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Good day everyone here :)

Hope you all had a great weekend. As promised here is the latest Q&A video filmed at the EAG (Entertainment, Attractions & Gaming Expo) 2024. https://youtu.be/yCz029tw9BE 

Now, just a prewarning to all of you guys, this event is NOT designed for vloggers, It's a strange event where everything is on freeplay and people (in business suits) who run theme parks, bowling alleys, pubs etc go and see what the latest arcade like stuff is on offer.

 Obviously this means i cant go running round on camera answering yourquestions etc, i have to be a little more undercover and less "in your face" and therefor I decided to do this is a voice over, reviewing the units on display after I got back

If you want to see the unedited footage... here you go https://youtu.be/nGIQAnRWgsg 

And even though we dont have a date for the next Q&A feel free to send in your questions here and i will answer them as and when https://forms.gle/X8NPBeYC5iH3umv18 


Besides all of that, what else is going in in the world of Slope's Game Room... Well, besides sorting out my tax bill (never a nice time) January is already almost over which means my 2nd Blu Ray is almost finished too. In fact the next video you see from me will be the times exclusive FIDAY THE 13TH HISTORY AND THE GAMES video which is the final thing I need to do before I can finally put all of that stuff behind me and continue working on getting you guys 6 videos ahead.

Don't forget, you can check out updated versions of all these videos that are going to feature on this blu ray or where part of the last one...

I have now also included THE MASK https://youtu.be/BlBz9UeYtZE (better audio)

Again, all of these have been added to SLOPE'S PASSWORD ZONE (new password is SEGAGAGA) https://supporters.slopesgameroom.com 

Also, quick side note. I have added loads of music (including loads of embaressing mixtapes and remixes I made 20odd years ago) to the remix section as well as loads of "music videos" I used to play live too to the REMIX ZONE section


Also, don't forget, if you have not seen it yet, you also have early access to these


Right, I think, that's it for now! I'm gonna get to work making sure you get Friday the 13th The History and The Games + The Habbo Hotel video (This one is more hardcore than most Kickscammers lol) videos done before the end of the month for you (both are recorded and now just need to be edited)


Until next time, mucho love guys and as always thank you for all your support

-DJ Slope


Supporter Q&A | January 2024 EAG expo edition



Thank you for the Q&A! Have you ever thought about attending gaming shows over in the US like PAX, PAX East, PAX Unplugged? Great community of gamers and an awesome network of indie and AAA game publishers.