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Here ya go guys,

I am working flat out on this video, not to brag... but it's some of my best work!

People always ask me how long it takes to make my videos... well, besides the scripting, research and audio editing (which took weeks) the above video took me about 7 hours! (which is very fast for me)

I already have all the footage done for the original's ports + Contra Evolution (the arcade remake) and I am currently at the NES section of the original and I plan to finish it along with the sequel, the Gameboy game and the beginning of Contra 3 before I go to bed tonight!

The reason I have decided to stop at that exact point is that I am actually still waiting on some voice samples from one of my collaborators :D and in case you were wondering the people included in this particular video are all of the AMERICAN variety :P (i thought it would be best considering this game is so big in the states)

  • Gilly The Kid
  • Smash JT
  • Justin Whang
  • Ant Dude
  • My Retro Life

Quite a nice collection of peeps if I do say so myself :D

Anyway, must dash, gotta continue with this monstrous video (it will be close to an hour in the end)



P.S. I just realized I have had a few new Patreons / YouTube Members over the last couple of days... can't thank you enough, it's because of you all that I am able to really knuckle down and make crazy big video like this :D


O and btw... before I go! I did wanna announce the next big nerdy discussion will be...


contra part 2 (Patreon / YTM early access)



Awesome! Great job, my friend! Looking forward to the entire video! Glad you’re well! Stay safe, my friend! Best to the family as well! Lou aka RetroToNextGen

Slopes Game Room

hope you are staying safe too! we are staying in constantly (as is the law) but in all honesty its not a whole lot different for me as I tend to work indoors loads anyway :P