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Hi again , somebody told me and now I see it .
When I send the link to several people , for some reason ,on the end of the link you can see One or Two "amp;"
if you remove that when you paste the link , now it works.
The image on this post is an example using the $5 pack link.
Any idea how I can report this problem to Patreon ?




I did some research and I believe the "amp" is being added by Patreon. It seems to be a recent problem since I noticed some direct messages before 2023 never had them. Keep in mind, I always went with the email link first. So I'm not sure if the DM on Patreon is glitched or if they're intentionally changing the url...


Well , I hope that this new message here help people with this problem . because since is a patreon problem , the only thing I can do is to send separated messages one by one , what would be veeery difficult to me .

Triple M

If you are removing both the 'amp' and the ';' that follows, the link SHOULD work. If if doesn't work, try replacing the & with the 'amp' and if that doesn't work try replacing with the ';' The & is the machine attempting to 'break' for a new line three different ways, almost certainly for keeping things compatible between different browsers and OS. Dropbox probably used to handle this fine, but likely switched recently to where it bails when it sees all three come in together for reasons that are technical but are tied to security vulnerabilities and directory traversals.


The weird thing is that I have been using this system since 2018 , with no problens And when I send the same link to just one person it works fine . Now , I hope all my patrons can get that fix and enjoy the images . :)