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(Did I mention I love how this story is turning out?)  

Alice stared at the pull-up from Maddy’s extended hand. Her eyes were wide, it was as if she was almost petrified. So many thoughts and emotions were flying through her. Her rational brain was telling her that she should just run away. That this would likely cause her to go down a path that she wasn’t sure if she really wanted. Hell, she was already not that good at coloring anymore. What else would degrade if she took this pull-up?

Her mind knew fully well that something was happening to her, and that she should just walk away from all of this. All the rumors about this place seemed to be coming true. The more time you spend here, the more it seems you change.

“I just need… I just need to get out of here. No this, this isn’t okay. Jesus, LOOK AT YOU ALICE. You’re about to take a pull-up from some grown women in a full diaper?!” She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She expected her mind to clear, that this moment of clarity would allow her to walk away.

…but that’s not exactly what happened. Instead, that moment of calm allowed a growing part of her to take over a little more of her mind. The scales in her mind started to tip. Within seconds, the idea of just not caring….seemed just sooo much more fun.

“I don’t… I mean.. It’s just a pull-up? What’s the harm…what if it’s really warm..?” Alice thought to herself, shaking her head as these strange thoughts started creeping in. Maddy could tell her new friend was conflicted.

“I’m tewwin’ you, it feews soooo goody! You’s wove dem so so mush!” Maddy squealed, 

Something inside of her just wanted to trust everything Maddy had to say to her. It was as if that what she was saying was law in Alice’s mind. If she told her to go jump off a bridge, she’d likely do it without much of a second thought.

“It’s so, so fuwn! You gets to weawr dem, and make dem all wet all da’ times! ” Maddy said, jumping a little bit up and down when she did so. For some reason, Alice noticed her jiggling boobs the most while she jumped in place.

“I….” Alice trailed off, closing her eyes for a moment. Maddy’s words flooded her mind. All she wanted to do was put that pull-up on.

“…..I…Yes.” Alice said, snatching the pull-up from Maddy a little faster than normal. Her hands felt electric around the pull-up. The feeling of the soft, crinkly padding was feeding the flames of these new excited emotions inside her. She wasn’t nearly as afraid of them as she was a few minutes ago. Instead of fighting them, she almost wanted to embraced them. Maddy did, so why shouldn’t she?

“Yayayayay! We’s gonna be diapie fwends!” Maddy yelled, clapping her hands. Alice shot a little smile at that, as her cheeks blushed red.

“So do you guys have like, a changing room or something like that?” Alice said, she meant to stay bathroom, but the phrase ‘changing room’ just seemed to make more sense for some reason. Her head swiveled around until her gaze caught a ‘Restrooms this way’ sign in loopy letters. Her face lit up a bit before saying, “Oh there it is!” She said, taking a step toward the room. A split second later, a hand from Maddy stopped her.

“Oh, we’s donts do dats.” Maddy said matter-of-factly. Alice shot a confused look. 

“Wait.. wha? You don’t… change in a changing room?” Alice said, genuinely confused. 

“Wewl, normawy babies can jush gewt changies anywea’. So wes jus’ put on our diapies on out herews.” Maddy said, pointing toward the carpet beneath them. Alice’s head felt a little strange for a second, then quickly felt a little clearer. It was as if something in the back of her mind had just stopped talking. She pondered for a moment her friend’s words, and only found really one thing wrong with them.

“Just so you know.” Alice said, beginning to unzip her pants, “These aren’t diapies. These are pull-ups.” She said, a little triumphantly. She wanted to make sure that Maddy knew who was really more grown up. She felt a little embarrassed as she placed her thumbs around her waistband. Literally anyone of the hundreds of people in the room could watch her expose herself, just so she could put on these childish training panties.

Quickly though, Maddy’s words reverberated through her skull. “babies can just get changed anywhere.” Any kind of worry or anxiety was gone in a flash. It was suddenly as normal as if she was putting on her ‘regular underwear’ in the comfort of her own bedroom. Her pants fell to the ground quickly, and her panties followed soon after. There Alice stood, completely naked from the waist down, in front of hundreds of people, and was moments away from stepping into a pull-up. Yet, no part of her thought this was strange anymore. How else was she supposed to change her underwear? 

“It’s not like anyone is going to care, I’m just changing into a new pull-up.” Alice thought, as she hunched down to step into it. She wondered how it was going to feel once she pulled it up between her legs. She hadn’t been in anything padded since she graduated from potty training.

Her second foot slipped into the hole. Her hands were shaking for some reason when she finally started pulling the garment up toward her waist. She could tell almost instantly that this was going to be an immaculate feeling. With each slight brush of the soft padding on her legs, she’d feel bolts of lighting from there. Raising the pull-up closer to her hips was like raising the amount of excitement exploding in her chest. Her arms pulled faster and faster, before in a split second, the pull-up was snapped firmly into place. Her eyes got a little droopy, as her face seemed to melt into pure joy.

“Ecstasy…” was all she could think. Her legs got a little weak from how perfect the padding felt around her hips. Nothing had ever felt as good around her body, as these pull-ups did right now.

“You… you’re… you’re so right Maddy, these are heavenly. I’m… I never wanna taking these off.” She said, trying to contain the sheer amount of love she had for these pull-ups. Her mind was like fireworks. “Totally getting rid of everything else in my closet…” She thought.

“Hehe! Dey SO mush fun!!! Yous dons haves to wea’ anyting ewlse eva!” She said, patting Alice’s butt in the back. Alice shot a little confused smile at her friend. 

“Well I need to wear pants don’t I?” She said with a little laugh. It wasn’t like she was going to run around in her new permanent underwear without anything covering it. That’d just be embarrassing.

“PShhh! You tink I weawr tings ova my diapie?” Maddy said, which honestly made a lot of sense in Alice’s brain. 

“Yeah, you don’t.” Alice said, but her mouth just kept going. “How else was some going to check on us if we’re wet?” She said, recoiling at her response. “Erm, I mean-“ Alice tired saying but was cut off.

“SEE! Dat, and it’s jus soooo mush funner if you’s wea’ dem fo’ evewyone to sees.” Maddy said, plopping back down on her squishy butt. Alice opened her mouth to protest for a second, before forgetting instantly what she was going to argue about. She put her finger to her lip, before shrugging it off. Her butt plopped down on the carpet, but unlike last time, with a muffled thud.


The two girls colored again for a little bit, before transitioning into playing with some dolls. Alice found herself much more engrossed in the childish activities then when she first tried them out. The more and more they played, Alice increasingly realized how cool Maddy really was. With every passing sentence, she found herself just latching onto everything this girl had to say. She just wanted to do everything she could to impress her new friend. Sure a few hours ago she might have thought she was a little weird for wearing diapers, but now? It was as if you told her hair was blonde. Who didn’t wear diapers or pull-ups?

The girls talked a lot about their world views, and hot button issues. For example, Maddy brought up how hard it is to tie your shoes, to which Alice immediately perked up and told her that Velcro shoes were so much easier to put on. Maddy agreed entirely, which made Alice feel so much better about herself. A moment after, she looked down at her own shoes, and had literally no idea how she tied them herself early that day. “Charlotte must have done them for me…” She reasoned. 

They even talked about how hard school was, and how difficult math was. Alice used to pride herself on how easily she could derive equations, or churn through complex problems. It was actually one of her strong suits. That was, until Maddy told her how hard it was to even count up to “Numba Swix.” To which Alice agreed. She tried herself and could only get as high as five. Which kind of scared her at first, before Maddy congratulated her for even getting that high. It made her feel much better, and even made her laugh a bit for thinking she could be smarter than Maddy.

It was a really fun time, until Alice seemed to notice something a little off about where Maddy was sitting. It seemed that the carpet around her was way darker around her crotch. It was almost as if she had…

“Leaked. I think you leaked Maddy.” Alice said, a little concerned. It was then she noticed how thoroughly soaked her friend’s diaper really was. It literally looked like it was about to burst. She furrowed her brow, “How could you not tell that you had gone that much in your diapie?” Alice said. Maddy looked up, and gave a drooly giggle.

“Ahaha, yous stiwl know whens you haves to goes potty? Heheh” Maddy said, trying to conceal her giggles with her free hand, before just popping in a thumb in her mouth. Alice frowned and looked away with embarrassment.

“Well, I… I mean I know MOST of the time..” She said, trying to play it off. That was of course a lie, she was completely potty trained, and knew every single time when she had to go. But, that wasn’t as cool as Maddy, who just went potty without it even registering in her mind. 

“Oh, wewl I guewss das nowt so bawd.” Maddy said, noticing that Alice seemed a little upset. “Was wong Awice?” She said, crawling up to her friend.

For some reason, this was hitting Alice a lot harder than she thought it would. She was practically fighting back tears over the fact she was potty trained. How could she look so stupid in front Maddy?

“Of all people?! Maddy?! She knows that I’m potty trained?!! God this is just so embarrassing!” She thought, trying not to look her friend in the eye. Maddy grabbed Alice’s shoulder for reassurance. 

“Hey down’t worwy. Hewre, its weawwy eawsy. Jush do dis.” Maddy said, before closing her eyes. She didn’t really know exactly how to pee anymore on command, but she just tried pushing, hoping anything would come out.

And out came hot pee into her completely full diaper. Alice gave a meek smile at the streams of pee that ran down Maddy’s legs, as she leaked even more. She felt her stroke her shoulder. Alice looked back into her friend’s eyes.

“You really think I can just let go like that into my pull-up? Without knowing or anything like that?” Alice said, genuinely wondering if she could get rid of her potty training. If you had told her that she would say that to someone today before heading into Kink land, she would have thought you were crazy. But here she was, truly asking an Adult Baby if she could show her how to become un-potty trained.

“I weawwy tink so. Yous jus godda wet it go, Awice.” Maddy said, with a wide smile. Alice felt instantly better about the entire situation.

“O-okay Maddy, I’ll give it a try..” She said, shooting a smile back. Alice got on her knees, looking a little nervous while she did so. No part of her wanted to mess this up in front of Maddy. She closed her eyes though, and took a deep breath. 

“Just let go. You’re wearing a pull-up, no one is expecting you to make it to the potty anyways..” Alice thought to herself, over and over again. It might have been a little weird for most people to think, but to her, it made perfect sense.

It started out slow. She could feel her pee moving from her bladder, and just inches away from leaking out of her. Decades of potty training though were screaming back at her though, urging instead to go find a changing room. She kept pushing though, wanting more than anything to feel the warmth of wet pee bleed through her pull-up. She wanted it to discolor, and start sagging in front of the coolest person she’d ever met. The pure warmth of wetting a pull-up, the beautiful wetness gushing out of you, with no clue what-so-ever that it’s even happening. Every part of her wanted the unmistakable hissing sound to fill the entire room. She wanted everyone to know that she was having an accident her pants. She wanted a wet pull-up, and not just any wet pull-up, HER wet pull-up.

“Yous awre so goowd at dis!” Maddy squealed, causing Alice’s eyes to fly open. 

“Wha? But I haven’t even-“ Alice was cut off again by Maddy. This time though from how quickly she pointed at her crotch. 

“Yous went pee pee in youwr puww-up!” She yelled, causing anyone in a 50 feet radius to hear her. Alice didn’t care though, the biggest smile in her life had sprung across her face

“I.. Did?!?” Alice said, as her hands shot toward her crotch. Her fingers pressed into a warm, mushy pull-up. One that literally seemed like one more drop of pee would have caused it to burst at the seems. Alice let out a loud gasp of pure joy. “I DID IT, MADDY! I WET MY PULL-UP!” She screamed, forcing almost the entire hall to hear her exclaim how proud she was of wetting her pants. “I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW! I DIDN’T EVEN KNOW!” She yelled, flinging her arms around Maddy. 

“See! Yous no’ good at potty twain’ too!” Maddy said, Alice just shook her head vigorously back. This was the happiest moment of her entire life. 

“I can’t believe it! I just thought about how fun it was to just like, you know, not know you had to potty! And then I just did! Oh my goodness Maddy, I’m just like you!” She exclaimed, this was the happiest she’d ever felt in life. It wasn’t because of someone proposing to her, or even having her first child, it was because she completely soaked her pull-up without the slightest clue, and in front of her best friend. 

“Wes yous are! And do yous wans to knows hows ta’ makes its feew even betta’?!” Maddy said with a sly smile. Alice cocked her head to the side.

“What? You can make it feel better?” Alice said, a little confused, but still smiling. Maddy just raised seductively looking eyebrows, and maintained her sly smile…


Lg... life is Good

I'm glad your loving it we are too. Also good to see you creative and kinky juices flowing, again keep up the amazing work !


I love this, wow!


Love how this is turning out!