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Hi all

I get offered games all the time (unfortunately not big ones lol)

Not being nasty but they are all pretty much garbage lol

However, I just been offered "Agricola: All creatures big and small" 


Its a very niche game but I am a HUGE fan of the board game so I know its probably going to be pretty good (if you are into that sorta thing). Sadly I do not have the time to play it nor the time to review it.

It has a link to forward it on to other content creator if I want so thought Id ask you guys before I sadly delete it :)


-DJ Slope

P.S. btw check the last post for an update on the Pitfall video. I am currently editing right now, so expect a longer version either tonight or tomorrow at some point



Thanks for the offer bud but it doesn't look like my kind of game. Thanks anyway :)