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Hey guys,

First things first thanks as usual goes out to everyone that is contributing to my work, I have updated the reward tiers so please change your tier to fit the amount you are currently paying.

Right let's get down to it.

Firstly like I already said I have changed the tiers. What do you guys think. Please criticize away I want your feedback.

I have also removed the tiers (or whatever they called) cos I had stuff like 

"buy a green screen"

"sort my loft out" etc.!!! lol I didn't really know what to add here when I started out. Either way I have sussed it out now and kept that section of my Patreon page down to a minimum. 

And that's it, again please let me know if you have suggestions. Also please be honest do I send too many of these messages? I would hate to become an annoyance lol.


Finally, you have probably all already seen it but I did a 10 great you-tubers under 5,000 subs! Unfortunately JMM i was unable to add you due to your sub count but keep an eye out over the next week, I got something brewing ;)

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope



awesome, great tiers, can't wait to see whats in the pipeline, keep strong man your videos are quality x


Personally I'm not a big fan of locking levels of exclusive content behind various tiers. I think if someone is a Patreon, it should unlock all "behind the scenes" style content and the opportunity to interact with the creator. (As there may be people who want to support, but can't necessarily give extra $ due to their financial position). I'm fully behind the other style of tier unlocks though like monthly skype calls, the slopes crate, tshirt, etc. All that stuff as they require additional time and resources (plus covering your own costs). I wouldn't be offended or annoyed if you stuck with how the tiers are now by the way, I'm just saying that's my personal opinion. It doesn't mean I want or "expect" you to change anything based on that. Purely just giving my feedback. As you know I think you're awesome and I love your channel/content. :-)


Woah your avatar! lol. I couldn't make it out apart from seeing sonic, then clicked your profile link to see the bigger picture! Haha that was a surprise!


its only a Vlog + behind scenes behind a paywall :D and its $2.50 a month, for the amount of work he puts in, its totally worth it!


I agree it's worth it, but as a creator myself I'm paying out more than I'm getting in already. When/if I earn more, I will certainly give more as Dan/DjSlope's is awesome. It's just an opinion :-)

Slopes Game Room

Ya know what.... FUCK YOU!!! HAHAHA only joking buddy Thanks for the feedback mate, I didn't really think about that. I think it will be weird that people paying anything less than a few bucks will still get posts that they cant see... hmmmmmm. I think I need to go back to the drawing board here. I think I may have found a solution WATCH THIS SPACE!


I can't get my ice imported from the North Pole AND pay an extra $1.50 for behind the scenes content :-P hahaha

Slopes Game Room

Thanks for the feedback guys, apologies for changing things up so quickly for those that have not had a chance to see what I am doing... Right, so considering since I started I actually only had 1 tier which is $1 minimum and you guys choose what to pay. It's worked for me and I think its the best way to go So I have changed the tiers again to stick with this style but still give people that want physical stuffs the chance to do so. Feedback again please peeps, do you like version 3.0?

Slopes Game Room

Cheers bud, all your guys feedback really does help (videos included) I want to make sure I'm doing the very best I can. Gonna try my best to give you all an update on a new video I'm working on by the end of the day :)


Hey Slope thanks for the post, I think I need to do something about my tier system too, it is a really hard thing to get right! Oh wow I just notice you have went to town on yours! Slope Crate!? That sounds awesome!lol