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Kacy snapped her head away from the mirror, and immediately started playing with the colorful rings in front of her. "Hehe, how does I's even do's dis?" She giggled to herself, trying everything in her power to push rational thoughts out of her mind. She wanted to be dumb as baby, one that couldn't even comprehend what the color six or letter thirty was. She bounced on her diapered bum as she did her best to let her thoughts become lazy, and regress into a babyish state.

"Ooo! My bowttle!" Kacy squealed, picking up one of her little sister's cookie monster baby bottles. "Baby needs her milky" She behind her pacifier, she got onto her hands and knees, and began crawling toward the kitchen. "Only dumb babys like me crawl." She thought in her mind, "You don't know anything else" a small voice said in the back of her mind. She didn't even question it, she nodded and tried to push every thought of her ever walking out of her mind. She wanted to sink as far as she could tonight, of courses she wasn't going to forget how to be a big kid, but by god she was going to do everything she could to make herself think otherwise. "Me jus baby, me baby" She started muttering to herself, as she got the fridge. "Baby, me baby" she kept repeating, hoping that would help her mind sink just a little farther. She opened the fridge with one of her free hands. Getting on her knees, she grabbed the galloon jug from the middle shelf. It was practically full, so she had some trouble getting the jug out of the fridge and onto the floor.

A few moments later the it fell with a *THUD* onto the floor. Kacy's smile returned, as she began unscrewing the cap. "Dis is gonna tastes so goods in my baba" She gurgled to herself, throwing the cap across the room. She even gave a few claps at the fun spectacle. Turning her attention back to the milk, her mind instantly thought, "Baby's are terrible at pouring, and so are you." She immediately accepted that as law in her mind. 

Kacy didn't even give it a second thought, she clapped both her hands on either side of the jug, and slowly tried tilting the jug over her bottle. She was a solid 6 inches off her target, and started pouring milk all over the entire floor. "OH poopies!" She yelled, dropping the jug of milk sideways onto the floor. The entire jug began to empty as it flew out onto the kitchen floor. Kacy just let out a few giggles, as she started splashing her hands in the milk. "Hehe, milky milky!" She squealed, completely forgetting about her original goal of actually getting the milk into her bottle. She splashed around in the mess for a few minutes, "Tahaha Dis so mush fu-" She stopped mid-sentence. Her heart skipped a beat as she heard something she never expected. The front door continued to creak open, "Kacy? I forgot something!" her mother's voice rang out. "Oh nos..." Kacy's mind said, she just sat frozen in fear. Milk completely covering the kitchen floor.



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