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Here you go guys... been working really hard on this

This is the 1st half completely edited of the upcoming streets of rage complete history 

And here is the intro (these are uploading as I type this so you may need to give em 5 minutes to process onto YouTube)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W021sMJmrFs 

All the hard parts of the video are done so the rest should be clear sailing :D 

I am about to go live on the channel, so hopefully, I will see you all in the stream in a bit

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


For anybody that has not seen them here are the KickScammer exclusive clips 


streets of rage 1st half



Looking good after just a couple of minutes of viewing. I dare not watch the rest for fear of spoiling the whole thing. Looking forward to the finished product. Cheers, matey!