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Howdy hoooooooooo Patreon peeps

I just wanted to let you know I am working on a proper review of both STADIA and GYLT (in the same video) Most of the script is already finished and I have captured quite a bit of footage for the game too! you can see an early preview of the intro here (still got quite a bit to do to it ofc)

I was planning on doing a stream (if possible) tonight completing the game (already completed it once so should only take a few hours) as I feel like a live stream would actually be quite good for the final STADIA/GYLT video :)

As I am essentially gonna try to speedrun this game, I was planning on opening up my discord chat for patreons to join me... if you fancy it???? we can commentate and talk nerdy live for everyone to hear :D and if you are on the call when stadia fucks up... hahaha well, that might make the final review video :P

As usual this will very much be a 1 in 1 out affair with one of my Discord mods essentially working as the bouncer :P 

So, in short... when you see me streaming tonight! make sure to go to the patreon only rooms in discord and join in the chat live :D


Besides the STADIA video, obviously you have the "EXTRA SLOPE Xbox One" video and the "Monkey Ball HD Review" videos both still available early and only to you guys... but besides all that! Once this STADIA stuff is all done and dusted I can continue working on the next Kickscammer video and finish up getting the last of the facts needed for my next complete history video too





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