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Hi all,

Firstly a big HELLO to my new Patreons that have recently joined in the last couple of weeks...


Now, as you can see (probably) the next SGR episode is GRAND THEFT AUTO! *edit* well, that didn't happen lol

It's gonna be a slightly bigger one as I look into Rockstar's and DMA's history and also the development of the original game and GTA3... at least!

The reason I have not put that it will be this weekend's episode is becuase I am not sure I will get it done in time. Whilst editing this I actually plan to sort out my attic AKA my studio a little bit and I am even going to hobbycraft at lunch to try and build a lightbox to hopefully review stuff in greater detail in the future.

However, content will go live this weekend either way with the January Q&A which is already filmed and I may even do a stream due to the fact I am likely to hit 30K by the weekend.

After this Complete History video you will likely see a bit of a gap in the Complete History series for 2 weeks whilst I review Double Dragon 4 and then do a Top 10 (based on animated video games shows) before jumping back into it. 

I think thats it for updates for now, as usual check back to this post for work in progress videos on the GTA video leading up to its release.

O yes! I have also added a couple of scripts into the Completed Scripts  folder that I had forgotten to do for you all.

Yep, I think that's it for now :)

Thanks as usual for all the support guys and thanks for all the well wishes in regards to baby #2 on its way :D

Mucho Love




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