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Really it all started with those new reform schools. “Reduction Academy” swept across the nation faster than anyone had expected. It started out as a single grassroots school in the mid-west. Seemingly overnight though, thousands of schools started popping up all over the country. It took less than a few months for them to start rivaling even the most established public schools. Some attributed it to their aggressive marketing via commercials or youtube ads. Ask anyone and they’d tell you it was just so hard to look away from their bright and colorful videos.

Others argued that their “Simple, dumbed down approach” to learning was the key to their success. They preferred to place into a “calm, opened minded state” while they learned all about colors and the alphabet. Some would argue that their teachings were just too out there. For what it’s worth, they were practically dumbing students down into a drooling diaper slave state, but it only took a few seconds of a “Promotional Video” to explain what they were really all about. A few minutes later they couldn’t sign their name fast enough to be enrolled.

That’s where Karen found herself on a spring morning. She was protesting outside of her local Reduction Academy. Almost all of her friends had decided to give it a try, only for them to come back as diaper loving weirdos. 

“NO MORE REDUCTION! NO MORE SUBDUCTION!” Karen yelled out with her picket sign. She watched with a sad look on her face as some of her old friends skipped into the school. One of their skirts flew up, and reveal what was obviously a thick adult diaper. The teachers started filling into the school not far behind them. Karen’s sadness turned to rage as she watched one of them walk by.

“You guys are FUCKED UP! You are turning innocent people into diapered crazies!” She yelled at Ms Lucy, the school’s main physiologist. She was in charge of physcological development of students on the campus. Mainly, she was in change of just making sure anyone who walked into her door would crawl out in a droopy diaper, while a line of drool slipped down their chin. She shot a warm, sly smile at the strong willed Karen.

“So precious, so… malleable.” The doctor said, pulling out a vile from her jacket. Her red fingernails laced around the cap. With a quick tug, she popped the small bottle open. Her hand quickly lifted it up to Karen’s nose. “Here.” She said plainly, wafting the scent of the vile toward her.

Karen didn’t have time to react. The strong scent quickly permeated into her nostrils. The effects were almost immediate. Her legs felt weaker as they started to buckle slightly. Her mind felt like it started to slow down to a level she hadn’t felt for decades. She took two clumsy steps backwards, before shakily gaining her balance again. Her legs felt like they were practically rubber.

“You… why… what did you…” Karen said, not understanding what had just happened. The doctor just had that same slick smile on her face. 

“Here, take two of these, and why don’t you come back to preschool tomorrow when you’re ready?” She said, rummaging through her purse. She grabbed two adult diapers from her purse, and thrusted them into Karen’s arms. Karen grabbed them instantly. Adults should always be listened to. “Now, hurry up! You don’t want to go all baby mode on me before you get home now do you?” The doctor said, motioning for the girl to start walking. 

Without much thought, Karen just nodded. “Okay.” She said, not really understanding why she said it. It just felt right. A big kid like her told her to do something, so naturally it meant she knew more than her. So why would she disobey? 

The walk home was something out of a dream for Karen. All her imaginary friends from when she was a little kid seemed to pop up around her. Her super cool friend Mr Kangaroo, who told her all about how fun it is to put on diapers again. The really smart polar bear who told her that wetting in them too was totally normal and no one expected her to do anything different. All her imaginary friends couldn’t seem to help themselves but teach Karen all the wonders of being a dumb little baby again!

Karen though, knew that this was wrong. She must be tripping on something that doctor gave her. She shook her head what felt like a millions times to get these crazy visions out of her head. “I’m NOT A BABY!!” She screamed, a couple of passersby’s shot the strangest look at her.

She stumbled into her apartment, the world swirling around her. Every second was a barrage of babyish thoughts and intensions. She never thought in a millions years she’d be fighting with all her might to keep herself from sucking on her thumb; no matter how wonderful that sounded. Her internal struggles faced an insurmountable task though. As she threw her apartment keys onto the floor, and closed the door behind her, the diapers she was clutching spilled out onto the floor.

“Don’t wear them…. Don’t… wear them…” She said, trying to fight the urges she had. She couldn’t help though but stare at the rainbow one in front of her.




Good start, I am excited to see where this is going! Keep up the good work!


Oh wow, what a solid and stellar foundation to a larger story! I love the idea of those imaginary little friends and hope to see more of them. Mr. Kangaroo is definitely a great friend! :)


Awesome story so far!! I wonder if this was inspired by my daycare suggestion? Seems like a very interesting twist on the idea!!