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Taylor adjusted her bra in the mirror for a few seconds. “Damn I gotta get some new ones.” She thought to herself; the wire was practically digging into her skin with this one. “I just hope this date works out. He seems really sweet, and I really haven’t had the best luck lately.” She mumbled to herself, all the while slipping into her slim, tight skin burgundy dress.

It wasn’t even that Taylor was unattractive, on the contrary, she was one of the most beautiful women in all of Asheville. A string of bad tinder dates wasn’t unusual though. She was more than ready to finally just get herself back out there, and find someone hot enough to just bang already. 

She walked down the hall and into her living room. Without even a second thought, she clutched her Amazon firestick remote, and said, “Play The Office” into the microphone. Quite simply, if she was working on something, some kind of white noise TV show had to be on in the background. 

A normal firestick would have flipped The Office on immediately; however that’s not exactly what the microphone really heard. Instead, the machine whirled to produce a much more appropriate television show for Taylor. 

“Playing Adult Baby TV” The firestick said back to Taylor. Her face immediately scrunched into confusion. 

“The fuck? I didn’t say that.” She said, spinning around to get a look at the TV. Not only was she 100% certain she didn’t say that into the mic, she’d never even heard of an ‘Adult Baby.’ With pure confoundment in her eyes, she watched as the screen slowly faded into a bright pink background.

“Lulu and Tinkly!” yelled a chorus of what sounded like children. The words appeared onto the screen as if they were drawn in crayon by some 2 year old. Taylor blinked a couple times and shook her head slightly. The complete shock of what was playing on her TV was beyond her. The camera motioned down, to the scene of a rather busty looking women fox and wolf. The sight of these two animated looking creatures probably wouldn’t have been that strange to the casual person. It was obviously a kids show after all. The only unusual part, was what they were wearing below the waist. 

“Aw it looks like someone is ready to start wearing diapers again huh?! Aren’t you such a brave wittle girl for turning us on!” The female fox, Lulu, yelled out to Taylor.

“Um, excuse me?! The hell is this kind of shit?” Taylor said back, lifting her arm up to bring the mic closer to her face. Her brain literally couldn’t believe what just came out of the speakers. She was getting out of this clearly fucked up shit. She opened her mouth to speak, but a few of the words got a little messed up in translation, “Turn this up so it can melt my brain a little better!” 

“Wait. What?!” Taylor thought, knowing that none of that was at all what she wanted to say. Goosebumps started to grow on the back of her neck. Something wasn’t right here. What in the hell was this show? Why did she just say that, and then now suddenly feel like it wasn’t that big of a deal? Wasn’t it perfectly normal for women her age to turn on mind regressing ABDL cartoon shows to become completely and utterly obsessed with them? And when the hell did her feet move her so she was only 2 feet away from the TV screen? And for the love of god why was she leaning in so her face was practically touching the screen.

“Not many people like melting their brains into ushy gushy baby food, but that’s what you want so bad, isn’t it?!” Tinkly, the wolf said to Taylor. She just nodded her head in response. Her attempts at trying to stop this show at all cost were essentially non-existent anymore. Her left hand had fallen to it’s side, while the right was starting to slink down in-between the crotch of her panties.

“Make me a stupid dumb baby, make me no thinkies anymore.” Taylor just spurted out to the TV. Specks of drool had flung onto the screen. The fight in her brain was slowly turning out. It was like a light bulb that had just been suddenly switched off. Any residual light was quickly fading.

“Aw, look at you, so eager now huh? Well just think, what if you could prove it, by soaking your diaper? Just like us!” Lulu said. In unison, the two girls started flooding their diapers with hot pee. The front of their crotches started to noticeably discolor and began to sag. 

“But me needsa diapie!” Taylor squealed, before falling onto her thickly padded diapered ass. The pink onesie she had on provided a little more extra comfort to her fall. “Oof! Tehe.” She said, immediately shooting both hands to the front of her crotch. Without even the slightest hesitation, the flood gates opened. Warm yellow pee started soaking into the front of her diaper. It felt like pure heaven. Nothing had ever given her such a high, or such a rush in her entire life. And now, nothing ever would. Nothing would ever make Taylor as happy as soaking a diaper.

Sure, maybe she’d have mindless kinky diaper sex with whatever male wanted to have a go at her. And of course she’d be rubbing and fingering herself silly in dirty diapers for the rest of her life, but nothing would ever beat the feeling of soaking a fresh diaper taped around her waist. Not now, not ever.

“Great job, Taylor! You’re doing so well for all those people reading this in another universe!” Lulu said, Tinkly nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, you’ve turned into just like all those other diaper girls you’ve been obsessed about reading your entire life! You kinky dumb little diaper girl, you!” Tinkly said, Taylor literally gasped the loudest gasp humanly possible.

“I did iwt! I DID IWT! ME JUS’ WIKE DEM DIP-O GIWLS I WEAD ABOUTS!” Taylor screamed for the entire neighborhood to hear. It’s not like they didn’t already know that she was obsessed with being a weirdo diaper girl though. Anyone knew she was a full blown 24/7 ABDL. She may have been known as the hot, successful girl in high school a few minutes ago, but now? Everyone knew her was the girl that practically needed a straight jacket to keep herself from rubbing herself raw in a diaper. She was the weirdo that would talk baby babble during lunch, and had all the special ed-classes. She was just the retard piss pants girl. Like she’d always been.

“Aren’t you so happy with your new life now? Tay-Tay? Aren’t you so happy we took away all your big girl thoughts a worries? Your entire adult life? You’re just a mindless play thing for other people now! You are now, and have always been! Isn’t that just so much fun to think about?!” Lulu said, grunting a little bit toward the end. It was obvious that the two characters were starting to mess themselves. 

Taylor didn’t even have to move an extra muscle to start moving what was in her bowels. One moment her diaper was relatively clean in the back, and then the next it was filled with warm mush. It squelched and smeared all over her bum while she kept rubbing herself on the carpet. 

“Ba-ba! Me baadaaa!!” Taylor squealed in delight. She was thinking of all the people that were masturbating to her right now. All the people that would fuck her silly for the rest of her life. All those thoughts kind of started to melt, as if they were condensing into one conscious idea: how warm her diaper felt. 

And that was the last idea she could really hold onto, until her mind brain devolved into nothing. The only thing that ran through her entire body was sexual wave after wave, and the lovely mushy feeling around her waist. 

“Good ba-ba!” The cartoon characters said, rubbing along with Taylor as well.



It's pretty good. Personally, I just don't like the use of word 'retard' here, no matter how accurate it was. Though it is always exciting to see this kind of on-going stuff or longer series. :)