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“Mmm, that’s right my little girl, drink up your mommy’s milk.” Her voice was like sweet honey flowing into her ears. The warm milk flew right into Christina’s mouth, it tasted so sweet. It was better than anything she’d ever had in her entire life. With every drop, her mind felt more and more hazy. 

“Me not girly.. am I?” Christina thought to herself. She started thinking really hard, she pushed with all her might to try and think of a time before this nursery. Before all the diapers, and cribs, but she… just couldn’t. “Haven’t me always beens heres?” She thought, truly unsure of what life would have ever been like outside of the pink pastel walls.  “No, no that just, isn’t totally right… isn’t it?” She tried, a few images of a world outside her mommy’s tasty boobies, and wet diapers floated, but they were gone as quickly as they came in. This was her entire life, why would she ever question that?

As if in response, she felt her diaper grow warm around her crotch. The feeling was unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. The warm, beautiful wet feeling that started flowing around her crotch sent waves of pleasure through her entire body. It felt like nirvana, a state of pure bliss, just from wetting a diaper. Christina’s mind was hit with these waves, and each one that crashed took more and more away from her. 

“All done baby?” Mommy said, shaking her a little from her stupor. She didn’t even think about it, she just started pawing again at her Mommy’s chest. A few whimpers escaped her lips, she felt heart broken as Mommy put her sweet tasting booby away. Any kind of background thoughts were pretty much gone at this point, all she wanted was diapers, and her mother’s sweet tasting milk. Scratch that, sopping wet diapers and her mother’s milk.

The mind numbing waves from her wet diaper kept crashing into her mind. Even though almost nothing was left, they still hit her full force. Her vision started to blur, as each round pushed her further into a deep infantile state. The feelings became intense, it was hundreds of times stronger than getting high. Christina started to feel as though she was outside of herself, she suddenly felt as though she was standing beside her baby body.

She looked down at herself, a docile baby just gurgling and smiling to herself. Not a care in the world that her face was covered in drool from breast feeding. Her Mommy would ask her questions, but she just responded with utter nonsense. As weird as it all seemed, even with this strange moment of Zen, it wasn’t even a question in her mind anymore.

Christina was a dumb diaper wetting, brain dead baby girl. She had been her entire life, that’s what it’s always been, and always will be. She’d never wanted to be away from her Mommy, so why would she start now? Mommy took care of her, cleaned her diapers that she so obviously needed, and would need for the rest of her life. As she fully accepted and believed her baby life, she felt herself fall back into her body.

“Baaddaaa” Christina uttered, trying her best to tell her Mommy she loved her, and never wanted to be away from her. It seemed that she at least sort of understood, “Oh baby, you’re just so talkative today. Would you like to go out into the park with Mommy? Hmm? Maybe play around in the sand pit?” 

Christina had no clue what her Mommy was saying, but images of being warm and outside flashed through her mind. She just started clapping and gurgling, which was the only way to show her approval of something. Her Mommy, smiled scooped her up, and plopped her onto the changing table. “A fresh diapie for you before we head out, okay?” Mommy said, Christina barely nodded, her smiley face beamed, as her eyes dulled. Sinking fully into her babyish abyss.



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