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"And this is Olivia's room!" Mrs Lafete said to Emma, as she opened the door to girl's room. Olivia was sitting on her bed working on some math homework, as she looked up with an annoyed face at the two standing in the door way. "Mooom, I told you I don't need a babysitter!" Olivia said, as she sharply inhaled at the end of her sentence. "Oh nonsense, Honey! Emma here is highly trained and recommended!" Mrs Lafete said, as she turned to Emma. Emma let out a smile at that, at 21 and a senior in college, she knew she should have a much more impressive job than a babysitting gig. No where was hiring though, so she had to lean on her babysitting experience to support herself. "Yeah, come on little squirt! I'm sure we'll have a fantastic time!" Emma said with a grin. Olivia rolled her eyes in response.

"Alright well, I think you have everything from me Emma! Dug and I will be heading out, have fun you two!" Mrs Lafete said as she quickly spun out of the doorway and down the hall. Emma waved as she left, then turned back to Olivia. She started walking into the room, not even caring to ask if Olivia wanted her to enter. "Soo, what's the little kid-o up to here huh?" Emma said, as she made her way to the girl's bed. Olivia shot an angry look at Emma as she towered over her, and snatched her work from her hand. Emma scanned the page for a second; letting out a short laugh as she handed the page back to Olivia. "Multiplication tables, huh? Jeez I thought someone your age would be a little more advanced than that." Emma said, as she crossed her arms. Olivia felt anger bubble toward her face, but shot her a fake smile instead. Her hands gripped the black wand behind her a little tighter. She had stolen it from a strange thrift store the other day while with her mom, and had been testing it's limits recently. "I think I've found my first test subject..." She mumbled to herself.

"What was that?" Emma said, shooting a confused look. "Oh, I just said I think you'd have a lot more trouble with math then you'd think." Olivia said, a wicked smile growing on her face as she tapped the wand twice on her bed. Emma blinked a few times, as she grabbed the paper back from the girl's hands. "Yeah? I can do vector calculus, Hun. I think I can handle..." But she trailed off as she stared at the paper. Suddenly, all of the numbers and symbols looked completely foreign to her. It was as if someone had just handed her a bunch of scribbles. Olivia smirked at the obvious confusion spread across Emma's face, "Here why don't you try the first one." Olivia said, pointing toward it. Emma just shook her head, steam practically pouring out of her head. "I think it's... um... 6?" Emma said, a complete shot in the dark. "6? Really? You think 1 times 2 is 6, that's your final answer?" Olivia said, the grin still across her face. "Y-yes.." Emma said, squirming slightly. Olivia burst out laughing, "Ahaha, oh my god, it's 2! 1 times 2 is 2! Come on you learn this in like the second grade! Do you like not even know numbers, Emma?" She said, tapping her wand. Emma shot Olivia a dirty look and scoffed, "Um, of course I know numbers you twerp! How the hell do you think I got into college?" she said, sticking her tongue out at the girl. She didn't really know why she did that, it just felt right for some reason.

"Count for me." Olivia said plainly. "What?!" Emma said, actually taken aback. Olivia just steadied her look, daring the girl to prove it. They stared at each other for a few moments, until Emma finally scoffed again. "Fine, it goes: Red, B, Orange, Pink-" She was cut off by the dramatic laughter from Olivia, "AHAHAHA!!! No way! Those are colors and letters you dummy!" Emma shot her a completely shocked look, she honest to god thought that was the right answer. "What do you.. but I thought those.... aren't the-" again she couldn't finish her sentence, "Ahaha! Ah...aah.... Do you really not know the difference between colors and letters? Huh? Did you even go to school? Have you just been watching Blues Clues and Dora all your life?" Olivia said, tapping her wand again.

Emma instantly blinked and shook her head. Her mind suddenly felt so light, it was as if someone had just poured all of the thoughts out of her mind. Suddenly everything just seemed a lot more simple to Emma, and thinking was so much easier than moments ago. "Well you listen here you big dumb stupid head. Your mommy told me you make tinkles in your bed at night, it's time to put you in your night time diapies." Emma said, grabbing the girls arm, trying to regain some authority. Instantly Olivia shot her arm to her side, breaking Emma's grasp. "Ew, don't touch me with the hand you use to suck your thumb!" she said, with another two taps. "So's whawts, come ons, wew needs to puwts you iwn youwr diapie." Emma said between the thumb now planted firmly in her mouth. She grabbed with her other hand and pulled her up out of the bed.

"Ow, okay come on let go of me!" Olivia said, as they got into the hallway. The two shot diry looks at one another, as they made their way into the bathroom. Emma flicked on the light, as she instantly went to the bathroom closet. She stared pulling out the diapers, but Olivia placed her hand on her shoulder as if to beckon to her to stop. "Oh Honey, are you already giving up on potty training today?" Olivia said, another smile pursed on her face. "Wha... Whawts youws even tawkings about, me no weawr diapewrs, thawts you!" Emma said, stomping her foot on the ground. "Um, then why are you wearing your third wet pull-up of the day?" Olivia said, with two taps behind that sentece. Emma's hands shot to her crotch, and sure enough Olivia was right. A warm, soaked pull-up was cooling around her waist. "But I... I didn't-" Cut off again, "Try to even make it? Honestly Emma do you even want to wear big kid panites? It seems to me like you just want to wear and wet diapers all day." Tap tap. Emma's face instantly went to crimson. "Am I wrong?" Olivia said, Emma instantly crossed her legs and looked to the side. "Nooo...." She weakly said, as she bit her bottom lip. "Come on, tell me the truth little girl. Do you wan't to actually wear diapers and give up on that potty training?" Olivia said, Emma still trying to avoid eye contact. Slowly she turned her head toward the girl. "You always tell the truth." Tap. Tap.

"I WANT TO WEAR DIAPERS SOOOOOOO BAD OLIVIA!! I DON'T WANT TO WEAR STUPID PULL-UPS ANYMORE, I JUST WANT THICK DIAPERS TO GO TINKLE IN ALL DAY LONG!" Emma yelled, her hands shooting to her mouth. A very weak smile grew on her face. A smile grew across Olivia's as well, "You really are a dumb baby aren't you? You've been wearing nothing but diapers your whole life, Baby." Tap. Tap. The soaked padding around Emma's waist instantly ballooned into a thick diaper. One that has obviously been thoroughly used. "Come on, Baby. Let's get you cleaned up and into your room for bedy bye." Emma didn't even fight it as Olivia guided her to the ground, people have been changing her diaper all her life, why would she fight someone for the chance to change her now?

"Alright baby, go ahead and color while I do some more work." Olivia said, as she dropped a few extra diapers for Emma off at the end of her bed. Emma just stood there, her now feeble mind trying to process everything that was happening. Something didn't seem right to her, it was as if something was just off. Olivia noticed her odd face and stance. "What's wrong, little one?" Olivia said. "Me donts.. knows..." Emma said, as she slowly started sinking toward her knees. Olivia stayed slightly worried though, was the magic wearing off? "I fink... me....." Emma said, as she was now crowtched down, her head slightly touching the diapers at the end of the bed. "Me....Baaabbbyyyyy" She suddenly said, throwing her head up at Olivia. A dumb vacant look was across her face, as she finished pushing a soft mush into the back of her diaper. The back of her diaper had been expanding the whole time, as a warm sticky mess spread around Emma's butt. She just started giggling as she instantly fell on her bum, and started bouncing up and down, squishing her mess. Olivia let out a chuckle in relief, "Yes, yes you are, Honey. Go back to your coloring and bottle." She said, with two taps. "Otay!" Emma said in response, her thumb popping right back into her mouth.





Where is this from?


Not sure! This was submitted to me via a commission request