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Awake. "Ugh.. what the... hell happened..." You mumble to yourself as your vision begins to come back to you. You blink a few times, as everything begins to come into focus. It's a woman, a Japanese woman to be specific. She's startled on top of you, holding up a baby toy and bottle. You're about to freak out, but for some reason, her smile is keeping you oddly calm. "おはよう赤ちゃん" she says to you, you of course have no fucking clue what it means at all, but still... her voice.. it's calming you.

Without warning, her hand shoots toward your crotch. You brace for her to hit your cock kind of hard with that sudden of a movement, but again, shock fills you. A wet squish echoes from your crotch. "The fuck...?" You mutter again, as you look from yourself.

It's a diaper. A huge, thick, diaper with teddy bears dancing across the sides. Not just any diaper though, a wet diaper. YOUR wet diaper. You just wet this diaper in front of this beautiful woman, and she couldn't seem to be happier. Her smile grows wider, as she strokes your face, nodding profusely as she squishes your wet diaper even more. Your mind is telling you to bolt up and jump out of this fucked up mess, but still... her smile... it's almost hypnotic.

"Maybe a wet diaper.... isn't... too bad..." A thought floats in the back of your mind, and within seconds, you just accept it as pure fact. Besides, she just seems so happy with you for wetting your diaper. Why should you feel so weird about it? If mom-this woman doesn't mind, why should you mind? She starts to stroke the front of your diaper even more, rubbing your suddenly growing cock. You're getting turned on by this. You're really getting turned on by the fact a random Japanese woman, that you just met about 10 seconds ago, is stroking YOUR soaked diaper. You feel some resistance from your emotions at first, but that quickly fades as her smile grows even wider.

"Ma...Mama...." You say, perplexation growing on your face. "Did I just call my mommy.... mama...?" You think to yourself, as she continues to stroke the front of your diaper. That thought doesn't last long though, the heat building up around your crotch makes your mind go blank yet again. 

"私の赤ん坊のおかあさん" The woman whispers in your ear. You have no clue what it even fucking means, but the second you hear it, everything just starts to drain from your mind. Every worry, every care you've ever had, it all just starts to melt from your mind. Your cock seems to respond as well, as you shoot a warm load right into the front of your diaper. Your mind empties, but your mouth just seems to take over.

"Ooobaa... mammaaa... oooo" You coo to your new Mommy, grabbing the toy that's right next to you. Instinctively you just start shaking it, as your post-cum adrenaline still runs through you. You can feel your mind still melting, sinking deep into the baby mind your mommy wants you to have. You're going to be a good baby for mommy, the goodest of boys in fact. Mommy wouldn't want to have any kind of big boy thoughts in there, so you start to push. You push with all your might to get those icky big boy thoughts out.

Your face strains, as it turns read and hot. Your bottom begins to feel warm and sticky, as a soft mush begins to spread around your butt. You're messing yourself. And you couldn't be happier. You let out a loud squeal, as the warm poopy keeps pushing itself around your butt cheeks. 

"Me's such good baba...baaddaa..." Was the last words that echoed through your mind, the front of your diaper warming in response, as you fully sink into your new baby life.



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