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How we doin' peeps!

I just wanted to give you all a sneak peak at the next video :) Attached is an early version of the next vid without adverts and what have you. However, I suggest checking out the one with my blu ray promo here https://youtu.be/F2mIGOeNkU0 (it comes in at the end)

Or you can just watch the promo itself here https://youtu.be/7_kYTW6A1Fc

The reason I say this is because I only have 168 left out of 1,000 (of the slipcover edition) and when this video drops this Saturday their is a high chance that they will sell out... possibly... who knows... I'm shocked they sold this fast to begin with lol

If they do end up continuing to sell the way they are, then yeah, a very high chance :)


Anyway, Hop you like the video, I think It's quite an interesting topic!

Here is a supporter exclusive quick let's play of the game... It's alright https://youtu.be/xjICgakplqM


On top of that, I wanted to share this... my 1st unboxing of my blu rays https://youtu.be/-KqEDnxeaaw


And as always you can find all of this plus loads of other content right here https://supporters.slopesgameroom.com/ the new password is... Tetris4TW


In other news...

I am away this Weekend on a panel talking about Retro Gaming Tabletop Handhelds in Blackpool PLAY EXPO :) https://www.playexpoblackpool.com/

I am also going to be writing a segment for the book itself too https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tabletop-book/from-coin-ops-to-table-tops-the-essential-electronic-games

I have had my 2nd Blu-Ray greenlit... this one will be based on THE HISTORY & THE GAMES and will feature an exclusive video AND a maze game that AKATimo and myself have been working seriously hard on, here is 1 preview https://youtu.be/TZiPEEgpvUU and here is another https://youtu.be/wYQHPbaAH5g

And finally I re-opened my WORMS complete History script, I have started a script based on SAW Video Games AND I have practically got a finished Kickscammer script too (based on celebs)


So yeah, keeping bust busy busy. However, my aim is still to get you guys to 6 videos ahead of release which I will be hitting hard after the weekend away at the EXPO.


Mucho love peeps

-DJ Slope


That time GAME GRUMPS upset the retro scene


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