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How are we going Patreon peeps :)

Just wanted to apologise for my computer being shitty at the weekend as my latest episode of kickscammer news was finished. However, it sadly crashed whilst rendering 3 times! And I have now resorted to rendering in chunks and then stitching it all together.

Today is the day of a family funeral so obviously I am unable to do the stitching together until either very late tonight or more than likely tomorrow morning. I will update again when that video is ready for you all to see.


It's been a weird couple of weeks for me and because of this as you know I ended up making a video all about loot crate… that's still in the works… well, last night, I couldnt sleep and before you know it it was 2am this morning and I had just finished a full on 10-15 minute script all about the history of November 5th and the forgotten video game associated with it!

Will this video ever actually get made??? Who knows, we will see, if not… bring on November 5th 2020!


Besides this as you know I have also finished a script about the history of indie game studio two tribes… so expect that soon too


Anyway, I must dash. Mucho love guys




Thinking of you & your family on this day. Best wishes & take care.


Thoughts are with you and yours today. Hope everything goes as smooth as possible. 🙏

Slopes Game Room

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v_GSNBjISk&feature=youtu.be HERE'S THE KICKSCAMMER NEWS VIDEO :D