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"Just... a few more... steps.." Linsey muttered to herself as she slowly moved another foot forward. Her stomach emitted another growl in pain, her bowels felt like they were about to explode. "Why did I... fucking... do this to... myself..." The dark haired girl with plump breasts and ass knew this entire situation was her fault. After all, she was the one that had just downed an entire bottle of laxatives. The fact she was moments away from blasting a mess into the back of her panties wasn't a strange idea to her about an hour ago.

You see, Linsey had a diaper fetish. One that ran deep... incredibly deep. The kind where every moment of the day is spent daydreaming about a strong man to whisk her out of adult life, and land her ass back into the thick diapers it deserves. The plan was relatively simple, head to the fancy casino hotel down the road, and plead around until some would finally decide to take care of her. As a busty beautiful looking woman she didn't think it'd be that hard. 

"This is just way too damn far. It's one thing to like diapers, but to throw away your life like this? Come on Linsey, this is too much." She thought to herself, another pang of pain rang from her stomach, she doubled over on her side in response. "Jesus, am I really going to do this? Am I really going to shit myself in front of some random guy? I'm going look like I'm mental or something!" She thought, trying in vein to make it to the elevator all across the hall. Linsey took another step, but immediately froze in place. She heard them, but didn't want to believe it... Footsteps.

She turned her head around, hearing the steps getting louder. She had to make a decision, and fast. Should she just make a run for it and hope that no one identifies her? Should she try ducking into a room? Her mind swirled with options, but the answer hit her rather quickly.

They say you really know what you want when you flip a coin on something, and find yourself suddenly rooting for heads or tails. It was in the moment, as she saw the drop dead gorgeous man turn the corner. She didn't even think about it as she hiked up her skirt, and pushed her ass out a little further. There was no holding back as she released everything inside her bowels. Her panties expanded instantly expanded in response, as her bladder responded with a release of it's own. She was thoroughly messing herself in front of this man, and she truly couldn't be happier. She had to seal the deal. Her face melted into despair, as she looked the man right in the eyes.

"Oh poopy! Me's just cant's eva makes it to da potties daddy!" She yelled for the whole world to hear. The man just stood in complete shock, trying to take in the entire situation. "Oh.. Oh my... are you okay Ms?!" He said, taking a small step toward her. Linsey violently shook her head. "No Daddy! I don knows whas happens to my diapie! I can wear stupid big kids underwears!" Linsey yelled, bouncing her messy ass up and down as to prove her point.

The man's face slowly started to change. His face of shock began to melt into a small smirk. His gate began to increase as he walked right on up to Linsey. He knew. He could see right through this women. "Do you really want this?" He said, looking Linsey right in the eyes. She didn't know what to say, she just kept up her pouty look and nodded. The man let out a small chuckle, "If you come with me right now, I'll make you the baby you want to be. But there's no going back. By the time we're done, you won't have a single coherent thought in your mind ever again. You'll be nothing more than a drooling retard. Is that what you want?"

Linsey had never been so turned on in her entire life. She didn't even think, she just threw her arms around him. "Wes Daddy!" She squealed, with the biggest smile growing across her face. "Thank fucking god..." She thought, as she took her new Daddy's hand, and let him guide her down the hall to her new life. Scratch that, Better life.



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