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Hey everyone, Blam here.

So you want an update on progress, well here it is. Mydumbname Dev the creator of Five Lustful Nights has volunteered to code the fnaf portion of our game. Please say thank you to him because without him we would've had to either pay a lot of money to bring on another coder or we would have had to cut out the fnaf part entirely.

I don't think I explained it to anyone but the game is essentially split across two engines, One being Renpy which houses the visual novel part of the game, and the other being Godot which DN is graciously coding for us, houses the sit and survive fnaf experience. The Vn part is named BonBon's part A while the fnaf part is Part B, Part A is like 90% finished while Part B is like 60% finished for night one. Things are coming together nicely and we might be ready to release a demo for chapter one in the middle of the month, no promises but it's a possibility.

I apologize because I've been slacking off quite a bit, But I've gotten back into things and I promise this game will get out. If I'm being honest I've thought about stopping development quite a bit due to personal reasons but through Christ, I've reignited my flame, heat is on the way I promise.

Donate if you'd like to support the team. Ps, here's a screenshot of Bonbon on stage.

Here is the Ditzy lighter color recolor everyone wanted.

Praise god.


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