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Hello everyone

I have gone and built a website :D www.slopesgameroom.com 

It's far from the best website in the world but it will act as a great entrance into the world of slope (plus i need to get verified)

I hope you like it :) 

I also want to use it to make me look a little more professional and as a gateway to my shop (btw if any of you want one of those t-shirts let me know before you buy one and I will custom make one and make sure that my fee is taken away which should save you a few quid)

Would love to know what you think? You guys are obv the 1st to see it, prob gonna list the video tomorrow or wednesday


Anyway, how does this affect you... Well, as you will notice in the bottom right of the front page there is a banner asking peeps to become patreons and it includes a few extras that are not yet listed on here...

Basically starting next year I plan to add a few tiers to the Patreon that will include

  • Get your name added to the end of a video
  • Get your name spoken to the end of a video
  • Monthly Q&As 

I want to make this clear... THIS WILL NOT AFFECT MY WEEKLY OUTPUT OF BIG VIDEOS. The main reason I am doing it is to get yet ANOTHER video out once a month on top of my usual 4-5.

YouTube analytics favor the cahnnels that put out more than 1 a week and doing a video like this once a month is a great way of solving 1/4 of that problem lol

On top of that expect the odd live stream at least once a month maybe twice and then a smaller review (probably of a modern game) or a Slopes does Disney video to fill in the final 4th week :)

I have wanted to talk about the site for so long but I knew if I did i would end up rushing it and it wouldnt be to my standard.


Guys, thank you all so much for your support, it really is a honour that you like my stuff so much your willing to do what you do. I always want to make Slope's Game Room better as a channel and I also always to try and give you guys more ways of interacting and new content to consume :)

LOVE YA LOTS <---seriously

WOW! a huge weight is off my shoulders. 


Anyways, whats going on now... well, i'm chilling the fuck out for a couple of days lol I NEED IT, turning these Kickstarter vids in to 3 parts has been a huge help as I already have a lot of this weekends video (the 3rd part) ready CLICK HERE TO SEE THE 1ST 3 MINS! 

On Thursday ya got the quiz over on RU live, be sure to tune in for that.

Then the week after its Crazy Taxi: The Complete History and the week after that it will be 2 videos.... 

  • one for new years eve, explaining my plans for 2017 and looking back on 2016 (over 20k subs now in 1 year daaaaamn)
  • and one on new years day which will no doubt be a small complete history to watch to help you get over ya hang over :D


Guys i'm off to play some Batman: Arkham Asylum for an hour before crashing out in bed!

Seriously, thank you so much for your support! Can't wait to start interacting with you all more and more as we move into 2017 :D

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


www.slopesgameroom.com is here

I BUILT A WEBSITE! with T-Shirts n stuff... go on go have a look ★ SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/0cmnO6 ★ SEE EXCLUSIVE STUFFS ON PATREON: https://goo.gl/xzXRFc ★ MY 2ND CHANNEL https://goo.gl/MDskmO ___ Slope's Game Room on the interwebs... ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slopesgameroom ► Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlopesGameRoom ► YouTube: https://goo.gl/0cmnO6 ► RetroUnlim: http://retrounlim.com ► Gamester81: http://gamester81.com Slope's Game Room's The Complete History Series...



T-shirt ordered! Big's ups Dan.

Slopes Game Room

You just made my day :) ya gotta take a pic when you get it! 1st ever t-shirt sold has gone to this guy right here!!!!


I was hoping you had made a geocities or angelfire website! I'll def pop you pic over dude. Couldn't get over that mega drive T is brilliant :D