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Hey all

As usual you all get to see next weeks video, this week :)


Just wanna say a massive thanks to you all for helping make my videos look A LOT NICER! my last unboxing video looked like it was filmed at the back of a cave and now (as you will see above) is a demonstration on my new lighting :)

So that's update #1, moving on...

Update #2, last night I hosted a "Game Show" with a few you-tuber friends (all worth checking out) and we had special guests Ashens & Guru Larry :) If you wanna see it click here...


And finally update #3 (stop reading now if you don't want to know anything about my next SGR episode)

Well you may already know that the next episode is based on a franchise that involves a certain fluffy character from the Amstrad / Amiga days called... SKWEEK 

If you have been keeping up with my posts on here you will know I asked him if he wanted to be interviewed, well he accepted and the interview is done.

However, as the guy is french its almost impossible to understand him so I need to subtitle it all so expect to see that soon. But for now here is the first couple of minutes of my next episode :)


Please do not share it's just for you :)

My plan is to get this live for your eyes by next weekend (25th, 26th 27th of Sept) However you may see the Peter Pan video before then :)

Mucho love

-DJ Slope

P.S. A massive change is coming very soon to Patreon with some pretty seriously impressive perks that will hopefully help you guys to become more engaged with what I put out... WATCH THIS SPACE



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