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You all rock. I wasn't quite ready to have Patron up and running yet but when I saw that some of you already signed up, I decided to to get this up here asap for you. Thank you again for being my first patrons and for all of your support. Without further ado, here it is. Enjoy. Can't wait to hear what you think:

Just a reminder, this is the alpha draft, warts, spelling errors and all.


Taking time to just sit and relax was something that Sarah tried to schedule for herself as often as possible. Having completed all the chores and errands the previous day, Sarah now had the luxury to enjoy a quiet afternoon by herself to read the latest thriller novel assigned to her book club.

Her parents had picked up her daughters for the afternoon, giving Sarah a rare child free home. I wish Dan was here.

It had been a few weeks since she had last spent the night with Dan in Chicago. They talked almost everyday but things still weren’t the same without him. He was distracted with work and she could tell his mind was always elsewhere during their conversations.

She had her career to focus on too along with the added pressures of running their household and ensuring each dollar spent didn’t deplete their stagnating savings account. The only times she really felt truly connected to her husband was when she had him alone, either at the house or in his apartment.

Those were the only times she was able to truly take her foot off the gas and let go of some of her tight control on life. <i>Sometimes things got too out of control…</i>

Her mind drifted back to her last night in Chicago. The passionate love making from Dan, but also the combustible element of her husband’s strange roommate Lester.

She did not find herself attracted to Lester at all. Nevertheless his mere presence seemed to add fuel to the fire of Dan’s fantasies.

Dan has always held dark fantasies about her involvement with another man but until recently they had been just that. Sure, she enjoyed teasing her husband and playing along. Part of her even enjoyed the idea of being wild and fullfilling her husband’s deep desires. But last time she had actually touched another man’s cock and was even alone in his bedroom.

Sara sighed and closed her book. She hadn’t comprhended a single word she had read for the last ten minutes. Her mind constantly drifting back to Dan and his roommate.

What would happen the next time she goes to Chicago and how far was either of them willing to take things? The thought of teasing Dan and and surprising him turned her on. Maybe it just wasn’t his fantasy anymore. She loved the look that appeared on his face when she acted so out of character. Maybe next time she visited she’d see how far Dan was willing to push things.

And then there was Lester. Weird, lewd Lester. He clearly was not the same person they had originally met. It was also obvious what his intentions were. Sarah would have never given him a second glance if not for Dan’s fantasy but she had to admit that she found the idea of lowering herself to touch someone below her gave her a certain unexplainable thrill that she didn’t quite understand.

Sarah shook her head to try to clear the distracting throughts and reached for her book.

The familiar chime of her cellphone rang and she grabbed it instead. A smile spread across her lips and she saw that that caller id displayed Dan’s name.

She sank back into the couch with a smile and answered the phone.

“Oh hello there dear,” Sarah beamed. “I was just thinking about you.”

“Oh yeah? Hopefully those were some rated R thoughts.” Dan said through the phone.

“I’ll never tell.” Sarah extended her legs out onto the couch in a long stretch. “How much do you miss?”

“Baby, I miss you every second of the day. I can’t wait until I see you again.” Dan wasn’t just saying that, she could feel the longing and loneliness in his voice. <i>I’ll have to go and see him soon.</i>

Sarah smile slowly faded from her face, being reminded of their situation. “I miss you too baby. Do you think you’ll be able to come home soon.”

She heard Dan sigh from the other end of the phone. “No, probably not. Walt’s worried about our new client. They are super demanding and keep changing their minds on things. He even mentioned I might have to fly out there and get them to sign a new agreement.”

Sarah frowned. The idea of her husband going even further away upset her. It felt odd him going on a plane without her and the girls. Almost like he was going on vacation. It wasn’t logical, so she pushed the thoughts aside. “Well you can worry about work tomorrow, today’s Sunday. What are you up to?”

“Ha. Well you actually wouldn’t believe what I’m doing right now.” Dan said. “Really out of the blue.”

“What is it? Now I am curious.” She raised an eyebrow intrigued. Maybe her was looking at the pictures she had left for him when he first moved into the apartment.”

Dan cleared his throat. “Our mututal friend asked me to take him to a doctor’s appointment today.”

“Lester?” Sarah whispered.

“Yep.” Dan sounded like he was on the verge of holding in a big secret. “Guess what kind of appointment?”

“What kind?” Sarah asked.

“Vasectomy.” Dan replied.

“What? No really?” Sarah. Why the heck would Lester need to get a vasectomy. It just seemed so random.

“Yeah for real. I’m sitting here in the parking lot waiting for him to come out.”

“So he just got up this morning and said ‘Hey Dan, I know we don’t really talk but can you take me to get a vasectomy?” Sarah wondered out loud.

“Not so much.” Dan said. “He asked if I could drive him to an appointment. He was all weird about it. He didn’t tell me what it was for. When we got here he went inside and said he’d be out in an hour. I google’d the place thats what they do. Vasectomies.”

“Thats so weird.” Sarah said. “So random too.”

“I know, thats why I had to call you. I needed to tell you and you are the only other person who knows Lester….” Dan trailed off. Sarah caught a hint of words unsaid in his voice. She knew what had suddenly popped into his mind.

She was frustrated and longing for her husband. It was time to be a bit playful.

“Oh am I now? You know I guess I do know Lester pretty well….,” She paused waiting to see if Dan would respond. He didn’t. She could hear him breathing though.

Even though Dan wasn’t present she couldn’t help but run her hands along the neckline of her sweatshirt. “I guess you could even say that Lester knows me pretty well, I mean he has seen me naked after all.”

“Do you remember that Dan? The last time I was there with you? When Lester snapped off my bra and your wife was naked and kneeling before him?”

“Yes,” she could barely hear Dan. He was probably overwhelmed.

“Did it disappoint you?” Sarah asked innocently.

“Did what disappoint me?” Dan asked breathlessly.

“That when I was kneeling there in front of your roomate, did it disappoint you that I stroked his cock until he came?”

Seconds felt like hours. Dan didn’t respond at first. “No, no, not at all. It was hot. Too hot, it--”

Sarah leaned forward with a wicked look on her face, intereuppting him. “No Dan, did it disappoint you that I stopped where I did. That I just stroked him until he came? Are you disappointed I didn’t put his cock in my mouth.”

She sat there with an playful grin on her face, knowing the inner turmoil that she was causing to her husband.

She heard him grown through the receiver. “You are so bad. You’re too much sometimes.”

“Mhmmmm I bet Lester would disagree.”

“Ok, Ok thats too much. Jesus christ Sarah you know just how to fucking turn me on but I’m going to get caught sitting here in the parking lot with a hard on like some pervert.” Dan laughed and Sarah forgot how long it had been since she heard that.

“Well maybe we can pick this conversaton up again next time I’m in Chicago.”

After a brief pause Dan asked. “Is that…Is that really something you would consider though? Something you would do?”

That wasnt’ a playful question from her husband. It was a real honest question.

Without hestiating Sarah answered. “Dan, I would do anything for you.”


Greasy streaks where left on the screen as Lester thumbed his phone.

He was reading through the latest raid reports from the previous night on Discord. Ned had provided a long wall of text analyzing what the group could have done better. Without even scanning it he switched to his private server where he had cultivated a small following. A few clients had asks in for rare photos or videos which he was happy to oblidge for the right price.

He frowned at a couple of requests. Someone was requesting videos that Lester had recently boasted about. But those were from his prviate collection and he didn’t care to share.

As he began to typing a response a shadow fell over him.

He looked up to see the curvacious receptionist standing a few feet away looking at him. “Can I help you?”

Lester looked slowly looked her up and down taking her in. “No, I’m just waiting for a friend.”

Confused, the receptionist turned and walked back towards her desk. Lester’s eyes watched her ass go. <i>She’d be great on camera….</i>

As she disappered behind the desk, Lester finally pulled his eyes away and looked out the large bay windows down toward the parking lot where Dan sat in the car pointlessly waiting for him.


“Oh I see you got the good stuff.” Sarah exclaimed as Dan brought her favourite bottle of red wine to the couch.

It had been a few weeks since Dan had sat in the parking lot waiting for Lester. Still he couldn’t get the conversation he had with Sarah out of his head. The idea of her doing more with Lester seemed to be creeping into his thoughts more and more.

He blamed a lot of it on the distance and how horny he was becoming without Sarah around to satisfy his needs. Sure he would take care of himself but nothing replaced Sarah’s touch or seeing her turn into the sexy vixen she did during sex.

And now he finally had her back in the apartment. Even though he was calming pouring his wife a glass of wine, his heart was thumping with anticipation.

“Thanks honey,” Sarah took the wine from her husband and brough it to her lips. Dan sat back next to her took a sip of his beer.

“So what do you have planned for me this weekend?” Sarah asked. “Should we get out and see the town or spend some quality time here?”

“Why not do a bit of both? I’m sure we can find somewhere to eat and than again I’m sure we can find plenty to do around here.”

“Oh?” Sarah feigned innocence. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“Well for starters, you have thirty minutes max to enjoy that wine before I take you to the bedroom and rip off your clothes.”

Sarah almost choked on her drink but recovered quickly. “I like that sounds of that but not even dinner first? You used to be a gentlmen. Chicago has obviously changed you Mr.”

Dan leaned in playfully. “I just know what I want and I’ve been wanting you for weeks. And we should take advantage because you know who isn’t here.”

“He isn’t?” Sarah leaned in, making sure Dan would have a view of her cleavage. “Well that is reason enough to celebrate. I’ve been craving you too….”

He fingers began to crawl up Dan’s thighs. “But won’t you be disappointed that your roommate won’t watch us? Shouldn’t we wait for him?”

Dan could feel his cock growing in his pants. Sarah’s delicate fingers were just inches away from discovering it. He wanted to take her right there on the couch. He equally wanted to draw out and hear her tease him with his fantasy. “I don’t know. If he isn’t here its his loss. Besides, if he were in my shoes, do you think he’d wait?”

Sarah leaned back and took another long sip of her wine. “If he was here and I was like this with him he probably would have cum already.”

“Jesus” Dan said breathlessly. “Don’t even tease me like that.”

“What?” Sarah asked seductively. “You don’t think I could make it happen that fast? Make someone…make him cum?” She licked her lips with staring into Dan’s eyes.

Dan gulped as Sarah closed the distance between them. Her hand found his erection and she whispered in his ear “You don’t think that I could make that cock cum with my mouth?”

She pulled back and stared into his eyes. “I guess I’ll just have to prove it to you.”

Sarah abrumtly sat back, removing her hand from Dan’s crotch. She grabbed her wine and stifling a smile took another drink.

Dan looked at her flabgasted. How often all this time did she still manage to surprise him and turn him on so much. He put hit beer down on the table and stood up. “Fuck that, lets go to the bedroom now.”

Sarah blushed and got ready to follow her husband.

They both froze when they heard the sound of keys engaging the frontdoor’s lock.

The incandescent glow from the hallway lights flooded into the living, casting a shapely sillohette onto Sarah and Dan.

Lester’s short frame entered the apartment. He was clearly wearing new clothes to look nicer but they didn’t fit properly. The pants and shirt looked like there were a size too big and hung akwardly on his chunky body.

It was what followed Lester into the apartment that made Sarah and Dan’s jaws drop.

A beautiful young woman a few years younger than Sarah trailed behind Lester. She had shoulder length red hair and walked with the confidence and poise of someone years older. Her lithe form was wrapped in a tight red dress that looked like it was painted on.

Dan blamed his heighted state of arousal on the fact that he immediately noticed he young woman’s impressive bust size. He quickly composed himself before Sarah had to pick his jaw up off the floor.

‘Hi, I’m Lizzle,” the red headed beauty greeted them with a warm smile.

Dan was still too shell-shocked to comprehend what was happening. Sarah glanced at Dan out of the corner of her eye before turning back to their new guest. “Hi Lizzie, I’m Sarah and this is my husband Dan.”

Lester locked the front door aand gently grabbed Sarah by her elbow, leading her towards the hallway. “Well, it was nice to meet you.”

With that the odd couple disappeared down the hallway, closing Lester’s door behind them.

Dan looked down the hallway and then back to his wife. “What the hell was that?”


Lester plodded into his room and stood there surveying the scene before he heard the door click closed behind him. The idea of letting Lizzie walk in first hadn’t occured to him. He was too focused tonight’s outcome and moving on to the next phase of his plan.

He had purposely been limiting his interactions with the couple in order to frame himself in a singular light. No, he wouldn’t be seen as a passive loser confined to his video games. They would come to only see him in sexualized contexts, in order to subiminaly frame himself in this light. His ultimate outcome was for Sarah’s panties to grow wet at the mere mention of his name.

Tonight was a crucial key to that plan. Everything had to go acorrding to Plan. Lizzie had to play her part – Lizzie.

Lester turned on his heel to appraise his former roommate. She had managed to evade his grasp or so she thought. Yet here she was, back in this room that held so many memories for them both.

He quickly fell back into his old dynamic with her. He stared at her, making her uncomfortable and to be the one to speak first, surrendering her power to him. He scanned her up and down, nodding his head.

Despite it being a few years since they’d seen each other – or at least since she’d seen him, she hadn’t changed much. Her fiery red hair framed her confident and poised face. He was especially happy she had worn the red dress as requested, he knew how it looked on her. How it amplified her impressive bust and hugged at her hips. No doubt both Dan and Sarah would have noticed and would have many questions running through their minds. <i>All will be revealed shortly, or at least what I want you to believe. </i>

Lizzie shifted her weight uncomfortably, a chink in her othewise composed armour. She clearly didn’t like being back here. “This room actually doesn’t look as bad as it did before.”

She waited for Lester to repy. <i>I guess I should at least be civil and keep her in line. </i>

Lester sighed and looked around exageratedly. “I’ve upgraded a few things.”

“Its clean..,” Lizzie took one tentative step into the room but kept her distance from him.

“It is,” He stared at her flatly. “I have a maid service now.”

Lizzie crossed her arms, sensing an opening. “Really?”

“Yes. Really.” Lester met her gaze. He saw the fire behind her eyes that matched the color of her hair. The anger that wanted to lash out at him. After so long she would no doubt have thought she moved on. Past the things that haunted her, only to discover that she hadn’t. His lair had that effect.

“So what exactly caused you to decide to get a maid service? It was never a problem before when —” Lizzie had started to raise her voice before Lester cut her off.

“Let’s focus on why you are here.” He opened a cupboard in his desk and extracted a hard drive with the label ‘Lizzie’. The sight of it caused Lizzie’s rebellion to quell.

Lester had planted the hard drive there earlier. There was no point in giving Lizzie any advtangerous information like where he really kept the hard drive, where the key to the drawer was or how many others he had.

“You know whats on here.” Lester stated flatly. He let his words hang in there air.

When it was clear he was waiting for a response, Lizzie replied meekly. “Yes.”

“Tell me.” Lester said.

The fire rose up in the headhead’s voice once again. “I’m not here to play this game with you Lester. Lets just get this over with.”

Lester took a step towards her. It made her uncomfortable but she didn’t move. She didn’t waver in front of his forwardness. <i>Careful Lizzie, I may just like to break you again. </i>

“Tell me.” Lester whispered. Sometimes women were more forthcoming when they felt like they were telling a secret.

Lizzie averted her eyes and stared at the new king bed. “Me.”

A smile spread across Lester’s face. “And?”

Lizzie shifted her gaze back to him, clearly doing her best to hold back her rage. “You.”

Lester triumphetly took a step back, turned and placed the hard drive onto his desk. He prodded it with one finger. “How’s Issac?”

“What?” Lizzie asked astonished.

“How’s Issac –” This time Lizzie cut him off. ”Don’t. Don’t talk about him, Okay?”

“Fine.” Lester concded. “Fine, well where does he think you are tonight? I can’t imagine you told him the truth.”

He turned back to look at her. She still had her arms crossed and was staring daggers at him.

“Don’t worry about it,” she replied. “Let’s just get done what we have to so I can take that hard drive back.”

Lester smirked. She had clearly learned not to divulge too much information to him. She had learned that lesson that hard way after all.

He walked over to the small mini fridge under his desk and opened it. “Want a soda?”

Lizzie eyes him suspiciously. “I’m not an idoit. I won’t drink anything you hand me.”

Sounds from the other side of the wall distracted Lester. He heard hushed voices and the unmistakeable sound of the door shutting. Dan and Sarah were retiring for the night. It had been several weeks since they had seen each other. No doubt they would be having sex soon.

He quickly crossed back over to Lizzie. His speed caught her by surprise and she backed up against the wall. Lester continued moving forward until his gut was pressing against her taut stomach.

Her nervousness was apparently by her increased breathing. Her calm and cool exterior crumbling by his promixity.

“Tell me.” He raised a his hand and clutched a lock of her hair. “What the plan is for tonight.”

She took a second to compose herself before slapping away his hand.

“The plan,” she said in a whisper. “Is for you to stay the hell away from me while I work.”

Lester smirked and backed away from her, raising his hands in surrender.

Muffeled sounds of sheets moving and weight shifting came from beyond the wall. It looked like the night was proceeding right on schedule.

He gestured to the bed. Lizzie raised an eye brow at him and didn’t move. He smiled and moved to his closet. There he retrived a foam fold out mattress that he laid out on the floor. He took a blanket out of the closet and one of the bed’s pillows and set them up on the small mattress.

He gestured again to the bed as he struggled to get down onto the floor.

The sounds of quiet moans emanated through the wall from Dan and Sarah.

Lizzie gave him one final glare before crossing to the bed and laying down it. Then she started her performance.


Sarah was finally back where she belonged, in Dan’s warm embrace.

After the odd couple of Lester and Lizzie left the common space, Dan was eager to pick back up where things left off. They didn’t want to chance things on the couch, the night was weird enough as it was. So they sneaked back to the bedroom to quietly make love like teenagers under their parents roof.

Her legs were wrapped around Dan’s waist as he slowly thrust into her. He gently pinned her wrsits to the bed and kissed the inside of her neck. His tongue was driving her crazy. A quiet moan escaped her lips.

Dan drew back and looked at her. They had said they’d be quiet but she couldn’t help it. He gave her three quick thrusts, eliciting another small moan to escape her lips. He had done that on purpose to get a response out of her.

She tightened her grip with her thighs, trying to pull more of her husband into her. God, he felt good. Now he was picking up his pace, seeing how far her could push her, how long she would stay quiet for.

“Oh Dan.” She moaned a little louder than a whisper. He smiled at his ability to have this effect on her. Even if he was playing with fire by making her moan loudly when they weren’t really alone.

“Fuck me.” She whispered in a sultry voice.

As Dan was about to response, they grew still at new sound. Moaning coming from the other side of the wall.

They both shared a look at one another. They didn’t understand who Lizzie was or what she was doing here. Initially Sarah suspected she might be a prostitute by the arrangement but she didn’t have that look to her. Besides if Lester was desperate for some kind of satisfication, he would have known Sarah was coming to town this weekend? Wouldn’t he have tried to press his luck again like last time?

“Oooooh.” They heard a female voice moan from the wall. “Ahhhh fuuck.”

Accompaying the moans was the rythmic sounds of something hitting one of the walls. Over and over again. It didn’t take long for Sarah to realize it must have been the bed’s headboard. This was what listening to Lester having sex sounded like.

Dan stirred and began to thrust into her again. Something changed. Instead of the quiet fucking from a few minutes ago, he was now pushing into her with a determined look on his face. Almost like he was rising to meet some kind of challenge.

“Oh.” A soft moan escaped Sarah’s lips. “Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.”

Dan’s renewed speed at quickly brought he close to the brink of her first orgasm. “God, Dan don’t stop.”

He didn’t. Like a man possessed he continued to pound into her. He let go of her wrists to give himself more leveage on the bed. Her hands found his back and she pulled him into her.

“OOOOOHHHH.” A screamed revirerated through the wall. “LESTER!”

The unmistakeable sound of someone cumming. Lester had managed to get Lizzie off before Dan got her off. Who knows what they had been doing beforehand though.

Dan continued to thrust into her. His thrusts seemed off tempo against the rythmic banging coming from the other side of the wall.

“Oh fuck don’t stop Lester. Don’t stop,” Sarah could hear Lizzie’s desperate pleading coming through the walls. Her mind subconciously painting a picture of what that scene must look like. What position was Lizzie in to get that kind of reaction?

Sarah could feel herself about to cum. “God. Dan. Oh. Oh.”

She came hard and gripped his cock with everything she had. Dan somehow pushed through it and continued to thrust into her. Sarah could feel that stimulation inside of her. She was quickly building towards another orgasm.

“Oh fuck me!” she heard through the walls. “Fuck me.”

And then Dan came. His cum shot into her over and over. Sarah lay there and held onto him. She pushed her hips up desperate for more of him, desperate to cum again. Dan didn’t move and she tried to fuck him back.

She only now realized he was panting. He collapsed down onto her, with drawing himself and rolling over onto his side.

Sarah looked into Dan’s eyes and gave him a smile, content at what she had received tonight but wishing for just a bit more. Dan’s hand found her cheek. “I love you Sarah.”

“I love you too Dan.”

Their tender embrace was broken by the continued sounds coming from the other room.

“Ahh. Oooh,” they heard a feminine voice moan, accompanied by the sounds of thuds, this time against their shared wall. “FUUUCK.”

Sarah and Dan looked at each other, unsure how to react to what was happening in the next room. After several more minutes of listening to a woman in the throes of pleasure, they hard one final loud, long moan and then silence.

They both drifted off to sleep shortly after.


Lizzie sat up on the bed with her arms crossed, looking defiantely at Lester. He had moved to his computer chair and had been silently providing her instructions like some kind of conductor.

Even though she had just faked that performance, she was breathing hard. She didn’t like the fact that she was now helping Lester maniuplate someone else but she had to look at for her own interests.

She didn’t like the way Lester was looking at her. She could tell she was flush in the face.

“Time for bed,” she whispered tersely to him. She grabbed blanket and laid down, turning away from him. After a few secounds of him probably trying to oggle her ass, she heard his weight shift from the chair and settle across the room on the couch.

As she held her eyes closed she couldn’t help but think of the performance she just gave. The sounds she made. Hearing herself moan his name again gave her the chills. She had thought she could come here and do this without it affecting her. But being back in this room, saying those things. It was stirring up things inside of her that she thought dead and buried.

She didn’t like what was being dreged to the surface. She needed to get out of here. She needed to get back to Issac.

The only problem was that she agreed to stay until morning. Then Lester would give her the hard drive.

The hard drive!

She peaked her head up to look at Lester’s desk where he had left it.

Gone. <i>Damn. I’ll have to stay here all night.</i>


Lester lay silently staring at the ceiling of his room. It was a different perspective than he was used to. His body should be ready to sleep but his mind was alert, not willing to miss this opportunity.

Based on Lizzie’s breathing, she had fallen asleep a couple hours ago. He reached for his phone to check the time. 3:00am. <i>Perfect.</i>

Lester slowly and quietly threw off his blanket and rolled off the mattress, careful not to crush his throbbing erection. It was time for relief.

Sarah hadn’t gone to the bathroom after fucking Dan. Based on their past encounters that he had studied, she either cleaned up right away or drifted off to sleep. When she slept, her would wake up a few hours later in the middle of the night.

She hadn’t stirred yet, so Lester thought it was only a matter of time. He wished he could check his computer to see what was going on next door. He’d have to review the footage in the morning. Turning on the screen might wake up Lizzie and he didn’t want her to know more than she had to.

He crept to the bedroom door, being careful to avoid the creaking floorboards. He opened opened his door, its well greased hinges slid without a sound. He peaked his head out.

Just as he thought, no sign of Sarah yet. He was tempted to try their bedroom door but assumed it would be locked.

Time for him to enact the next part of his plan. The one he hadn’t divulged to Lizzie. The one where he got two birds with one stone.

He turned back to his room, leaving the door open. Moonlight from the window illuminated Lizzie’s form beneath the blanket. Part of her white shoulder exposed to his eyes.

Lester licked his lips and began to cross the room, carefully listening for sounds of Sarah stirring. He pulled one side of his shirt up and then awkwardly grabbed it with the other hand, pulling it off and over his thick frame. He tossed it aside onto the floor without a care.

He stepped up to the foot of the bed. Keeping his gaze on Lizzie he lowered his pants. His legs were pale and matted with hair, blood was rushing into his erect cock as he bent over. Lester struggle for a second to catch his breath as he stood up right.

Now he was naked in the moonlight, staying down at a beauty begging to be uncovered. This was a familiar place.

Lester’s eyes ficked up to check Lizzie’s face. Asleep. She smartly did not accept his drink, but Lester did enjoy his challenges. From his notes, he knew she was somewhat of a heavy sleeper.

He slowly pulled back the blanket. Lizzie’s red dress had ridden up her thighs. She was sleeping on her side, giving him a great view of her legs.

Lester carefully leaned over her, carefuly not to disturb her with his cut. His hand found the zipper to her dress. He carefully slid it down to the bottom. Trying to take her dress off now would be a rookie mistake. That would come later. For now he was preparing the scene, the way a great artist would lay out their brushes and paints.

The king bed was a great investment. Plently of room. Lester stealithly set himsef down onto the bed and smiled. No creaking. The reinforced bed, another great investment.

Lester’s restrained hands didn’t caress Lizzie’s legs as he longed to. Instead they reached up for the hem of her dress and gently hiked it up until her panty covered sex was exposed.

He expertly hooked his thumbs around the sides of Lizzie’s red panties and expertly began to tug them down her legs. Once they were off, Lester bunched them up and and tucked them between the mattress and the frame of the bed, another trophy for his collection.

He gently rolled her hips under she was laying on her back and then he slithered up the bed until he was laying between her legs. He smelled her pussy and smiled. <i>It’s been too long.</i>

He hooked one arm around her thigh to keep her in place and slide his other under her ass, lifting it slightly to give him a better angle.

He listened one last time to sounds from the other side of the wall. Nothing.

Then he lowered his head and began to run his tongue along Lizzie’s bare slit.

Her body squirmed at his touch. Lester held her still. She didn’t wake up.

People make assumptions about Lester when they see him. Generally none are positive. One assumption people never make about him, is that he is skilled in the bedroom. Given his apperance and body type this would be a logical assumption to make. However, Lester has dedicated lots of time to perfecting his craft. One of the tools he has honed over the years is being particularly attentive to the female body. Giving a woman the most pleasurable experience of their life, makes it that much harder to deny him the next time.

Lester’s tongue continued to dance up and down Lizzie’s slit. He could begin to taste her becoming wet. He smiled when he felt her hips involuntarily push up off the bed towards his face.

His tongue found her clit and began to slowly draw circles around it. He chanced withdrawing his arm from her thigh and took on of his fingers and slowly inserted its tip into her.

His finger gently traced the inside of Lizzie, matching the circularly motion of his tongue. He remember from one of the instructional videos he studied long ago how the entrance to a woman’s vagina had a ton of sensitivity.

He continued is oral assault as he pushed his finger further into his former roommate.

“Mmmmmm,” Lizzie moaned in her sleeep, “Mmmmmmm.”

Lester stifled back a smile. He knew he had her now. He slipped a second finger inside of her. Palm facing up, he began to make a ‘come here’ motion with his fingers. The tips of his fingers ran over Lizzie’s sensative g-spot as he did this.

Each time his fingers ran against that spot, Lester sucked on her clit. Lizzie’s hips were bucking up against his face, wanting more.

“Oh,” she moaned dreamily. “Mmmmmmmm.”

He could tell by the way her pussy was clenching his fingers and the increased desperation of her hips, that her body would come soon.

He increasing the tempo of his sucking and his fingers followed. Then she came.

“Oh, oh,” Lizzie’s hand found the back of Lester head and pulled him into her as her hips pushed up against his face. He could feel her nails digging into the back of his scalp.

She’d be waking up after that one. Lester shifted positions, removing his fingers from her vagina, looping both arms around her thighs to hold her in place. He drove his tongue inside of her.

“Oh fuck,” he heard from her sultry lips. His eyes flicked up to see her magnicant breasts pushing up against her red dress as she arched her back.

His tongue spun around inside of her, alternating between licking the walls of her vagina and driving into it in a penatrative fashion. Lizzie’s hand stayed on the back of his head, the other gripping the head board.

Her back slumped to the bed and her eyes opened, looking lazily down at Lester. She blinked and for the first time seemed to be getting her bearings.

Her hips lifted off the bed, trying to roll to the side but Lester held her tight. She opened her mouth to protest but Lester stuck his tongue in deep and licked back alongside the roof of her vagine hitting her g-spot.

Lizzie’s head fall back against the pillow and her hand stayed planted on Lester’s head. Her hips continued to rise of the bed, no longer trying to get away.

“Lester,” she moaned unintentionally as she tried to speak. “You shouldn’t, we didn’t agree to –”

Lester picked up his tempo cutting her off.

“Mmmmm.” she moaned. “This is wrong. You fucking tricked me. Mmmmm.”

Lester could feel another orgasm building inside of her. Her hips rose off the bed trying to get as much of his tongue into her as possible.

“Oh fuck.” she moaned. “Right there, don’t stop. Don’t stop.”

Lester slowed down the pace of his tongue, withdrawing it so it only teased the inside edge of her pussy.

“Fuck don’t stop. Please.” Lizzie moaned. “Don’t fucking stop.”

Lester continued to slow his assault, purposely not matching the desperate pleads of her body. She wanted to cum, her mind was rushing with endorphins looking for that sweet release.

In one fluid motion, Lester unhooked his arms and crawled up her body. Before Lizzie realized what was happened, he was over top of her. His cock was in one hand, pressing against her sex as her hips lifted off the ground looking for the contact of his tongue. His thighs drove her legs back until they were resting on his hips, her body automatically responding by softly wrapping them around him.

He rested on his forearm, his hand going under her neck to grab the hair at the base of her head in a fist. He didn’t forget how much she loved that.

She turned her head and didn’t meet his gaze. He continued to rub the head of his cock up and down her entrace, slowly pressing into it without diving all the wall in. Lizzie’s hips continued pushing up to seek out his cock.

Lester tighened his grip on her hair and turned her head to face him.

“Mmmmm,” she moaned desperately. “Her eyes opened to look at him.”

Lester still saw that fire of defiance behind her eyes but they were clouded over by something else. Lust.

He didn’t dare smile like he wanted to, this was the moment of truth. He just stared into her eyes like a hungry animal. He held his cock tight against her opening, pressing the cock head to her entrance.

Then he felt it. Lizzie’s legs tightened around his waist, pulling him forward. Her hips lifted off the bed again this time pushing against his cock head. More of his cock disappered inside of her. He didn’t break eye contact. As more of his cock slide into her she opened her mouth in pleasure, “Oh.”

The fire in her eyes subsided consumed by lust. He let go of his cock and pushed a little deeper into her. He wanted her to bring him in all the way. Her hands found came to rest on his arms, her grip tight.

Her legs pulled at him, trying to get more of his cock. Her hips rapidly rising to grab hold of his cock, desperate to cum.

He had her.

Lester sunk down burying the entire length of his bare cock inside of her. She was lost in bliss. In the past Lizzie would insist on condoms but in her sleepy stupor must have forgotten.

“Ohhhh fuck.” Lizzie moaned loudly. With the door open, the sounds would be more noticeable than before “Oh shit. Mmmmm.”

Lester pinned one arm down and pulled her head up towards him. His lips mashed onto hers. Without thinking she returned his kiss, his tongue invading her pretty mouth as his bare cock explore every inch of her.

“Mhmmmm.” She continued to moan into his mouth. Her hand found the back of his head, her fingers running through his thinning hair as she pulled him down onto the bed with her. “Mmmmhmmmmmmm.”


Sarah stirred and sat up in bed. She blinked her eyes trying to get her bearings. <i>Dan’s apartment. Right. </i>

Her brain was still fuzzy, caught in that post dream haze. Her mind trying to piece together reality, memories and the events of her dreams. She remembered her passionate night with Dan and realized she probably fell asleep right after. The pressure in her bladder confirmed it.

She stood up and made her way towards the door, briefly catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. For waking up in such a state she still looked pretty damn good. Her mind registered that she was naked, so she quickly grabbed one of Dan’s discarded dress shirts on the floor, threw it on and lazily did up a couple of buttons.

The last thing she wanted was to put on a show for Lester without Dan being part of it. As she thought about her husband’s weird roommate, her mind clicked and she remembered that Lester had been part of the dream she was having.

The details were vague. As she shuffled out of the room and into the bathroom she seemed to think the dream had something to do with Dan leaving her alone at the apartment with Lester. There were images in her mind of Lester and his body but she couldn’t make a solid connection of what the dream was about.

She finished her business in the bathroom and as she washed her hands more details of her dream popped into her head. Walls shaking, screams of pleasure, loud noises.

Sarah shook her head, trying to discard the dream but she was careful not to fully wake herself up. Her mind must be playing tricks on her, it was like her dream was creeping into her reality. She was so sure she could actually hear the moaning sounds. <i>Was I the one making those sounds?</i>.

She flicked off the light, opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. To her surprise the sounds were louder out her. She stood in the middle of the hallway for a second getting her bearings, her brain fully waking up from its fog. <i>Those sounds are real…..</i>

Sarah tried to get a bearing on where the sounds were coming from. Everything looked normal in the living room, she turned her head and looked in the direction of Lester’s room. The door was ajar.

The sounds were definetely emanating from there. She took a step towards his room. Her curiousity getting the better of her. <i>God is he watching porn?<i>

Sarah took one step further than she initially intended, standing fully in front of the threhold to Lester’s room. She squinted her eyes, peering into the dark abyss illuminated only by his dim computer monitor.

Lester wasn’t in his chair. No porn on his computer then. She shuddered at the thought of Lester sitting in that chair, the place he sat when she entered his room wearing her black robe the last time she visited. <i>My black robe, does he still have it —</i>

Her train of thought was interrupted by movement on the bed. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized what she was seeing.

The beautiful redhead girl from earlier was naked, bent over the side of the bed. The loud moans were coming from her, “Mmmmmm.”

Sarah’s eyes grew wide and she watched the woman thrash about on the bed, her head hung limp as she braced herself on her forearms. She was trying to get leverage to push back onto the dick inside of her, trying to get as much of it into her as possible.

“Oh Fuck. Don’t Stop.” The girl screamed. She collapsed onto her chest, her hands grabbing the sheets as she came. “Fuck Me!”

The assault against the woman never stopped. Sarah’s eyes briefly locked on the point where the tanned, fit girl was connected to the cock giving her such pleasure. It was only then that Sarah’s brain caught up with her eyes and registered that the this younger woman was connected to someone with pale hairy thighs.

Sarah’s eyes inadvertly drifted upward. A large stomach sat on top of this woman’s perky butt, hands gripping her hips. Her eyes ran across the broad shoulders, the out of shape chest and the fat on the arms that jiggled relentlessly as the body pounded into this woman.

She saw the unshaven face, hiding the double chin and potmarked face underneath.

It was Lester.

She took a step back as she realized he was watching her. Lester’s eyes were trained on Sarah. The both stood like that for several seconds. Sarah frozen in the hallway, her body unable to move. She didn’t know what to do.

Lester never looked away but seemed to pick up his tempo. Almost as if he was thinking about Sarah in the redhead’s place.

The girl was thrashing on the bed, screaming for more. “Oh fuck. Fuck me Lester! God!”

Sarah’s eyes darted to the girl. The bliss was experiencing. “Mhmmmmm, oooooohh.”

‘God Lester,” the girl scream. “Don’t stop I’m so close.”

Sarah watched as Lester deliberatly slowed down his pace, cries of desperation came from the young woman. The redhead tried in vein to push back onto Lester’s cock to speed him up but it didn’t work. Lester was the one setting the pace.

Sarah’s eyes darted back up to Lester who still had his gaze transfixed on her. Sarah remembered how little she was wearing and how much of her legs she was showing off.

Lester puckered his lips and blew Sarah a kiss. Without breaking eye contact he increased his tempo again, much to the delight of the girl on the bed.

That snapped Sarah out of her state. She crossed her arms, trying in vein to conceal her state of undress and she quickly fled out of Lester’s line of sight back to Dan’s bedroom.

She closed and locked the door. Lester must continued his quickened pace, Sarah could hear the girl’s increasingly loud moans again through the wall like she had earlier.

She made her way back to the bed. Dan was still asleep. She kept his dress shirt on, trying to make up for her lack of modestly a few seconds ago.

She stared up at the ceiling, waiting for sleep to take her. Instead the sounds of Lester pounding into the redheaded girl in the next room, kept her awake for the next fifteen minutes until they finished with an explosive, loud climax.


As Sarah darted back into her room, Lester shifted his gaze back to Lizzie who was thrashing underneth him. He vaguely heard the sound of Dan’s bedroom room closing and Sarah’s hurrying back into bed.

He grinned triumpently. His plan was working perfectly. Not only would he be invading Sarah’s thoughts based on his display tonight but he also had his bare cock inside Lizzie again. He thought back to the last time he saw her and the harsh words and threats she said to him.

And now here she was, bent over his bed with her pussy pulling and milking his cock.

He tightened his grip on her hips. His fingers, fingers digging into her flesh keeping her in place.

He licked his lips, salivating at the sight before him. He loved that he broke this fiery head red again. <i>I wonder who she is going to explain this to her boyfriend.</i>

The thought made him increase his pace. Lizzie moaned in response. He’d make sure she had a night she would never forget and have a trouble explaining away to Issac. She’d be limping home after the fucking he gave her tonight.

Lester ran his right hand up her back, the pressure casuing her body to press into the bed. He found the base of her neck and gripped it tightly, forcing her down as he relentlessly pounded her.

Lizzie reached out, trying to grab onto something. Her hands bunched in the bedsheets. She no had leverage. She raised her legs, her knees finding the bedframe. Before could get accustomed to the new position, Lester pushed her forward, crawling onto the bed over her.

He feet dangled off the bed. Lester was on top of her. His cock sliding in and out of her from behind, his weight pushing down onto her back. She could feel his hot breath on her cheek.

Lester’s wet tongue began to dance on the back of her neck. Even though the notes on Lizzie he read earlier mentioned how much kisses on the back of her neck turned her on, he didn’t forget from their times together before.

He started licking and kissing the base of her neck, eliciting primal groans from Lizzie.

“Mmmmmmmm.” She moaned into the bed.

Lester kept up his oral assault. He shifted positions, his breathing was growing ragged, his prize was close at hand. He shift his weight onto his forearms on either size of Lizzie’s head. His left arm was directly in front of her face.

By instinct Lizzie reached out with her tongue and began licking Lester’s arm, swirling her tongue around his forearm like she would his cock. Her hand grabbed him and pulled it closer.

He could feel her pussy soaking for him. It was gripping him tightly. Her tongue left his arm. Her breathing was growing shallower. Lizzie’s hips were pushing back against him quickly, Lester knew what was coming.

He stopped her oral assault and one of his hands grabbed her hips. He could feel her body growing desperate, pushing back to try and coax out another orgasm.

Lester whispered in her ear, “Fuck Lizzie, I’m going to cum.”

“You…can’t,” her thrusts growing in intensity, her hips pushing back into Lester. “You have to pull out now.”

A sly smile spread over Lester’s face. “Whys that?”

“You just have to,” Lizzie moaned. “Issac and me, we’re…..”

Lester kept his pace steady, he had her right where he wanted her. He had no intention of letting her impending orgasm slip away. “You can stop me anytime you want.”

“Uh,” the bedsheets were balled up in her fists. “It’s not safe, you have to —”

Her body began to tremble. Orgasmic bliss began to wash over her body. Lizzie’s toes went numb and they dug into the bed frame. “Uh. Fuck. Lester. Don’t Stop.”

Lester’s shit eating grin reppeared. His brow dripping with perspiration. He could feel her body begin to come down from his orgasm but he knew he had her, right where he wanted her.

“I won’t,” he growled into her ear. Her felt her body respond. The waning tempo of her thrusts picked back up.

“Oh fuck,” she said breathlessly, “Uh, uh.”

Lizzie moaned desperately under Lester’s weight. He tightly gripped her hip and shoulder, pushing them down and he pushed into the young bombshell hard than he had before.

“I’m going to cum for you Lizzie,” he groaned into her ear.

Her body began to frantically push back into him. Desperate for his cum. Whatever her brain wanted to do, her body wasn’t listening.

“I’m going to cum into you Lizze.” His cock pushed deeper into her as his ball began to empty. “Take it.”

“Oh Shit!” Lizzie screamed as she pushed back onto Lester’s cock. She was frozen in place as she felt is illicit seed flooding into her. Her body was rocked by another orgasm, pulling Lester’s cock and his cum deeper into her. She collasped onto the bed, her arms giving out.

Lester held himself in place, ensuring every drop of his cum emptied into his old roommate. When he was satisfied her pulled himself out and rolled off of her. Lizzie didn’t move.

Maybe she was in shock over what just happened. She did vow that he would never see her again, let alone touch her. He probably just broke her self image of herself. He didn’t really care either way.

He heard gentle snores coming from the other side of the bed. Lester fucked her so hard she passed out.


Lester groaned and rolled over. Sunlight was shining in through the closed slits in his blinds. He scooted himself over to the side of the bed and carefully sat up into a seated position. His eyes adjusted to the room.

He looked down and saw his feet sticking out from beneath his gut. He couldn’t see his cock but he could feel that it was matted with Lizzie’s juices from the night before. He grinned thinking back to the way she thrashed under him as he came and more importantly the transfixed look on Sarah’s face as she watched them from the doorway.

Lester looked around the room. No Lizzie in sight. His groaned as he pulled his thick frame up off the bed. He shuffled his way over to his desk and checked the bottom drawer. It was still locked.

He retrieved the key from its hiding place, unlocked the drawer and smiled. The hard drive labelled “Lizzie” was sitting there at the top. He took it out and set it down on the desk.

Lester found his discarded clothes from the previous night and put them on. As he was pulling up his boxers, his door opened and Lizzie slid in. She was taken aback to find him where he was. Her eyes flicked down to his cock and she quickly looked away and composed herself.

“Morning.” Lester grunted as he pulled up the waist band of his boxer.

Lizzie ignored him. She was dressed in her red dress from last night but she clearly showered. Her hair was still dry but looked more put together than the state he had left it in the previous night.

She crossed the room without looking at him. It was only then that Lester noticed the leather strap peaking out from under his bed. Lizzie grabbed it and pulled out her purse. She turned around and froze, her eyes locking onto the hard drive on his deck with her name on it.

She moved quickly and grabbed it, spinng around with a look of triumph on her face. “Fuck you Lester. This is mine. I’m done with you.”

Lester didn’t say anything as she moved towards the door. “I’m going to ruin whatever it is you have going on here and tell them what a fucking creep you are.”

As she opened the door Lester spoke. “Are you sure about that?”

The door only opened a crack, Lizzie holding it in place. Her body language stiffened like she had seen a ghost. She didn’t turn around to face him. Lester closed the distance between them, placing a hand on the door he gently pushed it shut.

He was now standing right next to her, clearly invading her personal space.

“I have the hard drive.” She locked eyes with him fiercly. “This is over.”

Lester smiled at her condescendingly, “You do. And you can walk right out of here and never look back. Sure, you can warn my new roommates about me, but I don’t think you will.”

The confidence in Lizzie’s face wavered. “Why not?”

Lester reached a hand up, caressing her cheek, “For one thing, I could give Issac a call and let him know about last night. I am wracked with guilt over what we did. And I think he ought to know what you allowed me to do to you.”

Lizzie flinched back from his touch but he held his hand firmly against her cheek. “And the second thing is, yes you have that hard drive. It is yours to do what you want with it. Throw it out, destory it or secretly keep it to relive the good times we had together. That was the deal, stay the night and the hard drive is yours.”

Lester narrowed his eyes. “The thing is, do you really think that hard drive is the only place I keep your videos?”

Lizzie’s face reddened, her breath catching in her throat. “You fucking bastard. I’m going to –”

“No,” Lester said firmly. “The only thing you are going to do is go out there and do what we planned and then leave. Got it?”

Fires of defiance burned behind Lizzie’s eyes. He could tell she wanted to strangle him. She gave him a slight almost imperceptable nod and turned the door knob to leave.

Lester kept his hand planted against the door, his other hand still on her cheek. “One last thing, before you go. Give me one last kiss.”

Before Lizzie could process what was happening, Lester had pushed her up against the door jam. His hand sliding to the back of her head, pulling her face towards him. His lips smashed into hers, his tongue taking her by surprise and forcing its way into her mouth.

His hard cock pushed up against her dress covered sex, his other hand grabbing a hanful of her ass and pulling her tightly against him.


“Alright, I got us a reservation for seven at this hole in the wall Italian place some of the guys are work have recommended. The food is supposed to be great and they apparently don’t charge and arm and the leg for wine.” Dan handed Sarah a mug of hot coffee as he sat down next to her on the couch.

He took a sip of his own and added. “But until then, I’m thinking we do some touristy stuff. Maybe a bus tour or hit some of the sights around town.”

“Mmmmm.” Sarah said as she smelled her coffee. She griipped the mug with both hands, taking in its warmth. “I think that sounds perfect. For all the times I’ve been here to visit and that you’ve lived here we haven’t really seen much of the city.”

She leaned forward puckering her lips. Dan plants his lips on hers. He repositioned his lips, his tongue gently darting out. Sarah smiled. The kiss was a prelude of what their night could hold. As she was ready to kiss him back, they heard a door shut.

The couple leaned back from one another, both of their eyes darting down the hallway. The beautiful mysterious redhead from the night before sheepishly walked towards them, with her purse hanging off one shoulder. Dan covertly gave her a quick once over.

As she entered the living room, her eyes darted to the door and then to them, “Hi.”

Dan decided to let Sarah respond. It was never wise to appear to eager to talk to a stunning woman in front of your wife.

“Hey,” Sarah said warmly. “I’m Sarah and this is my husband Dan. Dan is Lester’s roommate.”

“Lizzie,” the redhed reintroduced herself. “I’m Lester’s, well…it doesn’t matter. It’s nice to meet you both. I’m actually late,” she gestured towards the door, “So I’m just going to run.”

“Oh no worries. It was nice to meet you.” Sarah said, “I guess we’ll be seeing you around?”

Lizzie smiled. Her eyes looked down the hallway and then back to the couple. She stepped away from the door and walked halfway towards Sarah. “Actually no, probably not. Lester and I aren’t a thing anymore. Last night was a mistake.”

Dan could tell Lizzie had more to say. Sarah must have picked up on it as well as she stayed quiet.

Lizzie turned back to the door and then turnd back to the couple on the couch. “Just be careful.”

“Careful? Sarah asked.

“Be careful with Lester.” Lizzie clarified. “He doesn’t look like it but he just has this way of getting you hooked and before you know it, he’ll break your heart.”

“Okay, thank you for the heads up,” Sarah tried not to look confused but Dan picked up on it.

Lizzie gave Sarah a parting smile and Dan a half wave before turning on her heel and walking out the door.

Sarah and Dan exchanged puzzled looks.

“What was that about?” Sarah asked.

Dan held up his hand innocently, “I have no idea, its weird though. I can’t imagine Lester with…..,” Dan caught himself and quickly corrected, “Anyone really. Thats just strange.”

Dan took a big sip of his coffee and set it down on the table. “Anyways, if we do want to go and see some stuff we should probably get going.”

The couple finished their coffees and began to get moving. When they were ready and about to head out the door, Lester emerged from his room.

“Is Lizzie still here?” He asked. His voice was soft, very unlike his usual abrasive tone.

“You missed her, she left like half an hour ago.” Dan said.

“Oh okay.” Lester began to slink back towards the hallway.

“Whats the deal with you two?” Sarah asked as she put on her shoes. “She seemed a little upsert when she left.”

Lester turned around with his shoulder hunched over. “We used to be a thing. On again, off again sort of thing. I think this is the end though. When she found out I got that operation done, she said that was it. She really wanted to have kids, she knew I didn’t but she always thought I’d come around one day. It’s over now I guess.”

He shrugged his shoulders. Dan and Sarah didn’t respond so he turned and went back down the hallway.

“Really?” Dan asked as he held open the door for his wife. “That girl and Lester a thing? I don’t see it.”

A sly smile spread across Sarah’s face as she moved past her husband into the hallway. She looked back at him “Well she did say she was hooked on Lester. Maybe that meant she was hooked on his big……” She paused watching Dan’s mouth hang open, “Personality.”

“Oh your so fucking bad.” He made a move to try and tickle her side and she jogged a few steps away. Dan locked the door to the apartment and the loving couple we off to see the sights.


Dan’s key scratched his apartment door for the fifth time. He blinked his weary eyes and tried to focus. After their day sight seeing, Dan had kept his promise to Sarah, to stay out of the apartment and see the city.

Being together for the first time in weeks, they indluged and splurged more than they should have. The ate lunch at a nice restaurant and had a couple of drinks. Dinner followed and the couple made sure to order off the wine list again. After a couple of nightcaps at a classy Al Capone theme speakeasy, the couple Ubered back to his place.

Dan closed one eye, the door seemed to be swaying side to side. Warm hands ran up his waist and over his torso steadying him.

“Hurry up” Sarah whispered loudly “It’s freezing out here, lets get inside so you can warm me up.”

Dan grinned and pushed his hand forward, the key finally found the hole.

The couple stepped into complete darkness. It was late. Really late. Dan knew that he would regret all of the alcohol in the morning but for tonight he justed wanted one fun night out with the love of his life.

Light assaulted his eyes.

“Oops,” Sarah snickered. She had flicked on the bright ceiling light. She turned it back off and crossed the room, turning on a dimmer lamp.

Dan blinked his eyes refocusing. It didn’t look like anything had changed since he left. He Lester was asleep already or maybe he was out with that girl….

“Hey big boy,” Sarah’s sultry voice called from the other side of the room.

The room spun as Dan turned to look at her too quickly. It took a second to register but Sarah was looking at him seductively as she slowly peeled her t-shirt off over her head. Sarah’s magnifcent breasts were on display for him, held up by a lacy white bra. <i>I always love that color on her.</i>

Despite Dan’s iniberiated state, he could feel the blood rushing to his dick, pushing against his jeans. He placed a hand on the back of the couch as Sarah made her way to him, unbuttoning her pants.

“You ready for a repeat of last night?” she was standing an inch away from him. Her hands abanded her pants and started tugging on his belt.

“God yes,” he whispered. Or at least he meant to whisper. He wasn’t entirely sure how loud he was being. “I’ve been wanting to take you all day.”

“Oh yeah?” Sarah raised any eyebrow at him. “Why didn’t you?”

Sarah’s hands completed their task, Dan’s pants fell around his ankles. Now she began working his shirt off.

“It’s not like we had an opportunity,” Dan’s shirt came off. “We’ve been stuck in tourist spots and restaurants all day.”

“Hmmmmm excuses, excuses.” Sarah turned around placing one hand on the couch. The other lowered her pants. She pushed her white panty clad ass out for Dan to ogle. “Those restaurants had bathrooms.”

<i>What?</i> She was teasing him obviously. But would she actually have done that? In public?

Dan reached out and ran his hands over Sarah’s ass before stepping out his jeans and pressing hismelf against her. “You’d want that? Having this inside you in public like that? That dangerous…”

Sarah pushed her ass back into his crotch. “Only if we get caught….,” She paused. “Or maybe that would make it more fun. Someone catching us…watching us.”

“Watching you,” Dan whispered into her ear. “They wouldn’t be watching me thats for sure.”

He licked her ear and turn spun her around. He grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her in for a passionite kiss. His dick pushing into her, trapping her against the couch. She returned the kiss in force, her tongue pushing into his mouth and swirling around.

They stood there making out for several minutes. Their hands exploring each other’s bodies. Sarah wanted to reach down and feel his dick but it was pushed nestled perfetly against her pussy. She could feel the heat coming off of it. She couldn’t wait to have it inside of her.

She put her arms up between them and pushed Dan backwards, harder than she intended. He stumbled backwards, clearly caught off caught. The effects of the alcohol effecting his balance.

She didn’t break eye contact and she slowly backed away from him towards the hallway. “You forgot one thing.”

Dan’s dick was straining against his boxers, jutting straight out towards his wife. He followed her. “What’s that?”

“You said tourist traps and restaurants,” She backed down the hallway and opened the door to Dan’s room. “You forgot about the Uber. I’m sure the driver would have love to see me too.”

With that she disappered into the room. Dan quickly followed after her.

Dan kicked his boxers off as he entered the room. Sarah laid on the bed looking at him with lust filled eyes. <i>God I’m going to fuck her so hard. </i>

He quickly crossed the room and was on her. His lips smashing into hers. His bare cock running up her thigh toward its prize. Her nails dug into his hair, pulling her down to him. Trying to pull him into her, even though she was still wearing her white panties. She stared kissing his neck, slowing working her way down towards his chest.

“You’d want me to fuck you in the back of the Uber and let the driver watch?” Dan breathed hoarshly. His fantasies we crashing back into his mind, melding with the events of their night.

Sarah purred in her ear “Who said it was you I would have fucked in that Uber?”

She looked up at him with her striking green eyes. She knew just how to push his buttons. He couldn’t wait any longer. He had to have her. He kissed her again and his hand found her panties. He wanted to rip them off. He tugged at them but they wouldn’t budge. He tried again. Nothing.

Sarah gently pushed his torso up. Right, he was laying on top of them.

As Sarah began to lower her panties a door slammed loudly in the hallway. Lester was awake.

The couple froze, unsure what was happening. Dan tried to remember if he shut the door. It looked shut. Did he lock it? Lester wouldn’t dare try to come in here. He wouldn’t cross that line. Would he?

They listened as heavy footsteps shuffled past the door down the hallway. Something was odd about this but Dan’s alcohol fogged brain couldn’t quite figure it out. Whatever it was, it was so close, he just couldn’t comprehend….

The TV in the living room suddely roared to life. It was obnoxiously loud. Even though they were in another room, it felt like the speaker was pointed right at the wall. Loud laughter reverberated from the wall, followed by half a second of silence and then loud voices talking about the Chicago Bears.

Dan finally looked over at Sarah and caught her eye. She wasn’t happy. His dick was still desperate for her but this noise was just too much. He fell back into the bed in frustration, contemplating his next move.

“Dan go tell him to turn it down.” Sarah said. Her arms crossed.

The room was spinning and Dan’s eyelids were getting heavy. He was going to go deal with it. He just wanted a couple seconds. “Heh, why don’t you go tell him to turn it down,” He joked. “I can’t go out there until my cock go back down a bit.”

Sarah eyes him and then a slight smile spread across her face. “You want your innocent wife to go out there like this?” She moved her arms together, pushing out her breasts. “Don’t you think that would give Lester the wrong signal? Unless thats what you want? Your wife on display for that creep. Maybe you really do want me to explore a little more than last time.”

Dan’s breath caught in his throat. He was stunned and incredibly turned on. He did want to see what would happen if she went out there. Did he really want to see things go further? She was just teasing him but did he really want to see Lester alone with Sarah? His alcohol fueled brain told him that he did.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Dan met her eyes.

“No?” she slowly rolled off the bed and stood up, one hand out to the side to steady herself. It looked like he wasn’t the only one feeling the effects of their last few nightcaps. He watched her perfect round ass sway side to side as she moved closed to the door. She turned halway around and looked at him. Her arm extended, hand grasping the door knob. She pushed her ass out and asked “You still think I won’t?”

Her eyes her burning a hole into his. His cock was ready to explode from her dirty talk. The ball was in his court. He didn’t know what would happen or if she would actually go out there. She stood there waiting for what felt like an eternity to him for an answer.

“I dare you,” He whispered. Embarrsed to say it louder and admit to himself, let alone her.

Sarah never backed down from a challenge. She gave him a look of defiance, opened the door and went into the hallway. The door closed behind her.

Dan sat there stunned, unable to move. He couldn’t hear Sarah’s footsteps in the hallway because the TV’s was so loud. He needed to sit up. He was getting tired. His cock willed him up into a sitting position.

Through his drunken state, he tried to calculate how long it had been since Sarah left. Was it just a few seconds or had it been minutes already? He didn’t drift off accidently did he? She was probably just standing outside the door and would be back in soon.

Dan’s thoughts were interrupted by his brain finally catching up with his surroundings. Something was off. It was silent in the apartment. He couldn’t hear the TV anymore.


Sarah exhaled as she stood in the hallway, closing Dan’s bedroom door. He didn’t think she would do it? Well she would prove him wrong. It wasn’t like Lester hadn’t seen her in her bra and panties before. She’d go out and get him to turn down the TV and then hurry back to Dan.

As she walked down the hallway, her mind drifted back to the night before. Seeing Lester having sex with Lizzie had caught her off guard. She didn’t get the opportunity to bring it up to Dan today. She didn’t want to distract from their great day. It hadn’t really come up once they had left but now she was thinking about the way Lester looked at her when he was fucking Lizzie, almost like he was thinking about her laying there…..

She shook off her thoughts and she walked into an empty living room. The TV was blasting an infomercial about a set of revolutionary frying pans. The lamp she had turned on earlier was the only other source of light in the room. Lester was no where to be found.

She stood in place and looked around. The TV was loud in Dan’s bedroom but it was unbearable out here. She moved over to the back of the couch and surveyed the living room. The remote was sitting there in the middle of one of the couch cushions. She leaned over the back of the couch and reached for the remote.

“Yum,” a deep voice said from behind her. She quickly turned her head and looked towards the source of the voice. Lester was standing a few feet away near the kitchen. And he was naked.

Sarah froze in place. She hadn’t expected him to be naked. She stared at him, his eyes didn’t met hers. They were feasting on her backside drapped over the couch. Her eyes uncounciously looked down at his cock and then quickly refocused elsewhere.

Sarah retrieved the remote and pushed herself off the couch, scrambling back into a standing position. As she moved she heard the heavy footfalls of Lester crossing the distance between them. With the remote in hand she stood up straight and turned around. Lester stopped in his tracks two feet away. If she had been slower, would he have kept moving toward her?

He stood there and silently looked her up and down, licking his lips. She hated when she caught him doing that.

“What are you doing?” Lester asked.

Sarah was a proud and strong woman. She quickly regained her composure and pushed through the fact that this man leering at her at just caught her in a compromising position.

“Dan and I are trying to sleep and your TV is too loud. I came out to get you to turn it down.” She stood confidently, holding her ground.

“Well I’m watching it and I’m hard of hearing so I need it that loud. So no. Besides I was asleep until you and hubby came back in here like barn yard animals making all kinds of noise.” He raised his eyes from her chest and met her gaze. “Unless…..”

“Unless what?” Sarah asked as she thumbed the volumne down button the remote. She was going to have things her way regardless of what Lester wanted.

“Unles…..are you telling me that you came out here dressed like that to tell me to turn it down? Why wouldn’t you put something else on before coming out here?”

“Well I would but you have neglected to give me back my black robe. Where is it?” Sarah said firmly.

Lester grinned and stepped closer. He could smell her sweet perfume now. He could reached out and grab her if he wanted. “Nice deflection. It doesn’t change the fact that you came out here in just your bra and panties. Did you want to get me alone? Did Dan fall asleep and now you want some company?”

“No, and Dan’s not asleep –”

Sarah’s breath caught in her throat. Lester stepped forward his large frame matching up against hers. He wasn’t pressing right up against her but she could feel his hot breath on her. He was invading her personal space. She could feel his gut press against her stomach.

“So Dan is awake, and let you come out here dressed like that. And you said yes?” He eyed her with a conspiratorial grin.

Sarah began to rebutal but stopped. She felt it. Lester’s naked cock was growing and pushing against her thighs. They stared into each other’s eyes as she felt his cock grow larger, inching its way up her thighs until it was pressing against her panty covered sex.

Lester ever so slightly pushed his cock against her. Sarah was caught between staying still and holding her ground or trying to move away from him.

Lester raised his hand, extended a finger and began to draw little circles on her bicep. “Did Dan send you out here, expecting a repeat of last time? Is he watching us right now?”

Sarah’s eyes darted toward the dark hallway but she didn’t see Dan down there. Lester ran his finger up her arm to her bra strap and gently lowered it. Sarah’s eyes shifted back to Lester and the smug look on his face.

“I’ve been thinking about it,” Lester mused. His finger leaving her bra strap and slowly gliding across her shoulder. “I think I can help you two.”

“Help us how?” Sarah said holding her ground. Sarah was breathing quickly. He breasts putting on a show for Lester. The taboo situation and Dan revving her engines earlier were having an effect on her.

Lester’s finger dropped down until it was making circles on the tops of her breasts. “Help you with this fantasy of yours.”

He dropped his head and whispered in her ear. “If Dan is watching right now, I’ll help you put on a show. Bring your fantasies to life.”

Sarah shuddered at the thought. Her mind flashing back to Lester’s treatment of Lizzie the night before.

Sarah couldn’t see it but Lester grinned, then closed the small distance between them, pushing his body fully into hers as his lips began to taste her neck. His flaby arms encircled her, one hand going around her back pulling her into him, the other dropping down and grabbing a hanful of her luscious ass and pulling her crotch against his throbing cock.


Dan quietly turned the doorknob to his room and stepped out into the dark hallway. He could hear voices speaking low from the living room. He walked a couple of feet and froze in place.

Lester was butt naked and had Sarah pinned up against the couch. He was feasting on her neck as his hands ran all over her body. He watched as Lester released her ass only to grab her thigh, hoisting her leg up off the ground to give his cock better access to her. From what he could see she still had her bra and panties on.

His mouth was dry. The alcohol caused him to stumble. He used one hand to brace himself against the wall. Lester’s head moved down and started licking and kissing Sarah’s chest. She turned her head, hands resting on his shoulders. She opened her eyes and made eye contact with Dan.

They held each other’s gaze for a few seconds. The same lust filled expression Sarah wore on her face earlier was looking back at him. He knew it wasn’t Lester causing it but the situation and their fantasy coming to life. It was also the fact that Dan was watching her.

She looked at him for reassurance or some kind of communication on whether she should stop this. Or if Dan was going to step into the room and stop it. Sarah’s eyes flicked down. It was only then that Dan realized his was unconciously stroking his cock. Sarah met his eyes again.

Dan nodded his reassurance to her.

With that, Sarah look relived and turn back to face Lester.


Lester had touched her before but this was different. She wasn’t laid out under Dan on the couch, this time It was just her and Lester. She still wan’t quite sure how to react. <i>Focus on making this hot for Dan.</i>

Lester’s tongue started licking between her breasts, running up and the middle of her cleavage. Sarah braced herself against the couch and held the back of Lester’s head, pulling him toward her. Her fingers laced into his thining hair.

She extended the leg Lester held in the hair and bent it around Lester’s back, again pulling him even closer into her.

<i>Finally.</i> Lester smiled. </i>Willingly going along with this. Time to push things a bit further.</i>

Lester’s hand found the back of her bra. He expertly flicked the clasp, letting it fall open. He withdrew his tongue and slowly stood back up, keeping a firm grasp on Sarah’s thigh. He pushed into her, his hard cock jutting against her pussy, protected only by her thing white panties.

As he rose to look up into her eyes, he noticed her quickly glancing at the hallway. Lester shifted his beady eyes and saw Dan standing there stroking his dick. Lester remembered how Dan had tried sizing him up all those weeks ago when Lester wanted to move in behind Sarah as she got the chinese food at the door.<i>Now its time to really claim her and see just way Dan does.</i>

Lester raised his hand to Sarah’s shoulders and slowly pulled her bra free, looping down one arm and then the next. Her bare breasts started to rise and fall, a clear indication that she was turned on. Sarah’s eyes left Dan’s to focus on him, waiting to see what would come next.

With one last smirking look at Dan, Lester grabbed Sarah by the back of her head and slowly pulled her lips towards him.


Dan’s heart panged with jealously. Lester’s lips connected with Sarahs. She stood there frozen for a moment, unsure what do but she quickly relaxed and tentatively returned Lester’s kiss. Soft poliete kissing at first until Lester starting to grind his bare cock against her panty covered pussy.

Lester turned his head and seemed to work his tongue into her mouth. He held the back of her held, controlling how she moved. Sarah’s arm encircled Lester’ neck, returning his embrace.

Dan wanted to see Sarah do things with another man. He wanted her to be naughty. But seeing her kissing someone else, especially someone beneath them like Lester. It was difficult to handle. It was just such an intimate behaviour, one that made it seem like Sarah was giving in fully to Lester, body and mind.

Even though Dan’s brain was still figthing to comprehend what it was witnesses, his dick was harder then he could ever remember it being.


Lester’s tongue darted around her mouth until it made contact with hers. Sarah reluectantly returned the kiss, her one tongue running against his. She was momentarily shocked at how far his tongue went into her mouth, she didn’t realize his tongue was big just like his cock.

His hand gripped her thigh, pull her towards him. Towards his cock. She felt the heat and strength of his cock pressing up against her womanhood. Lester was slowly begining to thrust up and down on top of her panties. Mimicing what it would be like to fuck her in this position.

Then it felt like Lester lost control. He pushed her ass back into the couch and using two hands, left her up until she was craddled on the back of the couch. He grabbed both of her thighs and pulled them around his waste. Sarah was taken aback, it was like this couch was purposelly made for this position.

Both of Sarah’s legs tightened around Lester’s waist, her ankles locking against his bare ass. He contiued kissing her passionately, invading her mouth. He kept thrusting up and down and against her drentched panties. He slid on hand under we ass and grabbed a hanful of her ass cheeck.

Lester used that hand to subtly begin puller her ass up and letting it drop back down. Sarah didn’t conciously realize what was happening, her mind a fire from so much new stimulation. Lester was maniuplating her ass and hips to meet his thrusts. As his cock push up against her slit, He would pull her ass down towards it.

After a couple mintues of manipulation, Lester realized his hand. He was delighted to find that Sarah was now rolling her sex against his cock herself, meeting his thrusts with anticpation.


Dan stood there transfixed at the sight before him. Sarah and Lester were dry humping each other on the back of the couch. The only thing protecting her was the thin panties. She looked lost in his embrace and Lester looked like a pan possessed. <i>She wouldn’t let him go all the way, right? Lester wasn’t about to fuck his wife.</i>


Lester broke their kiss.  Sarah opened her eyes looking at him, breathless. He grinned seeing the effect that he was having on her. <i>Your Mine.</i>

He looked to Dan and smirked. Then he leaned in and began licking Sarah’s earlobe.

“Do you fell that Sarah?” He whispered. “Can you feel how hard I am for you?”

Sarah held the back of his head for stability. She didn’t answer. She just wanted to focus on getting close in the sensation.

“Tell me.” he whispered. “How does it feel.”

“Good.” She said absent mindedly. “Hard.”

“You did that to it. You make it hard Sarah. God I knew the first time I saw you that one day I would make you feel my cock. Sliding it into you…..”


Dan stayed in the comfort of the dark hallway. Watching. He didn’t want to step into the light. That felt like exposing his fantasy to the world.

Lester was whispering something to Sarah. She whispered back. Something hidden from him. His cock was growing painfully harder. It was becoming too much. He slowed his strokes, not wanting to cum and have this all crash down around him. He leaned against the wall. Watching, slowly teasing his dick.


Lester was in control. He was holding her and whispering in her ear about fucking her. Sarah was getting overwhelmed with the situation and the stimulation but her mind was screaming for her to get some control over this. She could tease and control Dan, there wasn’t any reason she could do the same to Lester.

“I’m,” she breathed. “Not going to let you fuck me Lester.”

He pulled back looking in her eyes. Surprised. Clearly he thought he had her under his thumb. She gripped the back of his neck and braced her other hand on the couch. She started thrusting her hips back against his cock, taking control.

“I’m only allowing this because its for me and Dan. Its turns him on, turns us on,” she corrected herself. “I know you’ve been watching me. Thinking about me. Touching yourself to me probably. You need to get this because I’m only going to say it once.”

She was thrusting back against his cock now, faster than he was. Changing the tempo. Challenging him to keep up. “This is for me and Dan. There is no you and me. You’re here because your convenient and yes you just so happen to have a big cock.”

Lester glared at her, seemlingly unpreturbed. “Is that so?”

He moved quick, quicker than Sarah would have thought possible for someone his size. He took a half step to the side, his cock pressing against her innner thigh. His hand snaked between, his arm twisting awkwardly, and slid underneth her panties.

Sarah was ready to protest and she felt his hairy knuckles disappear towards her most private area. An area reserved only for Dan. Lester’s hand twisted, palm running against her skin. A finger slid down her slit, breifly touching and stimulatign her clit.

Sarah’s breath caught in her throat. Lester’s finger split between her slit until it found its prize. His fingertip pressed into her. He looked at her, eyes ablaze awaiting her to challenge him. When she hecomposed herself and opened her mouth to speak, to tell him no, he pushed his entire finger into her.

Sarah arched her back in pleasure. She would have fallen off onto the seat of the couch if she wasn’t holding onto the back of Lester’s head. He forefully and confidently continued thrusting his finger inside of her, his cock running up and down her thigh leaving a trail of precum in its wake.

She looked at him defiantely but Lester could read the lust and desire masked behind her brave front. He continued his assault, running a second finger beside the first, pushing more of himself into her. Sarah threw her head back and let out an involuntary moan.

Lester groaned with her, his thick cock waiting for release. He leaned forward, his tongue lapping at her bare breasts.

Gravity slowly started to take them backwards. Sarah braced one arm down towards the seat of the couch as Lester followed her down, over its back. His fingers never leaving her.


Dan watched as Sarah pulled Lester over the couch. The last thing he saw were Lester’s big hairy balls swaying before they both disappeared from sight. He had a choice to make.

Dan stepped out and walked into the living room. He cornered the couch and frooze at the sight before him. Sarah was laying on her back, one hand gripped the pillow above her, the other pulling on the back of Lester’s head buried in her chest. He was altenrating between licking, kissing and sucking on Sarah’s breasts.

As Lester moved his head, Dan saw that Sarah’s perfect breasts were covered with Lester’s slick saliva. Dan’s eyes caught motion, Lester’s hand was still conntecting to Sarah. Two fingers were expertly thrusting into her, while his thumb was trying to draw circles on her clit. Sarah’s hips were raising themselves voluntarily off the couch to meet his roommate’s fingers.


Lester’s fingers were curling, stroking past her g-spot with each thrust, igniting the spark of an orgasm within her. She was holding onto the back of Lester’s head, not wanting to let him go, afraid the sensation might die and she would lose it.

His fat fingers drove into her again, as he pulled them back they pushed over the ridges of her g-spot. He clenteched her eyes focusing on the feeling. <i>So close…So close.</i>

“Don’t stop,” she whispered through clentched teeth. “Don’t stop. So close..”

“Do it,” Lester growled. “Cum for me Sarah. Cum on my fingers. I knew I would have you begging for me not to stop. I want to feel what its like inside of you when you come. I want to watch your face as you cum in front of your husband.”

Sarah opened her eyes. Dan was sitting across from them, his cock hard as a rock. And that face. His face was painted with that lustfilled, intense expression that always got to her. He was staring at them, watching them. Just like Lester had done before.

The last time the three of them found themselves here, Lester was the one sitting that chair watching her and Dan make love, stroking his big cock. Now it was her husband, watching while his weird roommate was bringing his wife closer and closer to a powerful orgasm.

Dan’s eyes met Sarah’s. She had never seen him look so intense. Lester’s fingertips pressed into her g-spot against as they slid out of her pussy, running against all the nervers focused there. His tongue began to lick her right nippple, circling and circling the outside of it until it found its prize. His lips covered it sucking inside his mouth.

She clutched Lester’s balding head with both hands, nails digging into hair and skin, likely drawing blood. Dan’s eyes were on her, watching them. Watching where he should be, his cock pointing at her. His eyes filled with longing, lust and arousal.

“FUCK…FUCK.” Sarah screamed as his body was wracked by a mind shattering orgasm. She closed her eyes to ride it, the image of Dan’s face burned into her mind. Her pussy tightend around Lester’s fingers, holding them in place, trying to keep them there forever. “GOD…..”

As her orgasm began to wane, she could feel another slowly building, ready to take its place and crash down onto her. She started gearing up for it, ready to be welcomed into its sweet embrace. Lester’s mouth released her nipple.

He quickly crawled up her body, his hand snaking behind her neck. His lips decended towards hers and she opened her mouth to his invading tongue, willingly accepting him.

She could feel the weight of Lester’s gut on top of her. As Lester’s fingers slid past her g-spot again she unconciously moaned into her mouth. Part of her brain was embarssed that Dan had heard that. That she had moaned for a man like Lester. The other part of her brain buried those thoughts quickly and focused on he sensations of his fat fingers and tongue exploring her mouth.

Sarah let out an audible groan of frustration as Lester slowly pulled his fingers out of her. He didn’t stop kissing her, if anything his stepped up his oral assault. The lack of sensation in her pussy was driving her crazy, she realized her hips were reaching up off the couch, looking for Lester’s fingers.

She felt Lester’s arm brush against her. And then felt it again. She opened her eyes to look but Lester held her head in place, restricting her vision. She let go of his head and traced her arm down to investigate.

Lester was stroking his cock, inches away from her pussy. The head of his cock was gliding against her inner thigh. He was slowly working it closer, and closer to her. She knew that any second now he would shift his weight on top of her and try to press his luck.

Dan must be watching. How did it look from his angle? He must see what Lester is up to. Maybe he can’t or maybe, he would be okay with that happening. Sarah shuddered at the thought. The idea of actually having sex with someone like Lester, letting him inside of her. Being bend over his bed like Lizzie was the night before.

Lester shifted his weight, getting ready to line up his cock. Sarah quickly disengaged and pushed herself to the side. Sarah quickly glanced at Dan who wore the same lustfilled expression, she couldn’t tell what he saw or what he wanted. She still wanted to please him.

Before Lester could pull her back to him, she moved down the couch until she was face to face with Lester’s cock.

Lester seemed to get the idea and shifted, making hismelf comfortable on his back. Sarah stole another glance to Dan, whose eyes seemed to be popping out of his head. He seemed to get the idea as well.

“Mmmmm,” Sara moaned. He fingernails running up Lester’s thighs until she found the base of his cock. Her fingers lightly playing with it. “Hello again big boy.”

Sarah stared at Lester’s cock, licking her lips. “Lester….you remember, what I said. About my lips belonging only to Dan?”

“Yes…” Lester hissed through clenched teeth.

“Well,” She lowered her head, closer and closer to his cock. It pulsed and shook, just inches from her face. “I’m thinking of breaking my rule tonight and giving you something that is supposed to be just for my husband. What do you think?”

“Do it.” Lester hissed again. He was perched up on his elbows, watching her.

Sarah’s fingers began trace a vein on Lester’s shaft until they reached the head of his cock, playing with the senstive skin there. She lowered her head until Lester’s cock was right next to it, then she turned and opened her eyes looking at Dan.

From Dan’s perspective Lester’s cock was in between him and his wife’s beautiful face.

“What do you think Dan?” Sarah whispered sultrily. “Should I suck Lester’s big cock?”

Dan was speechless. Sarah’s was still staring at him. Lester didn’t take his eyes off his wife. He wanted to see this more than anything in the world. He opened his dry mouth to speak.

Before he could utter a word, Sarah extended her tongue and licked the underside of Lester’s cock. Dan’s mouth hung open. Lester’s body jumped at the sudden stimulation.

Sarah licked the entire length of Lester’s cock until her tongue found its head. She swirled he tongue around it before lowering her mouth over his cock. Her hand closed around his shaft and began to stroke it.

“Fuck yeah baby,” Lester moaned. “God I knew you would be a good cocksucker.”

Dan frowned at the comment but his cock almost exploded.

Sarah continued to pump Lester’s shaft and take more and more of his cock into her mouth. She abrubtly pulled her mouth off it and glared at him with her piercing green eyes. “Mmmm you like that Lester? You like the way I suck your big cock?”

“Yeah, I want your lips wrapped around my cock all night. Fuck that feel so good.” Lester grunted.

Sarah flashed him a wicked grin. “I think my husband likes watching this too.”

“I really don’t give a shit.” Lester reached out and grabbed the back of Sarah’s head pulling it down back towards his cock. She quickly opened her mouth and his cock slide in. Lester kept his hand there, grabbing a fist full of her hair. He pull her hair down and back up, setting the tempo.

Sarah obliged and sped thing up. Her hand wrapped around the base of his cock and quickly stroking it up to her mouth in time with Lester’s demands. He let go of her and laid back to watch the show.

Dan watched as Sarah’s beautiful mouth was filled with Lester’s cock. Cum dribbled out of Dan’s dick onto the chair. He wasn’t touching it at all, fearing that her would cum right away. He wanted to watch the entire show. He cringed as he heard Sarah moan around Lester’s cock. Her pretty lips tracing back and forth along his cock, the same lips she kissed him with when they said ‘I do.’

“Balls.” Lester groand. “Lick them.”

Sarah opened her mouth, her tongue extended. She backed off Lester’s cock and licked the entire unside of it. Once her lips passed his cock head, she shifted to the side, tongue still out and ran it back down his shaft until it was buried in Lester’ hair covered balls.

Her tongue started tracing circles, switching between one ball and the next. Lester was in heaven, seeing this beautiful woman servicing him. Especially since she was doing it willingly in front of her husband. He grinned at the thought. <i>I am going to take her from you dumbass. You won’t recognize her when I’m done with her. </i>

He grabbed the back of her head and pulled her harder into his balls, putting pressue there, guding her to do longer licks up, down and across his balls. Sarah didn’t miss a beat and starting slurping on Lester’s balls with enthusiam. Her hands reached up and started stroking Lester’s shaft. Both hands running up and down its length, faster and faster and she sucked and licked every inch of Lester’s balls.

She felt her pussy tingeling. She was grinding her thighs together. She couldn’t believe that she was actually getting off on sucking Lester’s cock. <i>I’m probably still just horny from before, I never got that second one….</i>

Suddely Sarah rose back up and put her mouth back on Lester’s cock. “Mmmmhmmmmmmm.”

She knew at some point Lester was going to cum. She wouldn’t take that in her mouth or swallow it. That felt like a bit to far and something a bit too intimate. Sarah would feel it about to happen and pull off, letting him cum all over himself.

Lester was in ecstasy. Of all the women who had sucked his cock in this apartment, Sarah was by far the best at it. He wanted more.

“Tell me what you think of my cock.” It sounded more like an order than anything else.

Sarah slowed down and looked up at him. She slowly sucked his cock, without breaking eye contact. After a few moment she released it from her mouth and started to plant kissing up its shaft.

“Hmmmm.” She looked down at his cock, contemplatively. “You know, you cock is amazing. Its so big and thick. Its just so powerful….its effecting me on a whole different level.”

“Bigger than your husbands?” Lester grunted. Sarah looked at him and nodded.

“Tell him. Tell Dan.”

Sarah looked back down at Lester’s cock and then to her husband. “God Dan. Lester’s cock is so much bigger than yours. Something like this really makes a girl think……its just too bad its connected to someone like him.”

Dan gulped.

“Somene like me?” Lester challenged.

Sarah looked back at him. “Yeah someone like you. Someone who looks like you do and acts the way you do. No offense your not a catch or anything. But this cock….I can see why Lizzie was so interested.”

Her words were meant to hurt him, to challenge him. But Lester didn’t really give a shit. She was pushing at a button that didn’t exist. “Just wait until the day that I slide this cock into you and take you like I did Lizzie last night.”

Sarah licked Lester’s shaft again and continued to stroke him, her bare breasts jiggling. She laughed “You’re very confident….but I don’t think that is ever going to happen.  Besides you might have a great cock but I don’t think you could handle a woman like me. I’d hate to be disappointed with just a couple minutes of pleasure.”

“We’ll see,” Lester gorand as Sarah twirled her tongue around the head of his cock, massaging his slit. “You said those lips were only for your husband right?”

A line of saliva trailed from Sarah’s tongue to Lester’s cock as she backed off. She leaned forward and licked the base of his cock all the back to the top. “That what I said.”

“And where is your lips now?”

“On your cock Lester.”

Hearing her name escape his lips caused a jolt to run through his body. He was surprised he didn’t come right then. “Then do something for me. Kiss my cock the way you did on your wedding day to your husband.”

Sarah raised an eyebrow and glanced at Dan.

“Kiss my cock the same way you did at the alter. I want to see what your lips looked like. Especially now that I get them.”

Sarah leaned forward and pursed her lips, and then gave a very conservative, lingering peck right on top of Lester’s cock.

He grinned. “Now give it a kiss the same way you kissed Dan the night of your honeymoon.”

Sarah looked again at her husband, sitting there with his hard cock pointed right at her. He nodded for her to go on. She lowered her head and began to passionately kiss the head of Lester’s cock. She planted kissing all over it, her tongue extending to french kiss it. She could feel her thighs rubbing together, she was on fire.

Lester noticed as well. He shift his weight, briefly pulling her to oneside and sliding his leg inbetween hers. As she kissed his cock, he raise his thigh to press against her pussy. It found the contact is had been longing for and Sarah unconciously began to grind herself against his hairy, pasty leg.

Sarah stopped kissing his cock and looked up at him shocked. Her body was going into overdrive, riding Lester’s thigh, pressing into him. His legs stimulating her clit and outer pussy lips. She hadn’t realized just how quickly she would be able to get back to being on the verge of coming. She was so close.

The feeling of her pussy being stimulated was matched by the strength and hardness of Lester’s cock in her hands. She could feel it pulsating, the power radiating from his cock was adding fuel to the fire as her orgasm continued to build. She felt like the dam was about to burst.

“Say my name Sarah.” Lester groaned. He was now thrusting his hips up off the couch, his cock pushing towards her face. “Say it.”

“Lester,” She whipsered. “Lester.”


Sarah closed her eyes. “Lester.”

The thought of her in those position atop Lester in his room flooded into her brain. She tried to fight the thought but her pleasure center was overriding all rational thought. “Lester!”

She started grinding her hips onto top of him frantically, she was so close to cumming, nothing would stop her now. It was right there, it was so close.

Lester grabbed the back of her hand and pulled it down towards his cock. Sarah instinctively opened her mouth and took as much in as much of his cock as she could. She was stroking it quickly, in time with her grinding, willing its contents to cum up the shaft.

Lester’s cock in her mouth put her over the edge. Her thighs clamped down on his, pushing down hard as her body started to get rocked by a mind numbing orgasm. She felt the force of Lester’s fingers dig into her hair. She felt the familiar pulsating of Lester’s cock and the arching of his hips.

“Arrrggh. FUCK.” Lester groaned as his cock exploded in Sarah’s mouth. He held her still, ensuring she didn’t miss a drop.

Lester’s cum shot to the back of Sarah’s throat. She wanted to pull back but he held her in place. Cum flood into her mouth, drenching every inch of her. It served as the catalyst for another orgasm to blow past this one, eclipsing what she thought possible. Waves of pleasure radiated out from her pussy, washing over her body.

Sarah curled her toes, he tightened her grip on Lester’s cock, her thighs like vice grips. She swallowed.

She knew she shouldn’t. She didn’t plan to. She didn’t want to but it was the only logical thing to do. Sarah swalled load after load of Lester’s cum without hesitation. It seemed like it would never end.

As Sarah came down from her orgasm, she released Lester’s leg and disengaged from his cock. She stared at it, shocked at what she just did. She couldn’t believe she just swallowed another man’s cum. She couldn’t believe that Dan’s fucked up roommate’s cum was inside of her now.

Dan. She was so lost in her orgam that she momentarily forgot about Dan. She looked over at him. Dan was laying back, breathing quickly. His cock was straight up in the air. Cum was continuing to drizzly out of it, running down onto his stomach and the couch. <i>That’s what I intended to do to Lester, have him cum on himself….</i>

She blinked and looked back at Lester who had a stupid grin on his face. Like the fat kid at school that somehow just beat at the jocks in a race. She wanted to collapse, her energy drained but she couldn’t just fall asleep her on the couch in Lester’s lap.

She stood up, wiped her mouth and headed towards the hallway.


A sharp pain spread across her ass. She jumped and looked back. Lester had turned and slapped her ass with full force.

“Thank You Sarah. That was fucking great. Can’t wait until the next time.” He grinned as she walked to the bathroom, his red hand imprinted on her flawless ass.


After Sarah was finished cleaning herself up, she made her way back to Dan’s room, hoping not to encounter Lester again. Thankfully she made it across the hall without incident. Closing the door behind her, she found Dan waiting for her, his cock still hard.

It was at that moment that Sarah realized, that even after the multiple orgasms, she really wanted a cock inside of her.

Dan strode over to her with that lustful look on his face that turned her on so much. He grabbed her and pulled her towards the bed. Her hands running all over her body.

Soon she was on her back and Dan was on top of her, pushing himself into her.

There was no foreplay. Both Sarah and Dan started fucking each other, desperately trying to cum.

Dan wanted to cum inside of her. He felt a need to do so. To reclaim Sarah.

She loved the feeling of Dan’s cock inside of her, looking up at his intense concentrated gaze. Her hands still sensative from wrapping themselves around Lester’s cock, her mind drifted back to the events of a few minutes ago.

Dan’s pace was increasing. Sarah wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him tightly, matching his speed.

“FFuck,” Dan groaned pushing into her. His balls began emptying themselves inside of her. Sarah moaned and came for the fourth time that night. Her body tingeling from head to toe.

Dan rolled to the side, panting. They both laid there, naked and breathing hard until they drifted off to sleep.



loved it!

Darklord Comics

A fantastic story that culminates the tension you have been building in the previous chapters in a very satisfying way. Excellent character development and I enjoyed getting an inside look into some of their thoughts. The chapters just keep getting better, thanks Don!