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“…Am me not wearin’ diapie” was what came out of Izzy’s mouth, as her eyes fluttered open. She was on the floor now for some reason. Normally that combination of words would have totally weirded someone out, but not for these two diaper girls.

Izzy sat up off the floor. Everything seemed to just kind of blur and swirl around her eyes. It was so hard to think and focus on any individual thing. Not that she wanted to though, she was perfectly blissfully happy just swimming around in this new pink bubbly baby mind. 

She vaguely noticed her crotch feeling warm and wet. Without hesitation, she pushed so that she could feel even more warmth spread out around her waist. She was rewarded instantly. Not only did a steady stream of pee start flowing out of her vagina, but a nice mushy feeling started growing in the back of her pants. 

“Hehe, me poopee babbyy!” Izzy screamed to her other baby friend. Dana was a little more regressed then her baby brained counter-part. She not only couldn’t really form any sentence’s above a 2 year-old level, but her mind couldn’t get past that age barrier either. 

“Yous’ poo poo baa! Ahaha! Drbrrr” Dana said back, while she rolled around on the floor. Her mouth was dripping with drool, as it flowed down her chin, and onto her shirt. 

Izzy could vaguely understand what her friend was trying to say, but there more pressing issues that needed to get taken care of. 

“Da! Me Neewds a diapiee!” She yelled out to her friend. Dana’s eyes lit up at the mention of that last word. In a split second she got up on all fours, and started crawling over to her changing table. Izzy did the same thing, but with a wet and mushy mess falling out of her underwear while she crawled. 

Dana grabbed a stack of diapers, and ripped them out from their cupboard. The white folded garments scattered across the room. The two girls burst into giggles at the sight of all their underwear on the floor. 

As Izzy started climbing up onto the table, Dana popped up to her feet with a crinkly diaper clutched in her hands. “Di-di weesa?” She said, waving the diaper a few times while some drool flew from her mouth at the same time. Izzy just nodded her head. The table felt soft and warm on Izzy’s skin. She immediately fell in love with the feel of laying so helplessly on a changing table. There was just, one thing that was kind of off though.

Her mind seemed to be clearing a little bit. The lovely fog that was quieting any kind of big kid thoughts was starting to thin out. This was only the first time she’d ever been hypnotized, so it’s no wonder that her adult mind would try fighting back rather quickly. She wasn’t like Dana, who had destroyed any part of her mind’s want and urge to be a big kid.

“Poopie, I gotta go fast if I wanna still be baby.” Izzy thought to herself, she quickly removed every part of her clothing. 

Dana clumsily dropped the diaper in front of her now naked friend. She started getting up on the table to help put her friend in a new diaper. Izzy knew all to well that she wouldn’t be much help though in her heavily regressed state. Instead, she was a little more clever at keeping her adult mind from roaring back. 

She grabbed her new diaper, unfolded it, and plopped her butt down onto it. “Dana, goo puts da moowsic on adain!” Izzy said, grabbing the front of her diaper. Danna just nodded vigorously. 

“Me dradra adain!!” Dana said, running quickly across the room. If there was one thing the hypnosis still let her know how to do, it was how to restart that video. Her soft, numb fingers had a little trouble flicking the phone open at first, but she quickly tapped the restart button. The soft tones started booming through the room.

The soft tones instantly started melting Izzy’s now malleable brain. She wanted it. She wanted to be mind warped back into a baby. It was like a fog machine was switched on again in her mind. She let out a soft, ditzy gurgle at the thought of falling back into her new baby brain. 

“Me needz changieezzz thooo” She lazily thought, realizing that her diaper wasn’t completely on just yet. She quickly grabbed the front, and pulled it up toward her tummy. It was a race against time to see if she’d actually get the tapes on before she fell too far down. A small part of her was worried about that, but a growing, much more fun part of her, didn’t really care at all. “Me jus a ba-ba…” She thought, knowing that someone else would probably take care of her. A slight smile grew on her face, as her eyes grew dull and absent of any knowledge whatsoever.




I love how you manage to write the dialogue in baby talk so well with all of the little grammatical twists, that I can actually hear the words come to life. Wonderful!

Yasha Astora

The way you write babytalk is just wonderful. I'd love to hear you record this!