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 This idea is kind of from a suggestion from the community caption! I was already working on this when the idea came up, so I kind of edited it to fit that concept. Thanks ARpieinthesky!  


“Fuck this guy, he doesn’t know what the fuck he’s even talking about.” Lila said out loud to her computer screen. Her fingers started blazing across the keyboard in a flurry of clicking sounds. “Women so TOO have to keep fighting for their gender rights in 2018. If you don’t believe that, you’re a fucking misogynistic asshole.” She typed to on her friend’s Facebook post. She scoffed in anger at how dumb the man was. “Seriously, who the hell thinks that women are actually equal in this day and age? Men have a CLEAR advantage.” She thought to herself, trying to calm down.

She browsed around the internet for a few minutes to distract herself from the comment section. Ever since Lila was little she had been a proud and strong women. Whenever she thought she was being mistreated because she was a women, she made sure everyone knew about it. She definitely had gained the, “That Bitch” status from most people who knew her. She thought that was a complement though. 

The sight of someone messaging her flashed on her open tab. She instantly clicked back to FB. Her eyes narrowed in anger once she realized who it was. It was the man she’d been arguing with for the past 45 minutes. 

“Hey, check out this article. I think it really proves my point.” The message read. A hyperlink to some random website followed. Lila scoffed again at the man, shaking her head in disgust. 

“Probably some retarded shit.” She reasoned, instantly clicking on the link. The browser opened up a brand new tab with rows and rows of text. There wasn’t any kind of header or real structure to the page. Essentially it was just a few paragraphs of words. “The fuck…?” Lila said as she started to read.

“Women should have the basic mental level of a two year old.” The first sentence read. Anger flushed toward Lila’s face. Her mind was already racking up plenty of ways to fire back at this ‘biased source.’ Her eyes started intently reading the first paragraph for ways to take down his argument.

Unknowingly to her though, this wasn’t your ordinary article. Every single word, line, and phrase had been intricately woven for someone who would pay special attention to it. It was a hypnotic article. Designed purely to put someone into a deep state of suggestion, but still think they are coming up with these ideas completely on their own.

“Women normally don’t know how to use the potty, at best they kind of know that their diaper just got all warm and squishy for no reason.” Read the start of the next paragraph.

“Yeah that makes sense- Wait NO! What? No, of course the potty- I mean toilet is super hard to get to…. Wait.. no that doesn’t seem right either…” She thought, continuing to read on. She wanted to stop and try to collect herself. The words though, they just didn’t want her to look away. Her eyes didn’t really want to look away from the page. Her brain decided it wasn’t big enough of a deal though. The words were much more important.

“The most complex ideas to you are basic colors, touches/smells, and vocabulary. Pour sentence structure is as natural to you as wetting your diaper now. A thumb in your mouth is the only thing that can really calm you down whenever you experience distress. “

“This making hurt head. Why think poopy now? I never poopy think think like this ever days before? Did I?” Ali tried reasoning out. It wasn’t so much that her brain was having troubling thinking, it was more that her brain was simply at this level of understanding now. She could think perfectly, but it was at a kindergarten level now. Her distress caused her mouth to suck a little harder on the thumb that suddenly found itself in her mouth. 

“Women are meant to be regressed into dumb babbling babies. That is how you’ve always thought and felt about women, including yourself. You want to be a baby so bad. You want to wear diapers even more. It’s the only way you can get off. If you ever try to resist, you’ll find yourself helplessly masturbating into your diaper, draining all that’s left in your mind.

Lila wasn’t really thinking anymore. She was just staring at the screen. The article had left her face completely blank. A thin line of drool was dripping from her lips. 

“You’re going to wake up now, and when you do, you’re going to drive directly to the store. You’re going to spend all of your money on adult diapers, baby toys, and babyish clothing. When you get home, you are to wake up in your bed, forgetting everything that’s happened today. Bye Bye baby girl!” 

The second her eyes finished reading, they closed. The world seemed to spin for a second, before she suddenly wound up on her bed. 

“Wha..?” Was all she said, very confused over what had just happened. It felt like she had just woken up from a very strange dream. She took stock of herself to make sure everything was okay. Her hands flipped up the front of her ‘brand new skirt.’ “Yepp, diapie all there” she said, nodding her head as if everything was completely normal.



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