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Blam here, hello all of you beautiful people, you're obviously reading this because you want an update on bonbons and I have one for you, we are farther along than before. This month has been a bit. . . Slow? Because of the personal shit the devs and myself have been dealing with.

Basically, since this is our first Godot game, it's taking a bit longer to implement the stuff we would like to implement. We are smooth sailing EXCEPT FOR THIS FUCKING FIVE NIGHTS AT FREDDYS PART. It's incredibly difficult for some reason. Who would have thought game developing would be this hard.  Anyway.

Development on the first night has started and we are in the coding process. There is a long prologue before the actual first night and that is about 95% done and 70% coded.

The actual night is like 5% coded. The time taken to develop will speed up because we have our friend DN helping us code this first night. So, by next devlog, hopefully we will be releasing the first night.

Pray for us everyone because it is going to be difficult to get over this little Hill. But once we're over it is smooth sailing ahead with great content.

So, the prologue is about 95% done and written, 80% coded.

Night one that is after the prologue is about 5% coded.

Then day one that is after night one hasn't been started so it's at 0%.

Demo one / update 1 is hopefully releasing in the next month or so. Bear with us everyone, your financial support is keeping the team afloat, and we thank you for that.  Please keep on supporting us.

In any case. Thank you for reading and be on the lookout.


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