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 A caption commission! I've decided to combine the 'universe' of this caption with "The Babysitter." To know they're the same I've decided to change the title of the "The Babysitter" to "The Wand Part 1." So here is part 2, hope you like it :) 


“That’s it, times up Olivia. Please hand in your test.” Ms. Clarke said to the one remaining student in the class. Olivia had barely gotten through the test, and even then she practically rushed through the last half. She was shocked that the rest of the class had finished so quickly. That was one of the hardest things she’d ever done in her life. Nonetheless, she got up, handed in her test, and started making her way out of the class.

“Wait!” Ms. Clarke said, Olivia stopped in her tracks. She turned around to see Ms. Clarke looking at her test, a disgusted look on her face. “I can already tell this is a putrid test young lady.” The teacher said, flipping to another page. “You know you had to at least get an 80 on this to pass my class? I’ve looked at the first few pages and it’s obvious that’s not possible with this test. Christ, it really looks like you’ll be failing this year. I’ve never had this happen before, NEVER! I even gave you a harder test to really push you!” Olivia’s jaw dropped, anger immediately rising to her surface. She was speechless at first, but suddenly found her voice, “A HARDER TEST! HOW IS THAT FAIR!?” Olivia yelled, Ms. Clarke just scoffed. “Oh please, if you focused on something for more than a few seconds in your life, you’d actually accomplish something. The rest of the class was able to, obviously!” Ms. Clarke spat back, turning toward her window. She sighed and mumbled, “Maybe if you didn’t have the attention span of a kindergartener.” It was just loud enough where Olivia could hear it. Furrowing her brow, she suddenly shot a deathly look at the teacher, as she pulled the wand out of her pocket. She told herself she wouldn’t use it anymore, not since what happened to Emma, but her anger was getting the better of her.

“Yeah well, you have the vocabulary skills of one!” Olivia said, anger still prevalent across her face. She gave her wand two taps. Instantly Ms. Clarke blinked for a split second, then shook her head. She spun around from the window, a look of confusion spread across her face. “What da hecks are yous tawkings abouts stoopid heads? GASP!” Ms. Clarke’s hands shot to her lips at her words, and shook her head again. “Why its so… so hawrd to says big kids words…” She said, looking slightly desperate at her student. Olivia’s anger started to melt, as a few giggles escaped her lips from watching her science teacher suddenly struggle with the most basic of words. “Oh, you didn’t know that magic was real, Ms. Clarke?” Olivia said, flashing the wand in front of her. 

Ms. Clarke stood there in shock yet again, trying to find any kind of non-childish words in her mind respond. She decided on, “You big dumb poopy heads! Magwic is for pwretend times!” as she crossed her arms. Olivia chuckled again, “Haha pretends Ms. Clarke? Well... You’re obviously right! I mean, why wouldn’t I trust the girl who’s always lied about not having to go the potty when she really had to?” Tap tap “Causing her to fail miserably at her potty training and always just piss her pants?” Olivia said with a growing smile on her face. Ms. Clarke blinked, and shot her hands to her crotch. Instead of expecting to feel her lacy thong, she felt a thick, drenched padding. Another sharp gasped escaped her lips. “Aww, no no no! No diapies, Owivia! Pwease no! I’ll do anyting!” Ms. Clarke screamed. She suddenly felt so small compared to the girl, as the full weight of the situation started to fall on her shoulders. In a matter of seconds she had gone from respected teacher, to a babbling kindergartener that was nowhere near potty trained. She shifted slightly, getting a feel for the full diaper around her waist. Still cooling from an obviously heavy wetting accident. She looked down at her full diaper, and poked at it. She tried recalling what it was like to use the toilet like a big kid, but suddenly it just all seemed hazy. She tried thinking of a time where she didn’t just go in her pants, but she genuinely couldn’t think of anything. It was as if someone had just taken scissors to her memories and chopped everything up. She knew at the very least that big kids didn’t wear diapers, and that she probably shouldn’t be in them at her age.

“Owivia pwese… sniff….Puts me outs of diapies… pwease…. sniff...Me no baby…” Ms. Clarke said, a single tear forming around her eye, the realization she’d been reduced to a dumb baby hitting her. “Ahaha, aw look at the baby, are you gonna cry? Huh? You really have the emotional control of a toddler don’t you?” Tap Tap. It was almost too easy the second Olivia finished her spell. Ms. Clarke felt her emotions just suddenly exploded over her, it was as if there was nothing else she could do to get Olivia’s attention. “WAAAA!!!!!! WHA--WHA--WWAAAAA!!!! AAAAA!!!!” Tears poured from Ms. Clarke’s face, as she started stomping the ground below her. She started throwing herself into hysteria, knocking over book after book in her staircase. “CHANGE ME!!!! WHAAA!!! NO DIAPIES!!!!” MS. Clarke screamed, as she suddenly dropped herself onto the floor. Stomping her hands and feet again, wailing as she did so. 

“Awwh, does the baby not like her diapers? That’s okay! We can obviously fix that, Sweetie. You’ve always loved your diapers with all your heart, especially when they’re soaked!” Tap tap 

Ms. Clarke’s wailing started to subside, as her face started to melt from saddness, to a weak grin forming across her face. Her tears had stopped, as she slowly moved her glance toward her sopping wet diaper. As she stared, her grin turned into a full on, beaming smile. “Yeee! Eeee!” The babble escaped from her, as she clapped her hands together. She started bouncing up and down in her squelching diapers. “Hehehe! Diapies! Warm Wetsy Diapieeeessss!” She looked like someone who had just won the lottery, as she closed her eyes, taking in the warm bliss. She was non-stop giggling. So much so, that she barely heard Olivia say, “You think we should make your diapies have pretty pictures on them? Huh?” Ms. Clarke violently nodded yes as another squeal escaped her. With two more taps the diaper had gone from snow white, to full of babyish shapes and pictures. Ms. Clarke beamed even brighter, as she looked up Olivia. Olivia had thought about finally leaving her be, but she had one more idea in mind to really seal the deal.

“You wanna have some fun coloring time Ms. Clarke?” Olivia said, as she pointed at Ms. Clarke’s Masters thesis that had been knocked on the ground from her tantrum. Ms. Clarke responded with quizzical at the girl standing above her. “Wha-” But Ms. Clarke was cut off before she could finish. “You didn’t write that Baby Clarke, right?” Olivia said, Ms. Clarke instantly snapped out of her haze, as she connected the dots that something really bad was about to happen. “Owivias no!” Ms. Clarke screamed, but was too late before Olivia said, “That’s not a thesis Ms. Clarke, all you’ve ever done in school is just wet your diapers, and draw pretty pictures!.” Tap tap. Instantly Ms. Clarke was hit with the spell, as she fell back on her butt with a thud. She shook her head, and looked back up at Olivia. Another beaming smile formed across her face as she said, “Hehehe! Wanna dwraaawww withs mes Owivia!!” Ms. Clarke squealed. Olivia just smiled, as the excitement of drawing had obviously gotten to Baby Clarke. Which was evident by the puddle that started to form around her soaked, leaky diaper.



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