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Hey everyone as I've been talking about in the previous weekly update we are very close to releasing the game and with the gain of a voice actor for the phone guy we might be releasing in the next well 24 hours. It's not a demo it's more like a beta / Alpha for the game, like a pre demo that will give us feedback from the patrons. It's fine if you aren't subbed but as thanks to those who are subbed in the next 24 hours you might be getting the demo drop along with access into the new server that we've been making for a while now, we still need to get some bots and stuff in there but honestly it's pretty much ready. Access to the new server will only be for those who are patrons. So if you are a patron when we drop the pre-demo/alpha / beta / whatever the fuck. You'll be getting some goodies maybe even tonight, it's noon for me just to give you guys a reference. Anyway I'm literally voice typing this while playing a video game so yeah if it's a bit sloppy I apologize. Blam out.



So you won't post a a link to the new server in the old discord server?


I will but for now only patrons will get it. Soon once I make the full demo public I'll let everyone in.