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"Hey where were you last night? Why didn't you take my skype call?" Andrea said to Riley, the two waddling into school. Andrea had been Riley's life long friend, she was a beautiful blonde girl that Riley had always been secretly attracted to. She was the girl she thought of when she wished for all girls to have a big ass, but the thick diaper taped around Andrea's waist now was not what she had in mind...

"Oh sorry, just kind of um, busy.. Yeah, the letter homework last night was really tough.." Riley said, not actually lying. In truth she didn't pick up the call because she was freaking out over the fact she had no potty training, and a huge wet diaper taped around her waist. The letter homework was still really hard for her nonetheless. Andrea shot an accepting smile back.

"Oh don't worry girl! I had to ask my Mommy for help like a whole bunch of times. She even had some trouble too, so my Daddy to help both of us haha!" Andrea said, not really reassuring her friend. Riley just nodded as they made their way toward the school's entrance. "Larence Girl's High School" read the etched stone. Riley shot a quizzical look.

"Um Andrea, why does it say 'Girl's High School'?" Riley said, feeling her diaper get a little heavier some reason. She registered it, but quickly dismissed it. Her friend shot her a strange look.

"Uh because only girls go here? Haha come on you know that, Riley. You think boys want to learn about the little stuff that we do? Most boys are age are learning calcatulus." She said, stumbling over the last word. Riley thought it was weird she had trouble with the word, but then realized she couldn't quite form it in her head as well. She just shrugged and shook her head, "Oh yeah.. haha duh!" Riley said.

"Change, Change, Good, Change, Good..." The teacher said to each student who walked in, she was checking each girl's diaper that walked in. "Change, Ms Riley. That's 7 days in a row, are you really trying?" The teacher said, to the suddenly red faced Riley. She felt too little to even respond, she just shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know, I guess..." She said, shifting her weight in her warm diaper. Her teacher just sighed.

"Stay in that diaper a little longer then, so you learn how yucky it is to stay in a diaper. You don't want to end up like me and only get to pull-ups during the day!" She said, lifting up her dress to show Riley. She oddly didn't think it was that strange that she did that. She nodded her head at the lesson.

Everyone took their seats around big red colored tables. Riley's diaper made a warm squish around her bum as she did so. She was getting used to the feeling a lot faster than she would have admitted. The whole room was in essence for pre-schoolers. The alphabet and number line was strewn across the walls, and big stuffed animals littered the floor. 

"Okay class, who wants to come up and write another line on the chalkboard here!" The teacher said, as she slowly stopped doing her visible potty dance. She felt her pull-up expanding, but that didn't really come to the forefront of her mind. Andrea's hand shot up first.

"ME ME ME!" She yelled, jumping out of her seat. She skipped to the front of the class. She greedishly picked up the chalk, and looked at her teacher. "Okay! What do I write?!" She said.

The teacher slightly shook her head. "*Sigh* Another line Andrea, obviously. Come on I just said it. You aren't that thick in the head are you?" The teacher said, her bowels moving inside of her. She was moments away from messing herself.

"Oh yeah!" She said. She quickly looked up, as she wracked her brain about what to do next. It just felt so fuzzy and hard to think up there. She twittled the chalk around in her hands for a few seconds. "Only babies wet their diapers..." She said, crossing her legs. Streams of pee were leaking out of her, and she did the best she could think of to try and stop it. She really didn't care though, she was too busy trying to figure out what the teacher had told her to do. "Babies wet their diapers... and I'm wetting my diaper.... soo..." She thought, before gasping in delight. "OH I get it Ms, I'm a baby!" She squealed, putting the chalk down. She bounded back to her seat, landing down with squish. The teacher just shook her head, as she finished pushing a mushy mess into her pull-ups.

"That wasn't.... ah forget it. Yes, yes you are a baby if you wet and mess your diaper!" She said. That made a lot of sense to Riley for some reason, as she nodded her head. Her diaper was also cooling from a mess she had suddenly made in the back of her pants. All the weird, and crazy thoughts she had been having this morning about not wearing diapers all the time, and learning at a pre-school level really started to fade after that. 

"She's in pull-ups, so she must really know a lot." Riley reasoned in her mind. That put everything at ease, as a large smile started growing across her face. Partly because she was finally able to stop worrying so much, but mostly because she realized how fun and warm it was to bounce up and down in her messy diaper. 



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