo of what her new life was going to entail, before giving her the ol’ whammy.