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Mind Changer

Chapter 3

“So when you have a 2P orbital? What does that, even like mean?” Ashely said, as she erased her answer to Number 5 for the millionth time. She gritted her teeth in frustration, “She did such a shitty job at teaching this to us, how on earth did she expect us to even have this ready for tomorrow?” 

“I fucking know. It’s simply ridiculous.” Renee replied quickly, shifting around on the floor as she did so. The two of them had all of their work sprawled out on Renee’s floor. Ashely was laying down on her stomach as she tapped away at one of the problems. Renee was sitting criss cross applesauce. The back of her slightly swollen pull up was clearly on display as it creeped up her bum. No one could see it from where she was angled, but the mischievousness of it made her crotch just a little more wet…

She was just staring at Ashely. “God she’s so fucking beautiful, so yummy looking, so… god I want her to just change my fucking diapers or something.” Renee thought to herself, biting her pencil as she did so. Ashely looked up at her friend, trying to take stock of what the oddly sexual face she was sending her even meant.

“You uh… okay there?” Ashely said curiously, tilting her head to the side as she did so. Renee didn’t even respond, she just twisted her pencil a little more at the very edge of her teeth. Ashely furrowed her brow, “What are you…. Doing.. are you…?” Ashely just trailed off. Was Renee really trying to send her some kind of sexual message?

Renee couldn’t take it anymore. She popped the pencil out of her mouth, and threw it on the ground. She slowly untangled her legs from one another. “You know, I’ve always sort of had a thing for you.” Renee said, as she placed her hands on the floor and pushed down so she could help herself up. She kept eye contact with Ashely the entire time her body slowly lifted off the floor. 

“Wh- what are you talking about Renee?... I know you’ve never dated a guy before but, come on this just fricken weird!” Ashely said, subconsciously shifting her weight away from Renee. 

“Oh, it won’t be in a few seconds, trust me.” Renee said, as she straighten herself out. Her hands began to slide down to her pants. She pinched her fingers together, popping the button out from it’s hole. Ashely’s perplexation deepened as she got a glimpse at the pink pull-up around her friend’s waist. 

“Renee are you… wearing a….diaper..?” Ashely said, completely taken a back. Renee didn’t respond, she just smiled at her. Her other hand grabbed hold of her zipper, and ever so slowly pulled downward. Her pants opened up, giving way to a clear view of slightly damp pull-ups clinging to her waist. Ashely’s waist was practically to the floor at this point.

“They’re pull-ups, silly. You know, the kind little kids wear when they can’t make it to the potty on time?” Renee said, with a slight babyish tone at the end. Ashely was in complete shock.

“Renee I… Wha…. Wha….” Ashely was in complete shock, she couldn’t even form any kind words from her mouth. Her jaw was on the floor, as her friend slowly wiggled out of her pants. Renee shook her hips from side to side as she pulled down her white pants. 

“Oh, what’s wrong Ashely? The sight of my pull-ups don’t turn you on?” Renee said with a sly smile. She turned around, and bent her front body forward, sticking out her crinkly ass as she did so. Her beautiful ass was on full display for Ashely, swaying it side to side as she did so. Her pull-up sagged slightly, as the damp padding clearly indicated she hadn’t quite tried to make it to the potty today. Ashely was almost petrified from what was happening, she’d never been so shocked in her entire life.

“You’re… YOU’RE FUCKED UP RENEE!!” Ashely screamed, as she found the energy to push herself off the floor. She started to grab her things from the floor, “I don’t know what the fuck has gotten into you, but I’m getting the hell out of here until you stop… this…WHATEVER YOU’RE DOING!” Renee just smiled as she started stuffing her things into her backpack. She straightened herself up and let out a little giggle. She dug her hands into the blankets on her bed, her fingers immediately wrapped around the cold metal device. She picked it up, pressed the button, and placed the receiver to her lips.

“You’ve always been sexually obsessed with me, and the only thing you’ve ever been able to cum to is thought of me in a diaper.” Renee said, letting go of the button as she did so.

Ashely’s face went blank. Suddenly she was brought back to the memory of today at school.

She was walking down the hallway, slightly behind Renee. Just by pure chance they happened to be going to the bathroom at the same time. She was about to beacon for her, so they could chat, but suddenly the memory began to change. The walls began to disintegrate, as the world seemed to reset. She closed her eyes, shook her head, and opened them.

She was still walking behind Renee, but this time, it was different. Instead of staring at the back of her head, her gaze was fixed firmly on her ass. She couldn’t for the life of her advert her gaze, not that she even wanted to honestly. It was like her eyes were glued, she bit her bottom lip as they neared closer to the bathroom. “Damn do I want that ass on my face...” Ashely thought to herself. Renee turned the corner, still unaware that her friend was behind her. As she did though, a small piece of her skin-tight shirt rode up from her waist line. A thin line of her pink-pull was on display to anyone who was looking close enough. 

The second Ashely saw it, her face went white. “No….” She whispered to herself, feeling her crotch start to get a little wet. “…She can’t… Oh my god…” She could feel the adrenaline pumping through her. Was her lifelong fantasy actually true? “Is she really in fucking pull-ups right now?” She thought to herself.

Renee entered the bathroom, as did Ashely a few seconds behind her. The stall door closed before Ashely could even get her attention. So, she took the stall next to hers. Closing the door, she just sat down on the toilet with her clothes on. She heard Renee fumbling around with her clothes, as her belt clattered from the motion of her undoing her button. That’s when she heard it…

“*Sigh* Oh no… didn’t make it on time…” Renee said to herself in a sarcastic tone. “I really gotta do better with this potty training… haha” She giggled, pressing the warm padding to her crotch. An ever so slight moan escaped her lips.

Ashely was on fire, she didn’t even have time to think, she just acted on how blindingly horny she felt. She got out of the stall, and immediately turned to Renee’s.

*Knock Knock* “Did someone have an accident in their pants, little girl?” Ashely said, her veins felt like ice. She’d waited her whole life for this kind of moment with Renee. The silence hung for what felt like forever, until suddenly, she heard the door unlock. The door slowly opened, as Renee came into view for Ashely. She was standing there, pants around her ankles, and a heavily swollen pull-up around her waist. The two grew smiles wider than the moon.

“I think I had an accident, you know anyone who could change me?” Renee said, licking her lips. Ashely didn’t even respond, she charged toward Renee. She immediately pulled her in and pressed her lips against hers as they began to passionately make out. The room echoed with the sound of their lip smacking, and the door was still wide open. They didn’t care, they were in heaven.

The bathroom began to melt away, as Ashely came back to Earth. While the room changed, her intense make out with Renee hadn’t. The two of them were now practically eating each other’s face’s in Renee’s room. Ashely didn’t even think about it, her hand shot to Renee’s now warming pull-up, and gave it a hard squeeze.

“Mmmm…. You’re such a good wet baby girl…” Ashely said, in between breaths. Renee let out a moan to those words.

“Oooh… yes…. I want to wet these pull-ups for you all day fucking long.” Renee said, moving her hands up Ashely’s leg and toward her crotch. She cupped her vagina, letting out an inhale through her nose as she did so. She suddenly broke off the kiss.

“Where’s YOUR diaper, missy?” Renee said, a wicked smile across her face. Ashely was slightly taken back at first, but then smiled. “I don’t knowww…” She said, in a very childlish tone. Renee lifted her arm, and extended the metal device toward Ashely. She immediately snatched it up, a wicked grin growing on her face. She pressed the button.

“I’ve only ever worn diapers.” Ashely said, still holding onto the button. She looked up Renee, her face melted into pure sexual bless the second Ashely uttered those words. It turned Ashely on to no end, it pushed her even more.

”…And I’ve never even tried to become potty trained-“ She was cut off the second she finished the sentence, dropping the device to the floor, as Renee attacked her face with her lips.


Lg... life is Good

Please keep going with this story I just love its style and potential