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So I guess just drink it huh? That’s what the guy said. God it feels like fucking ice running through my veins right now. Is this really what I want? Do I really want to go through with this?

You’re fucking 24 Audrey. It might be a little weird if your friends see you babbling around in a piss and shit filled diaper. Damn why the fuck did I buy this fucking thing? The guy was just going on about how it’d regress me and shit. It’s like he knew I was getting horny as shit to what he was saying. Fuck me for having this damn diaper fetish. I’m a sucker for shit like that.

Sigh, no. This is, this is just ridiculous. I’m way too old to be doing shit like this. I live on my own, I have a steady job, and I’m sure as hell not about to throw my mind away so I can tottle around in diapers, watch stupid cartoons all day, and just rub away at the front of the diaper until my heart cont- Hoooly shit I want this. FUCK. DAMNIT AUDREY, WHY MUST YOU GET TURNED THE FUCK ON TO YOUR MIND MELTING TO MUSH

Ugh, well he did say that I wouldn’t have a care in the world what others thought about it by the time the effects were done. I’d be a gurgling, mind numb baby. It just… it just seems like so much. I love diapers as much as the next person, but do I really want to… go all the way?

The bottle feels oddly warm. I don’t know, maybe just a small swig? Perhaps just feel some of the effects and see where things go from there? Yeah that… doesn’t actually sound like a bad idea! Alright, let’s give this bad boy a try.

Grape. That’s what a regression formula that cost $200 is supposed to taste like? I thought it’d be fucking vanilla ice cream flavor or some shit like that. Damn that guy was a fucking liar, he said it’d ‘Taste like your favorite flavor at the time’. I mean don’t get me wrong, I fucking love Grape soda, but I never would have expected it.

He said the effect should be almost instant. Anything different at all? I don’t really, feel any different. My mind still pretty much feels the change. Clothes are still the same. My sketcher light ups, I’ve had those for like what? My entire life? Still got my overalls on as well, and my classic pink pastel shirt with the loopy “I love diapers” text on them. Mommy has been picking me out these kinds of funs clothes since I was like, able to count all the way up to 100. So like, nothing really is doing that much changing around and like.. Stuffs..

Let’s see how high I can count or something like that. One, two, five, seven, three, six…. Did I… Did I just try counting and totally fuck it up? HOLY SHIT! I CAN’T EVEN THINK ABOUT HOW TO COUNT PAST FUCKING TWO!! God that’s so fucking hot. Mmmm, yes my clit feels so fucking good right now.

But.. wait.. Haven’t I always not been able to do that? I kinda remember Mommy telling me yesterday about how I shouldn’t try thinking about counting so highs because likes, it’s not good for me’s or something like that? Or was it that I wasn’t smart enough and that I was just a silly baby girl who is too young to know how to do stuff like that?

Well I am like, top of my class, so I should be able to do really big kid things like that. Yesterday Ms Mills told me that my finger painting was like, the number one painting in the whole wide class so, duh I’m a big smarty pants. Darn it, I wish this thing would really kick in, maybe it needs a little more.

Mmm, there’s the orange cream taste I’ve always loved. I just wove when I gets to eat a whole bunch of ice creams like dats. Heheh, it all just goes straight into my diapie though! Haha, I wonder how all of that’s going on down there.

Let me just pulls this overalls to the sides… OH MY GOODNESS! I REALLY AM WEARING A DIAPIE!!! YES!! Fank you mr drinkie man. You’re da bestest of the best bests ever! Am I a wet little girl? Lemme check- wait. I’m not supposed to toush my diapie like that. Mommy told me I’m not suppose’ to touch them even like a little tiny bit. 

Dats otay doe. I can wreeallly make sure it’s wet. All I have to do is just… um…. you … it’s kinda likes…. Oh come on Audrey. You know how to go potty right! Unless.. Have I really… FORGOT?!?

Heheh no no no! I’m such a silly little baby, of course I know how to make my diapie all nice and warm! I needa drink all my milky! Mmmmm this milky bottle tastes sooo good! Why didn’t I drinks all of it in da- Oh! There goes my silly diapie! Now it’s starting to gets all warm, and wet.

Tehehe, I cans even stops its at all, hehe. Me jus’ dumb diapie girl now! It’z getting so hawrds to think of all of these thoughts in my big girl head rights now. I just… mmmm…. Diapie getting… warm in… back…

OOooo squishy squishy squishy diaper butt! Up and down, up and down! Heheh, diapie feel so goody when I up and down wike dat!

Heheh, warm diapie, TV should be on. Remote. Hit bunch times? Punch punch punch. Yes! Colors so pwetty. Hehehe, so much… colors….  What they say? No get. Big kid words. Mmmm, warm diapie. Colors so nice… diapie… warm…… color…..niwce….. 

Dahaha, lips wet. Di-po warm… warm.. Grab di-po… Grab… Graba… Babaaba… Ta haha daa daa brraaaa!!!!


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