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Emma directed you toward your desk, "Just take a seat here for now, I have a job I think you'd be perfect for." You sat down in office chair. The whole cubical was nothing special, just a computer and desk. It wasn't a shared cubical, so you were shielded from everyone's view. You took the brief moment to yourself as an opportunity to check your underwear. You mulled that idea for a second as your moved your hand toward your crotch. It just seemed sort of, well infantile. Here you were starting your new job, fresh out of college, and you were checking to make sure you hadn't dribbled into your pants. You frowned slightly at the idea, as you pressed the front of your crotch to feel it's current state. Wet. "Fuck" you mumbled to yourself, you knew you should get out of the damp padding as soon as possible so you don't risk any sort of leakage. You shot your head up to look around for a bathroom, but you couldn't find any in sight across the office. You swirled around, and instantly your eyes locked right onto Emma's. She was standing right behind you, suddenly fear pumped through you. "...How....How long have you been standing there?" You said with a weak smile.

"Long enough, Sweetie. Why don't you follow me? I have a shareholder I'd like you to meet." She said, as you instantly got out of your seat. "Had she fucking seen me checking myself?" You thought, feeling even more stress suddenly fall onto your shoulders. Your thoughts swirled so heavily as you walked across the office, you didn't even notice the few dribbles of pee that warmed your slightly swollen padding. The two of you made your way down a hall, and suddenly stopped at a wooden door. Emma looked right into your eyes, "Now, I want you to do everything she says okay? Is that understood?" Emma said sternly to you. You didn't even think about a response, "Yes Ma’am." You instantly said back. Emma nodded and opened the door.

In the room stood a beautiful blonde woman. She wore a gray dress shirt, with a tight black skirt. She slowly walked up to the two of you, her heels clicking with each step. "Why hello there little one, why don't you come in?" She said to you, as you looked quizzically at her. "I don't... I don't understand-" You were suddenly cut off by Emma, "Everything she says. Okay?" Emma said, winking at you as she closed the door. Confusion was spread across your face as your gaze shifted back toward the woman. She was only a few feet from you now. You felt her hand wrap around yours as you felt her grip tightening around your left hand. She slightly pulled you toward the center of the room. "Why don't you sit down." She said, her voice was sweet, it was like honey flowing through your ears. You listened to her, as you instantly sat crisscross apple sauce on the floor. The woman made her way over to a closet and opened the door. On a shelf was a diaper bag, and a few baby toys. She grabbed the bag, and the toy directly next to it. Your confusion deepened. She could tell your bewilderment from your face as she spun around. A smile grew across her face. The woman bumped the door back in place with her hips, as she held the two objects in either hand.

"Now, it's come to my attention that you're the new boy around here. Is that true?" She said, slowly walking toward you again. "Uh... Yes.." You stammered, as you pondered why she used the word 'boy' to describe you. "Hey uh, what' with the uh, diapers?" You said, a slight giggle escaped her lips, but she didn't respond. She made her way over to you, until she was standing right in front of you. You looked up at her, as she dropped the bag on the floor, and kneeled down to eye level. She placed the toy next to her, as she looked right into your eyes. You stared at each other for a few moments, then it happened.

Suddenly her hand made its way to your crotch. She didn't even ask you for permission, but it wasn't like you could stop her if you wanted to. She kept her gaze right into your eyes, as she squeezed your swollen padding. Your face went red as embarrassment filled your entire body. Her face turned from all smiles, to the look a mommy gives who just found out her son had wet himself again. She cocked her head slightly to the right and said, "Are you wet, Baby?"




oh lucky guy