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“Oh yeahw, going potty in yous pants is wike da coowest ting eva, and itz soooo funs, but wat ifs you didz itz aww da time?” Maddy said to Alice. Her face maintained a devilish look, it was as if she was inviting Alice into something. 

That idea seemed so much more enticing to Alice then it should for a grown women. Out of all the ways this trip could have gone; not in her wildest dreams did she think she’d end up craving to get rid of her already dwindling potty training. That’s not even taking into account the fact she was standing half naked in an absolutely soaked pull-up. A pull-up that she’d just wet without any warning from her bladder. She’d had a genuine accident in public, in front of someone in a full diaper, who immediately praised her for it. And honestly, she couldn’t have been happier right now. She was sinking down into something, and a growing part of her wanted to take it to the extreme for no real reason, it just seemed so much fun.

“How… How would I… Do that?” Alice said, in complete shock that someone as big time as Maddy was about to share this knowledge with her. She was hanging onto this girls every word.

“Come wiff me..” Maddy said, taking the willing Alice by the hand. Her pull-up squelched with each step toward one of the great hall’s exits.


“So like, it’s really really fun to use diapers?” Alice said, looking down at her lame pull-up. Maddy was telling her all about how much fun it was to use diapers 24/7. Maddy went on to tell Alice how didn’t really know how or when it started, in fact, Maddy couldn’t really think back to a time when she wasn’t just letting loose into a diaper. 

The two of them chatted exclusively about diapers their entire way down the hall. Alice tried remembering their steps so she could get back to her mommy once she was done having a playdate with Maddy. The directions started getting hazy though once Maddy brought up the different kinds of patterns you can have on your diaper. The conversation was just far too interesting for her to pay attention to their footsteps.

“You’re telling me… I can wear as MANY diapers as I want in here?!?” Alice said, pointing up toward the sign above the door. ‘Adult Baby Nursery’ was written in crude red marker on a white sign. The door was a baby blue color, with tons of crayon scribbles. It looked like a little kid had gotten ahold of a Crayola box and gone to town on it. 

“MHM! Andz we’s gots supa speciaw diapies fo’ new babies!!” Maddy squealed, gripping the nursery door, and flinging it open. The sight of a gigantic, mindboggling big adult sized nursery quickly filled Alice’s view. It made her gasp from the sheer size. There was everything you could imagine in this huge nursery, and then some.

The room was the same baby blue pastel as the door. This time though there were dozens of cute babyish decals professional painted on the walls. The floor was a soft shaggy white carpet. Hundreds of toys were strewn across the floor. It was as if someone had released a dump truck of baby toys onto the floor. Almost none of them were repeats remarkably.

A practical mountain range of different diapers piled in different corner of the room. Almost every wall had some kind of cabinet insert that had an additional row of diapers. Quite literally, another thick pair was always within reach. There seemed to be about 50-60 adult babies just crawling around and having what appeared to be an amazing time. Some of them were playing with others, crawling around on their own, or completely zoned out on the floor (Clearly high on something…).

“Wet Diap-o!” A curly haired girl squealed right beneath Alice. The girl was pointing directly at Alice’s pull-up, which strangely had a couple of pee streaks now running down Alice’s legs. The small wetting accident didn’t phase Alice much at all, but for some reason, she felt the need to seem superior to this random girl.

“Yeah well, at least I didn’t poo-poo in my diaper like YOU did.” Alice said, pointing toward the girl’s very full diaper. She folded her arms feeling much bigger than this dumb kid in front of her. The girl looked to the back of her butt for a moment, the back up to Alice. The two stared at each other for a few moments before an audible ‘hissss’ could be heard from the girl’s diaper. A silly grin appeared on the girls face.

“Braba!” She babbled, then started crawling away into baby land. Alice had a sly look on her face. 

“Totally showed her.. heh.” She thought, watching the girl’s butt sway while she crawled. Alice tried looking away after about a second, but her eyes wouldn’t let her. “Oh fuck that ass is perfect in a diaper…” She whispered. Her mind completely focused on how hot that girl’s thick diapered bum was while it swayed left and right. Alice’s jaw started to slowly widen from the pure awe. Her free hand found it’s way toward her crotch. Within moments she was very lightly rubbing the bottom of her drenched pull-up. She stayed in the state of hot horny bliss for this diaper girl for a few more minutes. The only thing the was going to pull her out of this random masturbation session in the doorway was the re-appearance of Maddy.

“Someones wikes deir diapie!” Maddy said, waddling back up with a folded disposable diaper in her hands. The diaper was entirely white, except for a medium sized smiley face in the front.

“What! Oh- uh… No I was just um. I had an ich…” Alice said meekly, obviously lying. Maddy just rolled her eyes. 

“Yeah yeah, me gots yous a extrwa speciaw diapie!!” Maddy said, extending the diaper out toward Alice. 

Alice cocked her head to the side, “What makes these ones so special, Maddy?” Alice said, taking a step out of the nursery. Her friend let out a small giggle. 

“Oh its gowts weawyyy fun tings in it!” She said, slowly unfolding the diaper. Alice shot a strange look at the diaper.

“One kind of… things… Maddy?” She said, taking another slow step back. Alice had a strange feeling about this. Things in Kink land weren’t always as they appeared, and taking a diaper with “Fun things in it” could be dangerous.

“Dwi…Dwas..Dwawas?” Maddy said, trying to remember how to say the word. Alice stopped moving backwards and looked puzzled at Maddy.

“Dwawas? What are you talking about?” She said. 

“Dwa…Dwiwas!” Maddy said, doing a little jump in place. Alice looked totally confused for another moment. Before, right then and there, it hit her.

“*GASP* DRIVERS?!?” Alice said, feeling complete shock run cold through her veins. Drivers were THE drug she was told to stay away from. It made your brain practically re-wire itself to whatever kink you were into. The high was unlike anything you’d ever feel. And it always made the user craving another hit the second it started to fade. Unlike other drugs though, the next hit is even better than the last. 

“MADDY NO I-“ Alice tried to yell before running, but it just happened so fast. With a ‘puff’ Maddy quickly shoved the unfolded diaper into Alice’s face. 

The sweet, delicious smell quickly filled Alice’s nose. There was nothing she could do. Her brain instantly felt like every single firework in the world had just erupted in her mind. Her body felt fantastically euphoric. With each pop of another firework, her mind locked into one thing. Diapers. 

Her hands grabbed the diaper and shoved it even harder into her face. “MMMMMMmmmm DIAPIES!!!” Alice squealed, jumping up and down like a two year old at Christmas. Her mind felt like it was being ripped apart, and then taped back together into a thick soft diaper. Every thought she’d ever had. Every memory she’d made in her life. It all seemed to quickly morph into the pure need to want diapers. All she could have ever thought in life was to strap herself into some thick padding, then wet and mess herself until the tapes burst.

She kept inhaling. Each breath seemed to bring her mind into higher and higher heights. But the 4th inhale, her eyes started to glaze, and she was muttering to herself. “Diapers,diapies,diapies,diiaappeessss” She repeated over and over again. Until she finally moved the diaper away from her face.

The nursey seemed so much more colorful. Everyone just seemed so much happier looking too! Sure the world was a little blury now, but babies eye sights were terrible anyways weren’t they? Maddy looked like the most beautiful women she had ever laid her hazy eyes onto. She just said the first thing that came to her mind.

“Maddies, me need di-di! Pweaazzzeeeeee!” She yelled, waddling right back into the nursery. Maddy giggled then shut the door behind her. 

“Oh we’s abouts to haves awots of fun!” Maddy said, as she watched Alice plop onto the floor, eagerly throwing her legs up for her first diaper change. The drugs still seeping into her mind.