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“That’s right, this chalkboard will change reality around anything you write down.” Doug said plainly, crossing his arms to emphasise the smug look on his face. Lacy just rolled her eyes.

“What the fuck are you even talking about? There’s no such thing as ‘changing reality’ or any bullshit like that. You think you’re going to fuck with me like that? Bitch I’m not retarded or something like that. We’re in college Doug, not pre-school” Lacy said, obviously offended by Doug’s silly assertion.

“Why don’t you prove it then? Hm? Think you’re so smart? Why not start doing some lines. The more you write, the more everything changes.” He said, handing Lacy the chalk. She gripped it tight in her hands, and stared daggers at Doug.

“What should I write? That you want me to become your sex slave? Or some pervy thing like that?” She said, twirling the chalk in her left hand. Doug let out a chuckle.

“Ha! If you’d like, why not do something crazy? That way you know it’s really working.” Doug said, motioning toward his magic board. Lucy knew he was just feeding her bullshit, but she wanted to prove the fucker wrong. Being made a fool of was the number one way to tick her off.

“Fine.” She said, spinning around toward the board. She wrote the first thing that came to mind. 

“I LOVE NAPPIES” it didn’t really mean anything to her, it was just wacky enough to see if there were any real changes. She wrote one line. The second she finished the ‘S’ she started looking around to see if there were any changes.

“Well?” Doug said, a wide grin across his face. Lucy scoffed.

“What do you mean, ‘Well?’ Your shit didn’t work.” She said, putting the chalk down. Her hips slightly shifted in her pull-up, which was kinda obvious from the skin tight skirt she had on. 

“Oh yeah? Then why the fuck does it look like you’re wearing pull-ups?” He said, motioning toward her crotch. Lucy shot her gaze down, but genuinely didn’t see anything different.

“Uh, you know I’ve always enjoyed wearing my pull-ups? Been doing it ever since I was potty trained. Seriously, you’re like, really really dumb right now Dougy.” She said, suddenly feeling a slight pressure in her bladder. She contemplated heading to the toilet, but settled on letting a few spurts of pee into her pull-up. Lacy absolutely loved the feeling of her padding expanding beneath her as she had and “accident”. It was the best part of any day, always had been. Part of her felt lost when she was potty trained. She always yearned for the padded feeling ever since.

Doug could barely contain himself from what he was hearing. “Well, why don’t you do a few more lines for me then?” He said, picking up the chalk and giving it back to her. Lacy shrugged, and grabbed it from him.

“I’ll even do a few more this time, just to prove your dumb butt wrong.” She said, placing the chalk to the board. “I LOVE NAPPIES” “I LOVE NAPPIES”

This time when she put the chalk down, she could tell something was slightly off. Her head did feel a bit lighter, almost as if some noise in the back of her mind had been turned way down. She looked around and took stock if anything had changed around the room. She giggled at how silly Doug was being about this stupid board.

“Hehe, wike, you being dumb poopy head. Da woom is wike itz aways been! My pwetty pwe-shool woom dummy.” She said, lazily pointing at things around the room. Doug burst out laughing at the entire situation. Lacy was taken aback by his sudden outburst. “Hey! Why yous waughing ats me!” She said, putting her arms around her waist. Her hands were just above her cloth diaper, that was fully on display.

“AHAHAHA! N- Nothing! Nothing Lacy! AHAH” He said, barely being able to contain himself.

“You’s so dummy, me wove my diapies fo’ eva….” She said, trailing off at the very end. Her diaper was suddenly doing that thing where it gets warm for no reason. “I wonda why da happens” She thought, genuinely unsure of why her diaper would get wet for no reason. Joy bubbled inside of her though from the new feeling. Diapers just made her feel so much happiness, so much… love.

“Haha… ah… man. This is rich. Why don’t you prove to me even more how much you love your diapers? Hm?” Doug said, Lacy happily obliged.

“Otay!” She said, popping a thumb into her mouth. She sucked greedily as she did her best to start drawing the letters to form the sentences above. Her mind started to go completely brain dead by only a few words. The lights started fading much quicker than before, dumping almost all cognitive ability before she could even get to the word ‘Nappies’. Her now useless hands dropped the chalk from the board, as Lacy fell straight onto her thickly diapered ass. “Weee!! Gaa!” She gurgled from the sudden ride to the floor. She giggled to herself from how mushy the back of her diaper felt now. That thought, just like everything in her mind did now, didn’t last for very long. She got distracted by how pretty her diapers were, and how fun it was to suddenly slap the front of them, in hopes they’d start warming up again. She’d get her wish very soon, just like she would for the rest of her life...



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