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How we all doin' Patreon peeps :)

been a busy week getting back on track with making videos... things are slowly returning to normality. Again thanks for the support everyone... much love all round!


So, Let's update :D Firstly the next video is half finished (actually closer to 70-80% finished) click the video above to see it :D

As you probably know this was written when I was in a weird head space lol | Never fear video game and proper kickscammer stuff will follow after this one :)


Next up... Let's catch up with the Q&As :) I think it's time I did a proper VLOG again :) So, if you are part of the $5 and up click here to ask a question for it 


Movie Night is next...

I think this is fitting :D  20th November 2019 same set up 10pm (UK) start time --- PMs will be going out, as usual, an hour before.. and it will no doubt be full of other YouTubers too :D


What else... Actually I think that's a good amount for now :D

I will update you all when the above video is finished and when I get working on the next one

Mucho Love

-DJ Slope


loot crate [patreon early access]


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