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You nod your head, signaling that you're ready to your coworker. She smiles at you, and taps the top of your metal helmet. It's been years and years of painstaking construction, but it had all finally paid off. Your time machine was ready, and you knew this final test would really work. Sure there might be some problems on the way there, but you were strong.... you could handle anything.....

"3...2...1...!" Your coworker yells from across the room, as she pushes the launch button. Instantly the metal helmet around you begins to glow as electric sparks snap out from the center. The world begins to blur and jumble around you. It's as if someone just put a pair of drunk goggles on you, as the room spins round and round. You're on the verge of passing out, as you hold onto your consciousness. "Oh fuck not the mind stabilizer!!...." is the last thing you hear from your coworker as everything turns black.

The world was dark. You still felt like you were spinning, and your mind felt like someone was shredding your memories. The machine was fucking with your brain, and you couldn't even do anything about it. As quickly as everything turned dark, suddenly it was all light again. Everything instantly came back into focus, as the sudden light from the kitchen caused you to squint your eyes.

"What did I tell you?! If you felt like you had to go pee pee?! It wasn't to go potty in your pants like a little baby was it? No, I told you to be a big boy and make it to the toilet didn't I?" The woman yelled at you, as you shook your head, trying your best to get a grip on this sudden development. You look down at yourself, and the woman's words were justified. There you stood, a dark wet stain growing around your crotch. You couldn't stop it, the warm pee just flew out of you. For some reason though, the fact you were wetting your pants in front of this woman didn't really bother you. In fact, it almost felt, well normal. Without even thinking, you spoke up.

"I'm weawwy sowwy mommy. Me's justs no goods at going to the potty wike a big kids." You said, as you started nibbling on your thumb. Your mind just felt so airy, it was as if all your thoughts had just quieted down. All that was really going through your mind was how nice it was to feel warm and wet around your crotch. Like, really fucking good. You closed your eyes and let out a little smile as you relished in the warm accident. 

"Are you... smiling about this?" Mommy said, as she took another step closer to you. Her aprin swaying slightly as she did. "You like pee peeing in your pants don't you? Don't you little boy?" Your smile grew even wider, as your cheeks began to blush. She wasn't wrong, but you had to sound at least a little against that notion, "Nooo..." You said, haphazardly. Your thumb had already found it's way into your mouth. You didn't care, it just felt so fucking good to have something to suck on. "Well if that's what you want, why don't we go pin you into a diaper right now? Huh? Does that sound good? Why don't we just stop kidding ourselves and give up on this potty training? You obviously aren't ready, and don't seem like you want to be for quite some time young man. Honestly, I don't even know if it's going to happen with you! Everytime we try, it seems like you--" 

"DIAPIES!" You suddenly cut off Mommy, not even caring what she was saying anymore. It was all dumb big kid words anyways. You knew what you wanted, "Diapies NOW MOMMY!!" You yelled, pushing out some more warm pee in your pants as a response. Mommy noticed as more dark stains rolled down your pants. "My GOODNESS! You get your butt into your room right now mister! That's it! Diapers for a year for you! If you want to be a baby, you're going to be treated like one!" Mommy yelled. You just spun around, and started giggling. The biggest smile had grown across your face, as you skipped down the hall to your diapered fate. That's how it's always been, right?



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