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“Never.” Paisley thought, looking away from the pile of diapers. “No way in hell I’d ever do that! Who just puts on diapers like that? Ha!” She mumbled, springing up from the bed. Her feet landed on the floor with an audible “thud” that could be heard across the house. She felt the sudden need to leave the room, in fact, she felt herself wanting to get out of the house all of a sudden.

“Just, need some air. I’m going to be here all summer, might as well explore a little bit.” She thought, immediately leaving the room. Deep down she knew why she wanted to leave the house all of a sudden. It was no secret to herself that whenever she was faced with a new feeling like this, it was common place for her to run away from it. Those diapers had struck her harder than anything had in the past few years, and it had only been a few minutes. It was more than too much. She felt emotions that she hadn’t felt about something for a long time. Fear, disgust, curiosity, but above all, excitement.

“Be back in a bit, Grandma!” She yelled out, opening up the front door. She heard her respond, but was already closing the door before she could make out what it was. Probably something telling her to just be safe or whatever anyways. 

The air was warm as she started making her way down the sidewalk. You could feel the humidity in the air with each step. It didn’t take long for Paisley to start feeling some beads of sweat to develop on her skin. It was definitely summer time, and it was evident as well by all the people who were out and about. 

All different ages and people walked by here. Her grandmother lived in a residential area, so on a nice day like this, tons of people were going to be out. Paisley took in some nice deep breaths while she walked. Sweet smells of flowers and grass filled her nose. It helped center her mind over what she had just experienced. 

“I still can’t believe that. Diapers, at my age?” She giggled now, thinking on it with a smile. “I’m just gonna tell her I’m way too old for those, and probably just throw them in the trash or something.” She reasoned, a part of her surprised her once she made that conclusion though. Sadness bubbled up from her chest. Though very small, it was noticeable. “Wait. Hold the fucking phone.” She thought, passing by a few more people. “Am I really feeling a little sad knowing I’m gonna throw away those stupid diapers the second I get back? What the fuck?” She thought, wrestling with that strange emotion inside of her. Never in a million years would she suspect herself to react this way to such childish underwear. 

Perhaps it was just everything she’d been going through the past few years. Sure everyone points to the stress of life, and how hard it can be to make it, but these are diapers. These are for people who can’t control themselves, or make it to the bathroom on time. This wasn’t the answer to all of her life’s problems, right?

Paisley continued to ponder while she walked past the local playground. It was the last place she wanted to pass while in her current state, but she didn’t realize she was this close until it was too late. She kept her head steady on the sidewalk. She passed by a group of ladies in what seemed to be their 40s while she walked by. They walked off the grass, and onto the sidewalk behind Paisley. The group was obviously on some kind of walk as well, they just so happened to catch Paisley on her own stroll. The women were talking rather loudly about something, Paisley had no choice but to listen. 

“You know, I’m starting to think he’s just doing it on purpose.” One of the ladies said in a huff. You could sense the frustration in her voice.

“What do you mean, Carol? You think he’s actually going in his pants on purpose? That doesn’t make sense!” One of the women said back. Carol responded.

“Well he’s been potty trained for a while, now all of a sudden he’s not? The other day I walked into his room, and his pants were just soaked! He didn’t even seem to care when I pointed it out! He seemed a little surprised, but come on. I’m pretty sure he’s just doing it for the attention.” Carol said, a stressed tone in her voice.

“You gotta straighten him up, Carol! You don’t want him going backwards on potty training!” Another voice said behind Paisley. 

“I know, I know. But to be honest, I’m not completely against it. This sounds crazy coming out of my mouth, but it’s been kind of nice… babying him again?” Carol said, the women let out some shocked reactions to that.

“What do you mean, you LIKE that? You want to clean up messy diapers again!?” A woman said, the group started cackling in laughter. Once they calmed down, Carol spoke again.

“No, no not that. But he started wetting the bed again, which AGAIN, I think he’s doing on purpose. But I don’t really mind it most days. I like having that roll as the mom again. I don’t know, if this is how he want’s to act, I don’t think I have a problem with it. You’re only young once, why not stay a baby as long as you’d like?” She said. The women continued to argue that point as they turned down a separate street from Paisley.

It took a few minutes for Paisley’s mind to even come back down to a rational level. Her back felt like every single hair was straight up. The words from the woman kept circling over and over again in her mind. Never has an idea struck her to the foundation of her core. Her eyes were practically the size of a baseball.

“Wetting… on purpose…?” She wondered. The idea seemed so foreign, yet… intriguing. “Grandma would never really know I was faking it….” Skimmed through her head. She instantly shook her head to get that idea out of her mind. “NO!” She yelled to herself, “I’m not wearing fucking diapers, I’m not going to try them on, and I’m sure as hell not going to wet myself on purpose! I’m a grown woman.” She said to herself with a mix of anger and confusion. 

She didn’t necessarily believe those words, in fact, she was more trying to tell herself how to feel, rather than actually describe her current state of mind. She knew this deep down. And that brought an interesting mix of confusion, skepticism, frustration, but still above all, excitement. 

The rest of her walk seemed to go in slow motion. Paisley did her best to move away from her diapered thoughts. She pulled out her phone to distract herself the whole way back…


“I’m back Grandma!” Paisley echoed into the house. Her grandmother slowly appeared from a nearby hallway.

“Oh, okay Paisley! Did you have fun playing in the yard?” She asked with a warm smile. Paisley slight shook her head.

“No, Grandma, I actually took a walk around the town.” She said with a straightforward tone. She walked over toward the large couch on the other side of the room. Paisley plopped down quickly. 

“Haha, such an imagination with kids your age!” Ruth said chuckling to herself. Paisley shot an irritated glance at her grandmother. She thought about responding to that in a harsh way, but decided to go easy on her obviously misinformed grandmother. 

“Yeah…” Paisley said, whipping out her phone again. Her gaze left her grandmother and focused on the screen. She flipped it open and immediately went to Youtube. A silence hung in the air for a moment, before Ruth cleared her throat awkwardly to speak.

“*Ahem*…. So do you…. Need a change at all?” Ruth said quietly and with a comforting face. It was as if she was trying not to embarrass Paisley.

What.” Paisley said sharply, her head shot up as fast as a bullet. Her face instantly deepened into a dark crimson. She could feel those strange diapered thoughts creep back into the forefront her mind. She’d tried so hard to keep them at bay. But a surprise like this was easily going to catch her off guard.

“Just making sure! If you tell me you don’t need one, then I believe you!” Ruth said, her classic warm smile returning.

Paisley wasn’t sure what it was that made her say it. Maybe it was the fact that she just didn’t want to fight with her mentally declining grandmother. She really didn’t seem to want to budge on this anyways. 

Or perhaps it was the fact that deep down, way deep in Paisley’s wants/desires, she wanted to play along. Paisley wanted to see how far she could take this silly game with Ruth. No one was around to check up on her anyways, so why not just have fun for a while? 

Whatever it was, she just said it: “No, I’m all good Grammy.” She said, her face instantly feeling hot with excitement. A shot of adrenaline pumped through her the moment the words left her lips, and her eyes lit up just like when the women were talking earlier. 

Ruth just smiled and nodded, “Let me know if you do!” She said. Turning around, and slowly walking out of the room.

Paisley just sat there for a few minutes. She was processing the words that had just left her lips. She felt kinda strange. Playing along with this ruse. It gave Paisley a sense of excitement and joy she’d just never had before. The adrenaline seemed to flow through her much longer than she expected. She felt high. 

She snapped her head back toward the phone. With a flick, the home screen disappeared, and youtube popped up again. Paisley clicked on a random video, just so she could distract herself.

Little did she know, that random video, was about to change her life forever.

The video took a few seconds to load. It wasn’t anything special, just some trendy video about how to make a specialized summer drink. The video itself wasn’t what shot ice through Paisley’s veins. It was the advertisement. 

“New, Pampers cruisers! Just for when they can’t seem to get to potty training…..” 

The words seemed to become distant to Paisley. Her mind swirled with every single diapered thought she’d had today. The first comments her grandmother made, the stack of diapers on the table, the women’s comments, Ruth asking her for a change, and now… this? It was all just so much for Paisley. She closed her eyes, letting the words from the woman return to her mind. 

Well he’s been potty trained for a while, now all of a sudden he’s not? The other day I walked into his room, and his pants were just soaked! He didn’t even seem to care when I pointed it out!

Paisley drew in a deep breath, letting those words and feelings hum inside her brain. She had to admit. Today had been the most exciting day she’d had in years. Nothing really gave her the high or thrill that she’d felt since the moment she walked into her room and saw those diapers. It didn’t really take any effort once she acknowledged that.

“I think I might need that change after all, Grammy.” She whispered. She drew in another deep breath, as her face began to strain. 

It took a couple minutes. But after a few minutes. A small, dark, wet spot began to slowly form in the center of her crotch.



I love the twist in this story! 😋


Im excited for part 3


When are you gonna make more mp3's i'm absolutly dying for them lol


Soon! :3 I like to focus on different pieces of abdl. Writing has always been my favorite! I have a few mp3s in the works though ;)


Awesome! that's what i look forward to mostly. We appreciate you!


Would you concider doind a costom for me?


How often are update s posted?