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You really should see your face everytime I drop my shirt like this. Oh my goodness it’s just so darn cute to see you strain so hard, trying desperately to hold in your little pee pee from just squirting all over the place in your “big boy pants”. You wanted to try out your adult baby fetish on me, but you can’t even get past your girlfriend taking off her shirt? Now how does that make any sense?

I mean think about it, you want me to be the toddling around in a huge puffy diaper, crying for a bottle and wetting her pants, but doesn't that sound more like something you’d do? Why on earth would I be the baby, when you’re desperately trying to hold in your cummies? It’s really only fair that we make sure the right one of us is “playing” Baby. I wouldn’t want you making a huge mess all over the floor now would I? That’s such a shame too, I was kind of looking forward to you taking care of me. I wouldn’t have minded soaking a few diapers, and be a baby for you. But fucking look at you, you’re no where close enough to be the big kid here are you? 

Show me right now. Show me how much of a dumb baby you are. Let’s stop pretending to ourselves that you ever really wanted me to be the baby in the first place. I’ve been thinking about it all day, you honestly don’t do anything on a daily basis that proves you’re big kid. When you asked me earlier today to try out your fetish I was ready to try it, but then I realized what it is you really need. You need…. Oh… oh my… oh my fucking god.

You just… You’re soaking your pants. You’re… Oh my god I was fucking just…. You really are a fucking baby aren’t you? What grown man just wets his pants like that? Are you…? Why are you shoving your thumb in your mouth!! I’m… I’m fucking speechless. Your first fucking chance you had to stop being an adult you took it huh? Damn you want this really bad don’t you? Obviously you don’t want to be a big kid whatsoever. Jesus I can’t… I just can’t fucking believe how soaked you are right now. You just let loose the second I mentioned you should be the baby. Who the hell let you out of any kind of diapers? Who the fuck that it was a good idea to let you out of kindergarten? That’s when you first learn to go in a potty, and not all over your pants right? My god, you’re no fucking adult. No, you’re just an overgrown baby without a diapie huh?

What do you mean why am I picking up the phone? You’re obviously quitting your job. No, this isn’t a fucking game anymore. You should have seen the look of pure bliss on your face when that hot pee rolled down your pants. No part of you wants to be an adult anymore obviously. So why don’t we really give you what you want. No more work, no more big kid responsibilities, no more complicated thoughts, no more fucking potties, nothing but diapers and bottles for you from now own. Any last words before I dial up your work and you scream to them about how you’re a big baby boy now that can’t work? TOO LATE! It’s already ringing! Now I know your little baby brain might not remember what I just said a second ago, so let’s go over what you’re going to say. Tell them, “Me big baby, I quit!” okay? Can you do that for me?

*Places hand over the reciever* Gasp! They just picked up, come on, say it baby! Say you- … Awwww good baby boy! That’s right! Again, yell out how big of a baby you are! You’re such a good baby for mommy! That didn’t take much convincing for you did it? Nope you just fucking sealed your diapered fate. Oh my look at your…. Your face. Are you.. Cumming? You’re fucking cumming to the fact that you just threw away your life to be a big baby right now? Jesus, honestly I’m not even surprised anymore. Well, might as well enjoy it Baby. Cum to how big of dumb baby you are now. Cum to your new dumb baby life. Cum to mommy and her big titties. Cum to your wet sissy pants. That’s it.. Good boy! Cum hard for mommy. Why don’t we go clean you up huh? Let’s get that butt into the diaper it needs!



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