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Here's a little story inspired by a patron, with my own twist! (Thank you AR pie in the sky! Your ideas are always wonderful) Hopefully you guys like it. I'll be posting an update to The Community in the next few days too :)

She truly couldn’t believe it. 

“Oh by the heavens, I can’t believe this!” Evie said to herself. Her arms started to form goosebumps while she walked back from the lab table. Her entire life’s work was forming right in front of her eyes. “Go… Go… GO!” She yelled to the small beaker of bubbling blue liquid. It was vigorously shooting bubbles and wisps of steam into the air. Evie’s breath was in her chest as the liquid began changing from a dark blue, to deep red. Her eye’s lit up with excitement.

“YES! YEESSS!!! IT WORKED!” Evie screamed at the top of her lungs. With extreme joy, she started hopping up and down, and began clapping her hands. She’d truly done it. With years upon years of writing up the mathematics, convincing her superiors that this deserved funding, and so many god damn failures, she’d created it. 

“I’ll know the answer to everything. There’s NOTHING I won’t understand! I’m going to become the greatest genius that’s ever lived. Oh my- Oh sweet Einstein!” She said, trying her best to breathe in between sentences. Her life’s work was finally complete. She deserved a couple minutes of complete hysterical joy. Her fingers trembled with excitement as she extended her hand toward the beaker. She quickly gripped the glass, and plucked it off it’s stand.

The glass was still warm in her hands, and a little bit of steam was still flowing from the top of the liquid. It wasn’t boiling, but it’d definitely be warm once it slid down her throat. Her eyes were wide as dinner plates. With a wide smile, she gripped the beaker a little tighter, and knocked the serum back…


“Okay, 10 minutes in, and I feel…. *sigh* nothing.” Evie wrote down in her lab notes. “What the hell? I thought this would be immediate. I don’t feel smarter, I don’t really even feel…. Well anything!” She said, absent mindedly spinning around in her chair. She let out another puff of air and flicked up her hair in the process. 

She felt a bolt of anxiety run through her body. “What if this didn’t work? What if this is screw up like the other ones?” She questioned, feeling the stress of yet another failure falling onto her shoulders. She began pacing around the room. Her eyes would scan every formula she’d scribbled down onto the chalkboards. Going over the process a thousand times in her head. “The serum will turn red when it’s complete. That’s just how it has to work!” She said, plopping herself down into a comfy chair in the back of the lab. She stared long and hard at the wall on the other end of the room. The realization slowly hitting her: another failure. “I need a drink.” She thought, feeling the need to comfort herself after all of this. 

But something strange happened in her brain the second she had that thought. She obviously needed to comfort herself somehow, and normally that was through an alcoholic beverage. Right now though? That just seemed like the most outlandish idea she’d ever heard. No, there was a proper way to calm yourself down. “I just need to suck my thumb.” She muttered, before quickly catching what she had just said.

“Wait, What?! Hahaha, okay Evie it’s been a late night, but not so late you’re making the completely rational idea to suck your thumb to feel better over the icky idea of drinking that weird stuff adults drink.” She said, knowing full well that’s not what she intended on saying. “Fuck, no!” She thought, squirming a little in her chair. She shot her gaze down toward her hands, specifically her left thumb.

She tried reasoning against it in her mind. The concept of greedishly slurping away at her thumb instead of just getting a rum and coke to deal with this defeat. The more and more she tried thinking of the latter, the more it just made no sense. And part of her knew that wasn’t true. Adults don’t just suck their thumbs to make themselves feel better… right?

Her mind was silent for a few seconds. She just stared intensely at her thumb. Then, without a second thought, her thumb bolted right into her wide open mouth. Her eyes lit up with intense excitement. “Mmm” escaped her lips, before sucking even harder on it. Greedy pops and smacks from her lips echoed through the room. Not even the sounds of random lab equipment in the room could hide the unmistakable sounds of Dr Evie sucking away at her thumb like a needy 2 year old.

“Okay this is SUPER fun, and like realllly really good. But, it’s babyish. I shouldn’t be a baby, I’m a grown women.” She thought, but that argument didn’t really make sense to her. The right course of action was to OF COURSE suck on her thumb. No matter how much of a baby it made her seem. 

That caused her to start skipping around the lab while she was deep in thought. She of course kept slurping away at her thumb with each step she took. As much as she hated to admit it, the thumb did feel really good. It sent waves of pleasure to course through her body. 

“So like, I’m sucking my thumb. And that’s TOTALLY not what big kids do, but, that’s okay right? Like, sometimes big kids can do things that little kids do… I think? That doesn’t just make me a little kid. I can do things like suck my thumb, or draw on my mommies walls, or purposely wet diapers so my daddy puts me back in them for good, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still like one of those big kids on TV right?” Evie reasoned. A lot of that really didn’t make sense to her at first. She knew that most of that was complete nonsense, but really no matter how hard she tried, it was like law in her mind. It just made too much sense that doing little kid things was okay sometimes. Doing more big kid things than little kid things typically made you a big kid in general. So se was totally in the clear.

Evie knew that something wasn’t entirely right in her head. There was a growing fog in the front of her mind. Moments after she had drank that serum it was just a microscopic part of her brain that was pushing this regression. But with each passing minute, it was growing stronger, and taking over more of her brain. 

“Oohhh no’s. I don’t think that this is good good for me. What is mommy going to think?!” She said, before dashing over to her chalk board. If there was something wrong with the serum, it was going to show up in her math. She probably had only minutes to spare here. The baby growth in her brain was spreading, but thankfully it hadn’t started infecting the mathematical part of her brain yet. 

“Took the partial derivative here… yepp, and then I did the cool thing where I multiplied a lot here… yes and-“ She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw it. Pure adrenalin shot through her body once she realized what was staring her right in the face. A minus sign. And not just any minus sight. The pink funny baby thoughts that were starting to invade her mind cleared for a moment. 

“Oh fuck. I calculated for it to reverse EVERYTHING in my mind. It’s not going to make me smarter, or reason better.. or… or…” Evie was staring to hyper ventilate. She’d gotten the entire thing complete backwards. That one little miscalculation flipped the entire serum the other way. Instead of becoming the worlds next greatest physicist it appeared she was becoming the next female adult to be admitted into an intense care psychiatric ward. One that was going to need plenty of diapers.

“Oh no, alright. Come on Evie. You’ve got this, really you’re good here. You graduated top of your class at Harvard. You’ve been regarded as one of the brightest minds to enter the field here. It’s okay, it’s alright all you have to do is just make sure you don’t go potty in your pants. Mommy is gonna be super mad if you do that, and you’ve already had a couple of accidents the past couple days. Just, please, make sure you don’t make your pants all messy.” She thought, pacing around a little more next to her chalk board. She stopped for a second in confusion.

“Wait. What was I just thinking about? I feel like I…” She wondered, cocking her head to the side for a moment. She tried focusing with all her might. She could feel that babyish growth invading more of her mind. She clenched down on her jaw, and tried thinking with all of her might. Suddenly, her eyes popped open. “OH YEAH! The best way for me to keep my pants dry, and for mommy not to find any wet pants, is to do my tinkles in a diaper! That way, if I have accidents, which come on Eves, you’re super duper smart, it’s gonna happen… I’ll be all good! Haha, see I’m otay. I’m not some dumb little kid. I’m a smart big kid!” She said, stomping her foot and beaming with pride, “Now, let’s go get some diapers!” She said triumphantly, with a ton of giggles, she ran out of the lab.


The trip to get the diapers went by relatively un-eventfully. Sure, she got a ton of strange looks on the sidewalk, but she chalked that up to the fact she was picking her nose practically the entire way there. Also, she would just randomly mutter to herself how she was the biggest kid possible in 1st grade. No one knew how to say the alphabet, or how to count all the way up to 30 as fast as she could. She almost felt bad for all the kids in her grade. They were probably never going to be as good at counting, or climbing up the monkey bars as fast as she could.

“Like, I really only wet myself like, maybe 5 times a week? Come on, who can do something like that so goods? Wetting is like so easy to do in your pants and like I don’t even think I know someone who can keep their pants all like dry and not make a mess well maybe unless they’re mommy because she told me I’m not always that great at peeing in the potty which I don’t care because I…” Evie just continued muttering to herself while she skipped across the pavement. People shot the strangest of looks at a full grown women that was skipping around, in pig tails, sucking her thumb, and talking to herself about diapers. Nonetheless, she made it to CVS. 

The doors slid open as she walked (skipped) into the CVS. She’d seen the incontinence isle a million times before, this was the convenience store that was one building away from her apartment after all, so instinctively she walked right up to it. Her eyes lit up at the sight of all those diapers. And that’s not even mentioning all the cute pacifiers and sippy cups she saw next to them too. She was so excited, she just had to tell someone.

“HEY!” Evie yelled, to someone who looked strangely familiar. 

“Oh, uh, hey there Dr. Evie…” Chris said to his professor. He’d had Dr Evie for numerous classes during his time at Harvard. They definitely knew each other, but they weren’t close per say. Just the casual wave hello when they passed by each other in the hall. To see her in the store though? That was relatively awkward. Especially when he was right in the act of buying some nighttime protection for himself. 

“SHUSH! Can you believe all the cute diapers and sippy cups they have here!?!? I’m gonna use dem alllll!! Heheh! WAIT” She screamed, noticing the pack of goodnights in her student’s (Playmate’s?) hands. “YOU WEAR DIAPERS TOO!??!” She screamed from the top of her lungs. Chris’ face went a deep shade of crimson. Without even the slightest second thought, he dropped the package of goodnights, and started walking right out of the store. 

“I’ll-… Goodbye!” He yelled, feeling the greatest amount of embarrassment he’d ever felt in his entire life. Evie was so jealous though. He was so lucky to be wearing diapers that cute. She’d have to get a pair for herself just so she could be as cool as that Chris kid. 

“I need a whooole lots of these. Mommy said me might takes a while to gets awll goods at diaper trainin’… or was it’s potty twaining? Same ting.” She thought, clutching the package of goodnights, and a couple other packs of thick adult sized diapers. Her hands felt electric while she clutched her padded potty pants. “I’m gonna be able to haves SO many acsadents in dese, and mommy won’t even cawre!” She said with glee, but also low key missing the feeling of her thumb in her mouth. 

Nonetheless, she had to get home, and quick. But how was she going to pay for all those diapers? She had about $50 worth of diapers in her hands, or as Evie saw it as, “Atweast, a cowulpe numbers.” Her mommy normally helped her get diapers, and she never had to pay for anything before. So, why would things be any different now? “Mommy takes cawre of all dat stuff.” She thought, throwing her chin up in a huff. If they wanted to care about her diapers, they could take it up with her mommy. 

So that’s exactly what she did. She clutched her diapers a little harder, and walked right out the door. Sure someone started yelling at her for having to pay, but no baby like her ever had to worry about something like that. So why the heck would she have to start now? She just laughed and giggled all the way to her apartment located about 60 feet away.


The process of diapering herself took a lot more time then she thought it would. “Ma-ma normawwy takes care of da diapies. Me no has to puts dese on.” She said, babbling a little more to herself about how nice and soft the diaper felt on her bottom. It took her a couple more minutes to get the tapes on just right, but with some sheer willpower, she finally got it on.

“Oooooo…. Dis feews soooo mush betta’ den dose stupid big giwl underwares. Why was I even wearin’ dem agains?” She wondered, truly not sure as to why her clothing consisted of anything less than the thickest diaper her mommy could tape her in. It didn’t really matter though, she was swaddled in a thirsty diaper now, and that’s all that mattered.

Somewhere, way deep and pushed down in the depths of Evie’s brain, something was crying out. Something was trying to tell her that none of this was right. Normal adults don’t do ANYTHING that she had just done. People don’t just walk into CVS, proclaim they’re going to steal diapers, then run out of the store to tape themselves immediately into them. 

But a much larger, more dominate part of her brain couldn’t even comprehend that level of social norms. The part of her that had the slightest clue how to interact with the real world had gone out the window. “Me jus’ wittle giwl twyin’ to gets to potty twaining, das why ma-ma puts me in diapies. I makes big big poopies and pee pees, but my diapie keeps me sooo warmmmm” She thought, before closing her eyes.

And just like she had described, her diaper almost immediately responded to her words. The crotch of her padded garment started expanding with hot, heavy, warm pee. She filled that diaper up as fast as he possibly could. “mmmm, accadents feew soooo gooood.” She said, through bouts of giggling. Her hand found the front of her diaper rather quickly. Without even thinking about it, she started absent mindedly grinding on her hand. Her brain may have started devolving into a mindless baby, but her body was still that of a college professor.

Her wet, mushy diaper butt hit the remote on the floor while she grinded and grunted away. Her mind didn’t even register the TV flicking on at first, until it showed her favorite show, Paw Patrol. A dumb, drooly smile grew on her face, while she continued pushing more pee out so her hand could feel even warmer. 

“Me…. Tink… dis… not… wight?” She wondered, in between waves of orgasmic pleasure. It was just even harder to think right now than it ever had. Not only was the serum still working it’s way through the last bits of her mind, she was actively cumming her brains out into her diaper. That incredibly small, decreasing adult part of her though sent out one final plea. One final gasp to retain that adulthood….

And it actually registered in Evie for a second. She stopped grinding on her hand, and blinked away the babyish haze for a moment. 

“Oh..” She thought, looking around the room. She looked over at the ripped open package of diapers, with a couple layed across the floor. She looked up at the TV for a few seconds, wondering why on earth such a childish program was on. Then, she looked down. There, in plain sight, was a completely soaked diaper. Not just any soaked diaper, HER sopping wet diaper. A brief snapshot of everything that had happened tonight came back to her for a moment. She actually could tell that most of this wasn’t right. She wasn’t some mindlessly baby. No, she was a rising star in her field of science. 

She stared at her diaper for about a minute. And maybe it was the serum, maybe it was the fact that the TV music pushed the baby growth in her mind to keep working, or maybe even the fact another little trickle of warmth eeked out into her diaper. But for some reason. She just shrugged. 

“Me jus’ ba-ba” She said, shoving a thumb firmly into her mouth. “And me…. Wets… diapos….” She muttered, before her eyes rolled into the back of her head, slipping into her final babyish abyss. The back of her diaper started to expand as she released a complete messy load. 

She knew why. No part of her could comprehend it anymore. But deep down, she wanted it. She wanted to be a baby. Her “Knowledge Serum” went exactly as she wanted it to. And with that, the dumbest, happiest, smile she’d ever have in her life ever again grew. The inside of her diaper exploded, as she wet, messed, and came all at the same time.


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