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Hi Guys.
Well , I asked for help to get more patrons  for my page, and I got ....None .
That means I am doing something wrong .
So , I need to get an idea what I need to do to get more patrons .
Other kind of characters ?
More Porn ?
More images ?
More Publicity?
Please let me know what I need to do to get more patrons.
I have a great time doing these images , but I would really need more people helping me .
Thank you guys .
Now , lets hope I can get some nice answers here . :)




I am the absolute worst at things like this. I had a podcast with a Patreon account of my own and I truly suck at both. I didn't offer any ideas because I have no idea what to suggest. What I do know is that I look forward to your work every month. I became a patron as a direct result of your presence on DeviantArt (and because you drew my favorite character of all time). Some other artists I follow do livestreams on Twitch and have a Discord. I'm certain you already knew this, but it's the best I can think of. You have my support for as long as I can give it, my friend. Bonne chance! (...and I wouldn't object to more porn lol)


For characters. Have you tried doing any Modern stuff>


Thank you my friend . I really appreciate all the help I have form you all . Now lets see if I can get some ideas for what to do next . :)


Oh , Once I made a poll asking that t my patrons , and it was 70% in favor of old characters . So , I dont think that is the answer ....


Maybe a signal boost from fellow artists could help. Are you friends with Joao Pereira? He has a massive following on Twitter.


Yes , I know him , but I am not yet on the point on bother him . :P But , I will have your idea at hand , for sure , thanks .


I only rejoined your patreon a few months back. I love your art style and the characters you usually choose to draw. I have to admit though: I wish there were more NSFW variants. I want to buy the previous packs I missed out on with my favorite characters, but I seem to let each month pass me by without making an additional contribution of $15 to message you for an older set. For me with other artists I follow, I end up spending a lot for older packs on their gumroad.com accounts. It is just too easy for me to spend my money on art packs I want there. My best suggestions are either to cross promote with other sites where you can sell past packs or create a higher tier with options like commissions. You can set the rules for that like a limit of how many commission request tiers per month so that would not bog you down with extra work. If you want to stay solely on patreon, I would up my tier to a new one costing double if it was a tier that would get me the current pack and a previous pack of my choosing. I don't know why, but it feels unclear when trying to send an additional payment on Patreon. I always found some confusion when I first stumbled on your artwork - sometimes under "fern" and other times under "14-bis".


I was thinking of JP since he really exploded in popularity in the last couple of years. Linkartoon also follows you. He grew up slower, but got huge after some hit tweets. Twitter is a "young" site, so following trends can make an artist pop off.


My advice will sound a bit depressing, but I view running Patreon exactly like a business. Sometimes it comes down to just luck or being there at the right place and time for why businesses grow or lag behind. With Patreon existing since 2013, that's a decade of people trying safe formulas before everyone copied it and started looking the same. But don't lose hope 14-Bis. I've seen other Artists who have been on this platform for years, only to now see their page experience huge growth. As an example, Graphtreon's shows TheGoldenSmurf use to average just 20 patrons a year, but that number has swelled past 700. https://graphtreon.com/creator/thegoldensmurf The reasons for this reversal could be anything. From him gaining more business experience, to using more technology (such as including Discord in all his rewards). In your case 14-Bis, you have several backgrounds in Drawing, 3D Models, Comics, Video Games and even Animation. Maybe look at all these skills you possess and see if there's a Tier that could really benefit from all this. But that's enough of my rambling. :P


If I ever figure it out I'll let you know. I mean I see some creators going all in on promoting themselves on TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, everywhere they can get their name. But I see other content creators just kinda thriving without having to do that. Interaction does seem to be a big piece though. I don't think most of the stuff you do would be against twitch TOS and there's another site artists use to stream their progress, so maybe something like that? Otherwise, expand your income sources, get your own web domain through a host that doesn't care if you have adult content (dreamhost is one) and set up a digital store for digital downloads of individual images. Or use gumroad, etc. Plus have some stuff like kofi where people can just easily donate once without being a subscriber. Honestly I have no clue how to get attention, I had a podcast for over a year and averaged 5 listeners.


I blame the economy and internet prudes

Dominique Loggins

I say participate in some of the "Artist of twitter" post and take advantage of trends and challenges on twitter. Doesn't need to be fully planned out pieces either. Just something that will show your talent for free (to you). Then I say post a few freebie pinups like every other month or so on twitter or start your own art challenge.


well i know i would enjoy more porn but overall its down to the characters. if theres a character i really like in the pack, im here if there isn't, im not here


Tuff economy in the last few years, but Someone suggested gumroad and that could work for someone who is looking for previous sets.

Okwuchukwu Ebeze

It would be best if you jumped on more animated trends; Unicorn Warriors Eternal is the latest animated show but you haven't made a pin-up of the girl yet


Hi there, I’m not really the best when it comes to marketing something, but I’d like to try to help in any way. Personally speaking, I’ve found many new artists by exploring YouTube. I think you could do youtube content and audiences could discover you through your hypothetical videos? You could make art tutorials, speed drawings, live streams or share your own artistic experiences. Then promote your Patreon on said videos while showing samples of your artwork. Or if you choose not to do youtube, you could incorporate some of those aforementioned things as rewards on your Patreon. I also agree with other commenters, that you should probably branch out to more platforms and promote your Patreon, skills, and work. When it comes to characters, I have a feeling some people may like a specific character over others. Maybe you could put up something like a “suggestion box” where people can post their favorite characters they’d like to see done in your artwork someday. Posting a list of previous characters you drew can guide people to post new, unique ones. They would be like recommendations from us -- that you could keep in mind to one day draw in the future. I think it would be a pretty engaging system for everyone imo. Also, yes, I do think more porn would help attract more members. Sorry for the long post, but I just wanted to suggest some ideas. I hope some of them could help in any way. Good luck :)